Saturday, February 28, 2009

Government and Charity

Should the Federal Government be in the business of charitable giving? Since liberals are not noted for charitable giving they think so, at least to insure their liberal programs oriented toward abortions, same sex alliances, environmentalism, welfare, the arts, and "family planning" with billions of tax dollars every year provided by the Federal Government.

From the FRC website: "To the dismay of people across the political spectrum, the White House has asked for a 20% reduction in the amount that upper-income people can deduct from their taxes for making charitable donations. This is a killer to convervative values and support for conservative causes which seem far from the mindset of our members of the legislature.

If the provision passes, the White House would be well on its way to replacing the work of churches, nonprofits, and social service agencies with more government programs, which studies have proven to be a poor and ineffective substitute. Americans should be outraged. If there's one place that doesn't need our charity, it's Washington.

Start thinking ahead to the next election. We need people in Washington that will vote to get the Government out of the charity business, to allow people to support their causes and not the Government. We need a grass roots effort to build a strong constituency for reform and legislative reason where our elected officials consider the role of Governement and not the charitable giving that their liberal supporters are not capable of doing on their own. The liberals want support from the government for themselves - welfare, health care, mortgage modification, etc. - and their causes - abortion, same sex marriage, the 'arts', philosophical thinking, liberal education, and more. This is not the role of a well structured Government. We need better leaders. Obama is changing nothing, or better still he is changing everything, but not for the sake of all Americans, only the liberals. Work for a new base to enter Washington in the future or accept socialism.

Say this prayer: "In Jesus' name, we humbly beg for God's mercy and forgiveness, we beg Him to send forth a spiritual renewal and in doing so, heal our Land"

Friday, February 27, 2009

HR 1592 - Hate Crimes Legislation

From Tony Perkins at FRC. "The enactment of so-called "hate crimes" legislation is a long-stated objective of the homosexual agenda. What this legislation does is lay the legal foundation and framework for investigating, prosecuting and persecuting pastors, business owners, and anyone else whose words and actions reflect their faith.
The act would establish a new FEDERAL offense for so-called "hate crimes" and add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" as specially protected classes. It will mandate a separate federal criminal prosecution for state offenses.
Adding "sexual orientation" to thought crimes legislation gives one set of crime victims a higher level of protection than it gives to people like you and me.
In essence, it would codify into federal law that certain types of people -- homosexuals and "transgenders," for example -- deserve greater protection under the law than others.
ALL people deserve to be protected from crime, not just certain groups."

Such an action will censor the Church. It also limits everyone's freedom of speech, including what they believe Biblically. We may love the sinner and hate the sin. We are not the judge, only God has the authority. But if asked what we believe we should be able to provide reference to the Word of God and the truth embodied theirein without threat of incarceration.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Lighthouse

We are as ships at sea. We travel in a wide expanse of territory with no paved pathway. On land we have highways and intersections. We have traffic lights, yield signs, one-way arrows, stops signs, and many other directional elements to insure we stay in sync with the by-ways so nicely arranged for drivers. Highway engineers did this all for us. On land we can use maps to locate our destination and follow the then selected routes to get there. Today with GPS we can input an address and like magic a voice will begin telling us the proper roads and turns to take to achieve our goal. Satellites in the sky provide the GPS data.
At sea we may have a destination but our map is more complicated and requires training. If a clear night we may be able to use the stars to navigate. In daylight we can judge direction by the sun's location and hours of daylight. If cloudy, dark and overcast, we may be at a loss, unless we have sophisticated GPS devices on board and the "sky-birds" to rely upon. Nearing shore, approaching a nearby landmass, there may be essential beacons for us to locate, the lighthouse, a welcoming display of light, a pattern of bright signals telling us, with the right reference book, just where we are and providing a point of entry to our final goal; if not our final goal at least telling us where we are.
For a believer, or those wanting to find their way, the Church is our lighthouse. There are many lighthouses from which to choose, or to see. They may be the welcoming beacon to a heavenly goal. Wherever we may be, wherever we travel, a church is not far away. We can find safety, comfort, shelter, awareness and knowledge at the lighthouse. We can be provided needed guidance to help us get from where we are to where we need to be. Taking the path suggested remains optional. It is the right path, but also an option. If we remain lost, or wandering, we know that is our choice. However there may be another lighthouse to visit just around the corner in case we change our mind. The doors to the lighthouse are always open. The keeper of the lighthouse loves everyone that enters.
Churches are God's lighthouses, the ministerial staff the keepers of the light, for a sea filled with non-believers and Christians, those with doubts and those with trust, providing access to the Lord and his safe harbor. A GPS can never fail you when you have the Lord as your lighthouse keeper. His "sky-bird", God's satellite, will always be there and can open up a pathway to his Kingdom. His Word is your GPS.

Monday, February 23, 2009


All Christians know the meaning of the Eucharist. It is a time of reflection and remembering Christ and his sacrifice for all. The Love and Grace of our Lord came as our salvation to us through Jesus life, horrific death and resurrection. We all remember. Christmas and Easter also provide for our recall of all that has been done for those that believe. We are blessed to have the holidays to help remember - should we never forget. Wake Up Wake Up shares my frustration with the magnitude of the holdiays and the efforts to dilute what they mean. But indeed Wake Up Wake Up will remind you of the importance, provide some backgound and history to enable you too to keep your path clear and your steps free of obstacles that may cause you to stumble. We all stumble, but can we get up, arise, and keep walking in the right direction? Look for the Book on store shelves within a few months.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Finding Your Footing

“…the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.” (Romans 8:6-8). Where are we all heading? With a new Administration we need to have hope. Hope that all will evolve as the 'brights' that are in Washington make their mark on our current and future society. Keep your faith, respect our Government. We are all sinners, even our leaders, but if we try, and they try, and the Truth prevails, there will be hope. I pray each day for our leaders and that they find the strength to do what is right.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"For as long as I can remember," says Ann Coulter in her Foreword to this book (Speechless - Silencing the Christians by Donald Wildmon), "liberals have been running around in a state of indignation, shouting that the government is being taken over by a dangerous band of religious fanatics who want to abolish the First Amendment, establish a national religion, force their bizarre sexual morality on children in public schools, rewrite the nation's laws to enforce their personal moral preferences, and punish anyone who dissents from their views. Unfortunately it's all true. That's precisely what liberals are trying to do."

I must admit I feel the same. Why can't the Bible be taught in public schools, especially if parents request that be a subject for their children. It is a historical document of significant importance. Christians are not believers in a Theocracy. They want govenment and the church to be separate. What is Caesar's is Caesar's, what is God's is God's. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (Matthew 22:21 - NIV Bible). There needs to be greater understanding and knowledge of the facts.

What have you to say?

A New Book to be Published

We are getting ready to publish. The book, Wake Up, Wake Up - The Testimony of a Layman. Tate Publications, Mustang, OK, is the publisher. The book will be available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other sources. There is much to do to complete, but it is all in the works. This has been quite an exciting process and as we approach finalization, it is even more exciting. I feel blessed and so fortunate to have a Publisher that accepted what I wrote and was willing to work with me to edit, improve, format and publish. It will also be available in Audio Book form. Stay with this site to learn more.