First - From Fox News.
Pentagon Briefings No Longer Quote the Bible
AP| Politics
… Briefings No Longer Quote the Bible The Pentagon said Monday it no longer includes a Bible quote on the cover page of daily intelligence ..... Pentagon said Monday it no longer includes a Bible quote on the cover page of daily intelligence …
A response from a Fox listener: by bethclaresfo [May 20, 2009 4:07:20 PM]
"Bush is a Christian, therefore he had the right to accept the scripture quotes from the Pentagon. BO claims to be a Christian, and does not want the scripture quotes. Another indication that BO is not what he claims. Any real Christian in the position of President of the U.S. would read scripture everyday to help guide him/her. How many Christians who are just trying to get thru a simple day, without the responsiblities of running a country, read scripture everyday to help guide them in their decision making? My educated guess, as a bible reading Christian, is most of them."
Second - From Fox News
San Diego Home bible Study - Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit - From FoxNews
Thursday, May 28, 2009 "Pastor David Jones and his wife Mary have been told that they cannot invite friends to their San Diego, Calif. home for a bible study — unless they are willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars to San Diego County.
"On Good Friday we had an employee from San Diego County come to our house, and inform us that the bible study that we were having was a religious assembly, and in violation of the code in the county." David Jones told FOX News.
"We told them this is not really a religious assembly — this is just a bible study with friends. We have a meal, we pray, that was all," Jones said.
A few days later, the couple received a written warning that cited "unlawful use of land," ordering them to either "stop religious assembly or apply for a major use permit," the couple's attorney Dean Broyles told San Diego news station 10News.
But the major use permit could cost the Jones' thousands of dollars just to have a few friends over.
For David and Mary Jones, it's about more than a question of money.
"The government may not prohibit the free exercise of religion," Broyles told FOX News. "I believe that our Founding Fathers would roll over in their grave if they saw that here in the year 2009, a pastor and his wife are being told that they cannot hold a simple bible study in their own home."
"The implications are great because it’s not only us that’s involved," Mary Jones said. "There are thousands and thousands of bible studies that are held all across the country. What we’re interested in is setting a precedent here — before it goes any further — and that we have it settled for the future."
The couple is planning to dispute the county's order this week.
If San Diego County refuses to allow the pastor and his wife to continue gathering without acquiring a permit, they will consider a lawsuit in federal court."
Now from me --
Now we wait and watch to see where actions such as the above lead us. Some Christians see these and similar actions by the secularist community as signs of End Times. I don't know if I would go that far, but certainly times are changing. How we fight back is another question. By being strong in our faith and making others aware of developments is one way. We are not the ones to judge or condemn others for their actions. We can only hold to our faith in the Lord and be sincere in our own actions. Write, pray, be open about your faith. We still live in a free country and must continue to battle to insure our freedoms are never compromised - this for all, not just Christians. Be proud of who you are and share your beliefs with others so they know too its Okay to be a Christian.
Pray every day!!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Fat & VAT
A friend reminded me today that Obama's team, directly or indirectly, subversively, has proposed a Fat tax, in addition to the VAT tax. Anything with sugar, like sodas and candy, and I know they will come up with more fattening things to tax to help all us weight watchers. Obama is truly watching out for us all. Bless that man.
Venting Over VAT
VAT is the What? of today. What next? Okay we add 25% to the price of everything. Proceeds go to the federal government. That will be a great deal of money. But what about non-governmental spending. Overnight $2.00 milk will be $2.50. That $10,000 Obama-mobile will be $12,500. If each year you spend $30,000 on stuff, that stuff will now cost $37,500 - but more likely you will still spend $30,000 and simply buy $7,500 less stuff. (Probably even less given the current direction of our economy) GNP goes down. So too will other tax revenues - as we can assume the IRS take and percentages will not change (and still increase as forecast). More money to be spent by our most trustworthy, yet little respected (as per the polls) congressmen and senators - both D's and R's. What have they done lately to save Americans.
It is estimated there are over 24,000 staff members for 535 congressmen and senators. At an average of $76,000 per staff member that's $1,824,000,000. Yes, 1.8 Billion dollars. There is another $1,000,000 to run each office, and more for the research areas and other general staff support groups. Now we are over the 2.3 Billion mark. The Executive Branch in not in that figure, nor any of the NEW departments, like the Car-Czar command post. Have you heard anything about any of these areas having cut-backs? BUT - think of the benefits. With less staff to keep busy, not only could we save over $1 billion (that's much more than any savings the Obama team has yet to find) there would be less pork to produce, and less superfluous legislation concocted. With all the staff in place our House and Senate leaders still find it beneath them to actually read any of the bills to be voted upon. Mr. Waxman of Calif. is the poster child of that unfortunate habit - on a global warming bill he stated he did not have to read it, it was prepared by scientists.) Maybe he can't read. His diet must contain too many California fruits and nuts - Pelosi suffers from the same form of consumption.
This VAT talk is to help pay for the new health care program. Obama-Motors is about to manufacture the Obama-Ambulance, funded by the Obama-Bank, that will take Obama's nation of sick and needy persons to Doctors and Hospitals employed in the Obama-Health-Care-System that will continue to be sued by the nation's lawyers for any imperfections in the 'practice' of medicine in which they engage. All Obama abortions will be paid for and if you are a medical professional and performing abortions is against what you believe - well that's just tough - get over it - do it.
Would the cost of health care, as an aside, be helped by Tort Reform? What - yes Tort Reform. Who was that VP under Bush 41 - Quail? He was a leader for Tort Reform. Why no progress (and remember the Quail tomato attacks)? - because Washington runs amok with lawyers. There isn't a lawyer that wants to hear the term tort reform. They shudder at the thought. Throw a stone just about anywhere in Washington and there is a good chance you will hit a lawyer. Outside of Washington you need to aim more carefully. (This was once said about atheists on college campuses) Washington is a Club of lawyers, so it seems, insuring lawyers get more work (figuring what to do about the un-read bills passed by the over-staffed congressmen and senators - and how to sue to get judges to then finalize the legislation from the bench - more lawyers), and maintain an environment of well paid legal eagles. Reduce the lawsuits and many may be out of work - just lawyers though. That would not be good for the lawyers, but for Americans and our economy it would be just fine. What Obama is doing for Unions, lawyers do for lawyers everyday. Self-service to the exteme.
We regular working folk may not stand a chance. Keep praying.
It is estimated there are over 24,000 staff members for 535 congressmen and senators. At an average of $76,000 per staff member that's $1,824,000,000. Yes, 1.8 Billion dollars. There is another $1,000,000 to run each office, and more for the research areas and other general staff support groups. Now we are over the 2.3 Billion mark. The Executive Branch in not in that figure, nor any of the NEW departments, like the Car-Czar command post. Have you heard anything about any of these areas having cut-backs? BUT - think of the benefits. With less staff to keep busy, not only could we save over $1 billion (that's much more than any savings the Obama team has yet to find) there would be less pork to produce, and less superfluous legislation concocted. With all the staff in place our House and Senate leaders still find it beneath them to actually read any of the bills to be voted upon. Mr. Waxman of Calif. is the poster child of that unfortunate habit - on a global warming bill he stated he did not have to read it, it was prepared by scientists.) Maybe he can't read. His diet must contain too many California fruits and nuts - Pelosi suffers from the same form of consumption.
This VAT talk is to help pay for the new health care program. Obama-Motors is about to manufacture the Obama-Ambulance, funded by the Obama-Bank, that will take Obama's nation of sick and needy persons to Doctors and Hospitals employed in the Obama-Health-Care-System that will continue to be sued by the nation's lawyers for any imperfections in the 'practice' of medicine in which they engage. All Obama abortions will be paid for and if you are a medical professional and performing abortions is against what you believe - well that's just tough - get over it - do it.
Would the cost of health care, as an aside, be helped by Tort Reform? What - yes Tort Reform. Who was that VP under Bush 41 - Quail? He was a leader for Tort Reform. Why no progress (and remember the Quail tomato attacks)? - because Washington runs amok with lawyers. There isn't a lawyer that wants to hear the term tort reform. They shudder at the thought. Throw a stone just about anywhere in Washington and there is a good chance you will hit a lawyer. Outside of Washington you need to aim more carefully. (This was once said about atheists on college campuses) Washington is a Club of lawyers, so it seems, insuring lawyers get more work (figuring what to do about the un-read bills passed by the over-staffed congressmen and senators - and how to sue to get judges to then finalize the legislation from the bench - more lawyers), and maintain an environment of well paid legal eagles. Reduce the lawsuits and many may be out of work - just lawyers though. That would not be good for the lawyers, but for Americans and our economy it would be just fine. What Obama is doing for Unions, lawyers do for lawyers everyday. Self-service to the exteme.
We regular working folk may not stand a chance. Keep praying.
Update on BOOK - Wake Up!
Wake Up! Wake Up! - The Testimony of a Layman. Progress continues. From the Publisher, "We are another step closer to finishing your book! Attached you will find a pdf file of your book's layout." Soon after this stage a book bound, front cover, back and spine, for me to read, make any possible last minute corrections, approve and then it goes to Press. Wow! Tate (The Publisher) has not provided a possible release date, but I am certainly hoping before year end, even before Thanksgiving. A new trailer prepared by Mark Baldwin - he is talented - accompanies this posting. I am now on Face Book (become a Friend, Christian Nation (a facebook for Christians) and Twitter (become a Follower). Join me any way you can. We welcome old and new friends.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Good News - Bad News
Good News - Congressional Representative Paul Brown of George has proposed 'The Bible Bill.' Freedom came from the Bible. Our ethical and moral standards are embodied in the Bible. We need to keep the Bible in the forefront of our culture. Let's make, as he suggests, 2010 The Year of The Bible. But then shouldn't every year?
Bad News - Obama Supreme Court nominee - Sotomayor. Liberal for her is a moderate word. She is Left of everyone, no one is left of her, and likes the idea that policy can be made from the bench. She could become a one woman law maker. Start to worry now!
Bad News - Obama Supreme Court nominee - Sotomayor. Liberal for her is a moderate word. She is Left of everyone, no one is left of her, and likes the idea that policy can be made from the bench. She could become a one woman law maker. Start to worry now!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
American Prisons and Islam
Out of American Prisons
Obama wants Gitmo detainees in America’s prison. Even though I ask the question “Why?” this is not the place to answer, but to understand what has occurred in American’s prisons with respect to homegrown Islamic terrorists.
The recent thwarted attempt to destroy synagogues in The Bronx by 4 Muslim ex-convicts, at least two of which converted while incarcerated, one of which was the alleged mastermind, exemplifies what can occur with devoted Muslims transferred from Gitmo. Given an audience of many that already resent being in prison, that resentment can be used and raised to a higher level of hatred towards America. It is happening without them, but why have more. Many of today’s papers discuss this concern. I have taken my lead from the Palm Beach Post (May 23, 2009, pg 1A, 10A) front page, the headline reading, “Plot revives fears of radical Islam in nation’s prisons.” The article discussed the arrest of the 4 Muslim ex-cons.
Recall the Nation of Islam, the Malcolm X contingent, many arrested and imprisoned for their refusal to fight for our country during WWII. While in jail they worked to convert other convicts. The process continues. The PBP article suggests many inmates are gravitating “toward Islam out of resentment for being locked-up.” The character of those converted to Islam, which a NYPD intelligence analyst refers to as “Prislam”, foments hate towards America. Their view may be “distorted” and reflect a “‘ cut-and-paste’ reading of the Quran on the Internet” “from gang leaders or other inmates.” But is that any different from the thousands of Madrassas that exist in every Arab nation teaching Muslims to hate the infidels? Islam teaches hate (subjectivity and not objectivity), let me tone that down, they teach ‘a strong dislike of those who are different’, of that I am convinced. From the Nation of Muslim refusing to fight for a country that offers them freedom, complete freedom, to growing Islamic resistance for American values, to 911 attacks and more, and garnering support from the likes of our President to show tolerance to a group that simply dislikes our moral and ethical values, can we enable even a greater presence of American dislike on our shores? Is it because our moral and ethical values, those of Europe and much of the world, comes from the truth that is bible based that the Muslim leadership is so compelled to attack similar standards anywhere they exist? Which would you prefer? Love your neighbor even if he does not agree with you. Or kill your neighbor if they do not agree with you – do not agree and you are the infidel. For me a Muslim can be a Muslim – that is their choice and their right. But if a Muslim decides, objectively, that his faith has changed and Christianity becomes his path, should he then be placed on a ‘hit-list.’ That is not tolerance. Many Muslims live today as closet Christians (or of another religion) for fear of their Muslim neighbor.
This raises the comparative issue of Islam vs. Christianity. Chuck Colson’s Prison Ministries tells many stories of converts to Christianity returning to their communities after release to do wonderful works. There is at least one case I am aware where the converted Christian returned to his prison as chaplain. There is no story where a Christian convert masterminded a terrorist plot against synagogues or Americans.
In a response to a Muslim article condemning British schools for teaching cultural values opposed to Muslim traditions and blaming such schools for their failure to adopt or adapt to Islamic law, it was written, “All of the violent attacks against the West and against the very countries who have welcomed these intolerant, non-assimilating immigrants into their home have been our own fault.” This is akin to Obama blaming Bush for everything. Going on to ask, “When the hell are we going to start getting offended? What more will it take? Are we going to submit to the self-righteous rantings of the hate-filled Iftikhars (Muslim human rights lawyers) of this world. Are we going to allow them to use our liberal guilt against us? We will meekly turn over our Judeo/Christian societies to their backward barbarism rather that taking the chance of being called racists?” (This from a post on by Roger W. Gardner)
Christians volunteer, they can come and go from their faith if they so choose. God will love them and hold a party for them upon their return. Muslims will welcome new comers, but if you are currently a Muslim, or become a Muslim, then never leave as that is not possible. It is not voluntary. Your intellect and objectivity must be left at the door once you enter the gates of Islam. It is like entering a prison, a life-time confinement in the laws and dictates of the leaders of the religion. For me it is not a “faith” for they must act according to ritualistic methods, required practices, and repetitious mantras. It is a life-sentence and no escape is possible. Where in the Muslim world is there an open practiced tolerance of other religions? – there is not one Muslim country that allows freedom of religion – not one. Allah will hunt you down in the form of a follower of Allah – they will be your judge. God is the judge of Christians and that judgment will occur after you die physically, not before.
Keep the Gitmo detainees where they are. It certainly appears to be working.
Obama wants Gitmo detainees in America’s prison. Even though I ask the question “Why?” this is not the place to answer, but to understand what has occurred in American’s prisons with respect to homegrown Islamic terrorists.
The recent thwarted attempt to destroy synagogues in The Bronx by 4 Muslim ex-convicts, at least two of which converted while incarcerated, one of which was the alleged mastermind, exemplifies what can occur with devoted Muslims transferred from Gitmo. Given an audience of many that already resent being in prison, that resentment can be used and raised to a higher level of hatred towards America. It is happening without them, but why have more. Many of today’s papers discuss this concern. I have taken my lead from the Palm Beach Post (May 23, 2009, pg 1A, 10A) front page, the headline reading, “Plot revives fears of radical Islam in nation’s prisons.” The article discussed the arrest of the 4 Muslim ex-cons.
Recall the Nation of Islam, the Malcolm X contingent, many arrested and imprisoned for their refusal to fight for our country during WWII. While in jail they worked to convert other convicts. The process continues. The PBP article suggests many inmates are gravitating “toward Islam out of resentment for being locked-up.” The character of those converted to Islam, which a NYPD intelligence analyst refers to as “Prislam”, foments hate towards America. Their view may be “distorted” and reflect a “‘ cut-and-paste’ reading of the Quran on the Internet” “from gang leaders or other inmates.” But is that any different from the thousands of Madrassas that exist in every Arab nation teaching Muslims to hate the infidels? Islam teaches hate (subjectivity and not objectivity), let me tone that down, they teach ‘a strong dislike of those who are different’, of that I am convinced. From the Nation of Muslim refusing to fight for a country that offers them freedom, complete freedom, to growing Islamic resistance for American values, to 911 attacks and more, and garnering support from the likes of our President to show tolerance to a group that simply dislikes our moral and ethical values, can we enable even a greater presence of American dislike on our shores? Is it because our moral and ethical values, those of Europe and much of the world, comes from the truth that is bible based that the Muslim leadership is so compelled to attack similar standards anywhere they exist? Which would you prefer? Love your neighbor even if he does not agree with you. Or kill your neighbor if they do not agree with you – do not agree and you are the infidel. For me a Muslim can be a Muslim – that is their choice and their right. But if a Muslim decides, objectively, that his faith has changed and Christianity becomes his path, should he then be placed on a ‘hit-list.’ That is not tolerance. Many Muslims live today as closet Christians (or of another religion) for fear of their Muslim neighbor.
This raises the comparative issue of Islam vs. Christianity. Chuck Colson’s Prison Ministries tells many stories of converts to Christianity returning to their communities after release to do wonderful works. There is at least one case I am aware where the converted Christian returned to his prison as chaplain. There is no story where a Christian convert masterminded a terrorist plot against synagogues or Americans.
In a response to a Muslim article condemning British schools for teaching cultural values opposed to Muslim traditions and blaming such schools for their failure to adopt or adapt to Islamic law, it was written, “All of the violent attacks against the West and against the very countries who have welcomed these intolerant, non-assimilating immigrants into their home have been our own fault.” This is akin to Obama blaming Bush for everything. Going on to ask, “When the hell are we going to start getting offended? What more will it take? Are we going to submit to the self-righteous rantings of the hate-filled Iftikhars (Muslim human rights lawyers) of this world. Are we going to allow them to use our liberal guilt against us? We will meekly turn over our Judeo/Christian societies to their backward barbarism rather that taking the chance of being called racists?” (This from a post on by Roger W. Gardner)
Christians volunteer, they can come and go from their faith if they so choose. God will love them and hold a party for them upon their return. Muslims will welcome new comers, but if you are currently a Muslim, or become a Muslim, then never leave as that is not possible. It is not voluntary. Your intellect and objectivity must be left at the door once you enter the gates of Islam. It is like entering a prison, a life-time confinement in the laws and dictates of the leaders of the religion. For me it is not a “faith” for they must act according to ritualistic methods, required practices, and repetitious mantras. It is a life-sentence and no escape is possible. Where in the Muslim world is there an open practiced tolerance of other religions? – there is not one Muslim country that allows freedom of religion – not one. Allah will hunt you down in the form of a follower of Allah – they will be your judge. God is the judge of Christians and that judgment will occur after you die physically, not before.
Keep the Gitmo detainees where they are. It certainly appears to be working.
Christians and Liberals,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Keep Praying
The only thing we can do is keep praying.
Obama, however, is a worry. His priorities seem at odds with America, and the needs of the American people. We are in a crisis.
In the April 13, 2009 edition of The Weekly Standard, Sam Schulman wrote in an article entitled, Honor Killing, American-Style, “In the Obama Administration there can be no dissent from the view that abortion must be unrestricted, paid for, and with no shilly-shallying about parental notification, partial birth abortion, or other such measures that would actually reduce the frequency of abortion.” He goes on to tell his readers Obama “is also poised to rescind a regulation protecting the ‘conscience exemption’ on abortion.” If abortion violates your beliefs, it won’t matter, do it anyway. He notes “Obama’s intolerance of the consciousness of so many of us is particularly curious.” While Iran is launching missiles in defiance of Obama’s verbal goal of mid-east peace through “tenderness” and a gentle hand-holding, kumbayah stuff, “against those who would attack us”, “to those Americans who wish merely to refrain from what they regard as harming babies – the president extends not a hand but a fist.” How well stated – what about priorities?
In the May 23, 2009 issue of World Magazine, Edward Lee Pitts wrote in his article, Serving America, “AmeriCorps will be tripled from 75,000 positions to 225,000 during the next eight years. The largest expansion of full-time, government-subsidized public service since…the Peace Corps.” Sen Jim DeMint said this “would make AmeriCorps the nation’s 14th-largest company.” “The increased volunteer pool could give vast power for the federal government to place added restrictions on nonprofits.” I have said all along that the federal government should not be in the charity business. But Obama clearly wants to take over the business of serving those, in his own way, that are normally served by charities. Eliminating deductions to charities goes to that same end. Is this a priority – even intelligent? Why should ‘we the people’ be supporting Planned Parenthood, ACORN, the ACLU, and any other group that should find their funding from external sources. Let those whose views are strong support those organizations, non-government, that do what pleases them. Government involvement only politicizes matters that should be left to the people, not to Obama or any other President. Is America becoming Obama’s personal charity, his personal cause, his socialist agenda fulfilled?
Obama-Motors, with the Unions as a majority shareholder – would you buy a car from the UAW? Can you imagine what a car built by the Unions and the Government combined might look like? One thing is for sure, the new ‘mpg’ constraints are designed to sell Obama-motors cars, at a cost to the tax-payers. As to the future, the Obama tax and spend team is optimistic, but the Federal Reserve has a different opinion. The governor of Minnesota is taking a different tack – he is reducing taxes. He says that no economy ever emerged from a crisis by tax and spend. Taxing only finds its way to small businesses, as well as big, and the tax payer, big and small, pays, continues to pay and finds less each day in their pocket. What is left to spend and support the optimism Obama is foisting upon us all? To those employed and barely paying for the health care insurance an employer provides, Obama wants to tax the insurance they receive as income. How does that help?
And the beat goes on. Obama is beating his drum for a new social order, the government doing for you and me just about everything. To him conceptually those on the dole will preserve the vote, a form of insurance, for those that will continue to vote for his social order. “I give to you and you vote for me.” – this is the mantra I hear in my head and have nightmares about. What ever happened to capitalism, the American dream, and private enterprise?
Obama is the Captain of the Ship that is America today. Are you confident he is steering us in the right direction? I cannot say that I am. Protect your rowboat. Make sure it floats and you have both oars. We may need to use them sooner than later.
We live with Government. We vote. We elect. We trust. But we can be deceived. Taxes are the Government’s tool for financial support of programs, obligations, representative’s personal wants for their constituency (“pork”), and general needs for services expected of the Government. Honesty, a desired and promised trait, seems lacking. The platform provided an elected or appointed official can be a “bully pulpit” for good, but today seems more likely a power base for control and greed.
Keep praying.
Obama, however, is a worry. His priorities seem at odds with America, and the needs of the American people. We are in a crisis.
In the April 13, 2009 edition of The Weekly Standard, Sam Schulman wrote in an article entitled, Honor Killing, American-Style, “In the Obama Administration there can be no dissent from the view that abortion must be unrestricted, paid for, and with no shilly-shallying about parental notification, partial birth abortion, or other such measures that would actually reduce the frequency of abortion.” He goes on to tell his readers Obama “is also poised to rescind a regulation protecting the ‘conscience exemption’ on abortion.” If abortion violates your beliefs, it won’t matter, do it anyway. He notes “Obama’s intolerance of the consciousness of so many of us is particularly curious.” While Iran is launching missiles in defiance of Obama’s verbal goal of mid-east peace through “tenderness” and a gentle hand-holding, kumbayah stuff, “against those who would attack us”, “to those Americans who wish merely to refrain from what they regard as harming babies – the president extends not a hand but a fist.” How well stated – what about priorities?
In the May 23, 2009 issue of World Magazine, Edward Lee Pitts wrote in his article, Serving America, “AmeriCorps will be tripled from 75,000 positions to 225,000 during the next eight years. The largest expansion of full-time, government-subsidized public service since…the Peace Corps.” Sen Jim DeMint said this “would make AmeriCorps the nation’s 14th-largest company.” “The increased volunteer pool could give vast power for the federal government to place added restrictions on nonprofits.” I have said all along that the federal government should not be in the charity business. But Obama clearly wants to take over the business of serving those, in his own way, that are normally served by charities. Eliminating deductions to charities goes to that same end. Is this a priority – even intelligent? Why should ‘we the people’ be supporting Planned Parenthood, ACORN, the ACLU, and any other group that should find their funding from external sources. Let those whose views are strong support those organizations, non-government, that do what pleases them. Government involvement only politicizes matters that should be left to the people, not to Obama or any other President. Is America becoming Obama’s personal charity, his personal cause, his socialist agenda fulfilled?
Obama-Motors, with the Unions as a majority shareholder – would you buy a car from the UAW? Can you imagine what a car built by the Unions and the Government combined might look like? One thing is for sure, the new ‘mpg’ constraints are designed to sell Obama-motors cars, at a cost to the tax-payers. As to the future, the Obama tax and spend team is optimistic, but the Federal Reserve has a different opinion. The governor of Minnesota is taking a different tack – he is reducing taxes. He says that no economy ever emerged from a crisis by tax and spend. Taxing only finds its way to small businesses, as well as big, and the tax payer, big and small, pays, continues to pay and finds less each day in their pocket. What is left to spend and support the optimism Obama is foisting upon us all? To those employed and barely paying for the health care insurance an employer provides, Obama wants to tax the insurance they receive as income. How does that help?
And the beat goes on. Obama is beating his drum for a new social order, the government doing for you and me just about everything. To him conceptually those on the dole will preserve the vote, a form of insurance, for those that will continue to vote for his social order. “I give to you and you vote for me.” – this is the mantra I hear in my head and have nightmares about. What ever happened to capitalism, the American dream, and private enterprise?
Obama is the Captain of the Ship that is America today. Are you confident he is steering us in the right direction? I cannot say that I am. Protect your rowboat. Make sure it floats and you have both oars. We may need to use them sooner than later.
We live with Government. We vote. We elect. We trust. But we can be deceived. Taxes are the Government’s tool for financial support of programs, obligations, representative’s personal wants for their constituency (“pork”), and general needs for services expected of the Government. Honesty, a desired and promised trait, seems lacking. The platform provided an elected or appointed official can be a “bully pulpit” for good, but today seems more likely a power base for control and greed.
Keep praying.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
California Speaks For Us All
Has California spoken for the Nation? A Blue state rejects tax increases - voters vote and say 'no more.' Is Washington watching and listening? Is this a precursor to the 2010 vote? What can Washington do that it is not considering at this moment? Following is my Top 10 suggestions for savings. Please send me your thoughts. Add to this list. The first item could be quite significant in many ways.
What Washington Can Eliminate or Consider - My Top 10
1. Reduce size of staff of Congressmen and Senators - at least half of current budgets for staff. Have them demonstrate to everyone they too understand the economic crisis and the squeeze on us all.
2. Eliminate naming opportunities for Congressmen, Senators and other Government members (except after death) on buildings, bridges, roadways, etc., unless contributions made are by the elected official themselves (out of their pockets and the goodness of their hearts). (Call it the Byrd Amendment)
3. Reduce franking privileges, the use of free postal services. Much can be saved here - use email.
4. Eliminate Subsidies, Farm Subsidies, Sugar subsidies, Energy Development subsidies, Any other subsidy.
5. Get the Federal Government out of the abortion business, the business of voter registration and other non-specific activities of Government – such as payments to Planned Parenthood, ACORN and the like. Let the support for these groups come from non-government sources – charities. (Get the Government out of the charity business)
6. Allow States, only, to tax oil, energy companies (alternative energy sources too), to the extent resources are recovered from that State, and to be paid for and to the benefit of the Residents.
7. All requests for payments by Government (like earmarks) shall be in separate legislation. Such requests must stand alone, not as a component of another piece of legislation, and be accompanied with the name of the author.
8. Better still - Eliminate non-essential Earmarks - the purpose clearly stated for any considered "essential.".
9. Reform campaign finance and simplify documentation for non-incumbents. (Washington needs to stop playing games to protect their turf, after all this is supposed to be Government for and by the people. Do you get the impression at times it is Government for and by the incumbents?)
10. Limit the time candidates can campaign for an elected office. Say 6 months max. It would clear the airways for other news – maybe worldwide news and not just political and entertainment news.
Much can be done by Washington to save Billions, make Government more efficient, more effective, and more reflective of the desires of the wonderful peoples of our great Nation.
I have more that can be listed, but I am sure you do too. One already noted to me was reducing the days for mail delivery.
Yes, thank you California voters for speaking for the majority. Now more of us need to speak up. Washington - you can do it - but only if you want to do it for the people.
What Washington Can Eliminate or Consider - My Top 10
1. Reduce size of staff of Congressmen and Senators - at least half of current budgets for staff. Have them demonstrate to everyone they too understand the economic crisis and the squeeze on us all.
2. Eliminate naming opportunities for Congressmen, Senators and other Government members (except after death) on buildings, bridges, roadways, etc., unless contributions made are by the elected official themselves (out of their pockets and the goodness of their hearts). (Call it the Byrd Amendment)
3. Reduce franking privileges, the use of free postal services. Much can be saved here - use email.
4. Eliminate Subsidies, Farm Subsidies, Sugar subsidies, Energy Development subsidies, Any other subsidy.
5. Get the Federal Government out of the abortion business, the business of voter registration and other non-specific activities of Government – such as payments to Planned Parenthood, ACORN and the like. Let the support for these groups come from non-government sources – charities. (Get the Government out of the charity business)
6. Allow States, only, to tax oil, energy companies (alternative energy sources too), to the extent resources are recovered from that State, and to be paid for and to the benefit of the Residents.
7. All requests for payments by Government (like earmarks) shall be in separate legislation. Such requests must stand alone, not as a component of another piece of legislation, and be accompanied with the name of the author.
8. Better still - Eliminate non-essential Earmarks - the purpose clearly stated for any considered "essential.".
9. Reform campaign finance and simplify documentation for non-incumbents. (Washington needs to stop playing games to protect their turf, after all this is supposed to be Government for and by the people. Do you get the impression at times it is Government for and by the incumbents?)
10. Limit the time candidates can campaign for an elected office. Say 6 months max. It would clear the airways for other news – maybe worldwide news and not just political and entertainment news.
Much can be done by Washington to save Billions, make Government more efficient, more effective, and more reflective of the desires of the wonderful peoples of our great Nation.
I have more that can be listed, but I am sure you do too. One already noted to me was reducing the days for mail delivery.
Yes, thank you California voters for speaking for the majority. Now more of us need to speak up. Washington - you can do it - but only if you want to do it for the people.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Teens and Planned Parenthood
The following is word for word from the Family Research Council:
Irresponsible Funding for Irresponsible Behavior
"In keeping with the administration's lack of restraint, Washington is preparing to send a message to America's teens that sexual restraint is also unnecessary. One of the few places that President Obama has shown a stingy side is by cutting programs for teens that have made a meaningful impact on public health. Of course, it's not really a spending cut since the money is being redirected to new pro-contraceptive programs for teens.
In fiscal year (FY) 2009 the Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) fund was $94.7 million. Today the administration is proposing that of the $114.5 allotted for FY 2010, no less than $75 million would go to teen pregnancy prevention programs that include contraception promotion--not abstinence education. While another $25 million could be used for abstinence education, there is no guarantee that it will be since the proposal calls for "new strategies" with this money.
Abstinence funding in Title X Adolescent and Family Life funds is getting a similar cut. Instead of $13 million going to abstinence education, programs that advocate abstinence would have to compete for $3.28 million earmarked as "new strategies" for prevention, but as with CBAE there's no guarantee that the abstinence projects would be funded. The administration defends the abstinence cuts by pointing to studies, many of which are linked to Planned Parenthood, that question the effectiveness of abstinence programs.
The truth is, abstinence education goes beyond pregnancy prevention to promoting holistic change in teenagers. Studies show that in addition to preventing pregnancy and disease, teens who practice abstinence are better off emotionally and are much more likely to experience marital fidelity and satisfaction. The same cannot be said of the comprehensive sex education. In a review of 119 studies, comprehensive sex education has produced no compelling evidence of sustaining a meaningful effect on protective behaviors in a school-based setting, even after three decades of implementation and evaluation.
Additional Resources
Abstinence Works: Studies Validating the Efficacy of Abstinence-Centered Education
Defund and Defend
Kansas State Senator Tim Huelskamp (R) has found a perfect way to save money: defund Planned Parenthood. "Despite allegations of impropriety," he said, "and more than a hundred criminal charges, this year Kansas taxpayers paid out nearly $300,000 to subsidize this entity." The Planned Parenthood gravy train may be coming to an end in Kansas, if Gov. Mark Parkinson (D) joins the state legislature in supporting Huelskamp's amendment. Under it, the state's taxpayers would no longer have to shell out hundreds of thousands to an organization marred by allegations of fraud, criminal cover-ups, clinic deficiencies, and falsification of documents.
We urge Kathleen Sebelius's replacement to set a new tone in Kansas by signing this measure into law and ending the political payoffs to abortion groups like Planned Parenthood. Our hats go off to Senator Huelskamp for what could be a significant victory for people who cherish life--and their hard-earned dollars. "
I support Family Research Council and the positions they take. This is a good organization.
Irresponsible Funding for Irresponsible Behavior
"In keeping with the administration's lack of restraint, Washington is preparing to send a message to America's teens that sexual restraint is also unnecessary. One of the few places that President Obama has shown a stingy side is by cutting programs for teens that have made a meaningful impact on public health. Of course, it's not really a spending cut since the money is being redirected to new pro-contraceptive programs for teens.
In fiscal year (FY) 2009 the Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) fund was $94.7 million. Today the administration is proposing that of the $114.5 allotted for FY 2010, no less than $75 million would go to teen pregnancy prevention programs that include contraception promotion--not abstinence education. While another $25 million could be used for abstinence education, there is no guarantee that it will be since the proposal calls for "new strategies" with this money.
Abstinence funding in Title X Adolescent and Family Life funds is getting a similar cut. Instead of $13 million going to abstinence education, programs that advocate abstinence would have to compete for $3.28 million earmarked as "new strategies" for prevention, but as with CBAE there's no guarantee that the abstinence projects would be funded. The administration defends the abstinence cuts by pointing to studies, many of which are linked to Planned Parenthood, that question the effectiveness of abstinence programs.
The truth is, abstinence education goes beyond pregnancy prevention to promoting holistic change in teenagers. Studies show that in addition to preventing pregnancy and disease, teens who practice abstinence are better off emotionally and are much more likely to experience marital fidelity and satisfaction. The same cannot be said of the comprehensive sex education. In a review of 119 studies, comprehensive sex education has produced no compelling evidence of sustaining a meaningful effect on protective behaviors in a school-based setting, even after three decades of implementation and evaluation.
Additional Resources
Abstinence Works: Studies Validating the Efficacy of Abstinence-Centered Education
Defund and Defend
Kansas State Senator Tim Huelskamp (R) has found a perfect way to save money: defund Planned Parenthood. "Despite allegations of impropriety," he said, "and more than a hundred criminal charges, this year Kansas taxpayers paid out nearly $300,000 to subsidize this entity." The Planned Parenthood gravy train may be coming to an end in Kansas, if Gov. Mark Parkinson (D) joins the state legislature in supporting Huelskamp's amendment. Under it, the state's taxpayers would no longer have to shell out hundreds of thousands to an organization marred by allegations of fraud, criminal cover-ups, clinic deficiencies, and falsification of documents.
We urge Kathleen Sebelius's replacement to set a new tone in Kansas by signing this measure into law and ending the political payoffs to abortion groups like Planned Parenthood. Our hats go off to Senator Huelskamp for what could be a significant victory for people who cherish life--and their hard-earned dollars. "
I support Family Research Council and the positions they take. This is a good organization.
Christians and Liberals,
Friday, May 8, 2009
American Dream or Nightmare
This is not a sales pitch, but an observation.
Americans are about to own a great deal of Chrysler and much of GM. Ford has made it on their own - that is American. Aware of the Union's historical tactics to get their way, and now seeing the tactics of the new Administration to subvert the Rule of Law (as well as bend to the financial support received from the Unions), buying anything other than Ford is like buying from Obama motors or the UAW. The other alternative is to buy a car "made in America" by private enterprise. In some cases that may be a car with a Japan based owner or German. Made without the assistence of the Federal Government shares the American dream of independence, freedom, and without a dependence on a Union or Administration of questionable promise. Obama may be working hard to change that dream, but for some it is becoming a nightmare. The decisions made to this juncture may reflect on the decisions made in the manufacture of the Detroit-UAW-Fed-Admin-Obama (the new "DUFAO")automobile. I wish I were a cartoonist and could draw it for you. How can DUFAO fail? We - Americans - will be supporting every bad decision they make, just to save face for Obama. But every car sold will have a few of our dollars under the drivers seat.
George F. Will in a recent editorial in a number of national newspapers, under the heading, Sunbeams from Cucumbers notes, "Buyers should choose Ford Motor Co. This is so because Ford has, so far, avoided becoming an appendage of the government. And because national interests will not be served by GM and Chrysler flourishing." He likens what is transpiring in Washington as "the Academy of Obama." Obama, it seems, views honest investors, which he now seeks (needs) to invest in the Banks and other enterprises the governement wishes to save, as second class citizens, often as the ones to "blame for problems," the perfect scapegoat. Take those that can profit from whatever they do (even as a saver/investor)and suggest they do so at the expense of innocents, on the back of innocents, and do so in a mean, callous, selfish fashion. For any of us that want our hard earned money safe, invested for gain, Obama has little or no respect.
Capitalism is under attack by Obama - to be used as needed, and to be abused whenever it makes Obama look good. Some of those he calls hedge funds and whom he has tried to command take less (from the Chrysler cadaver) than they deserve, even when they are in line for whatever remains in the order established by the government (rule of law line-up),have teachers, workers from various industries, self-employed persons IRA's, and thousands upon thousands of employees pensions under their care. When it is advantageous 'investors' are good, otherwise they are transmogrified into 'speculators', a convenient Jekyl and Hyde transformation. Obama appears to be fronting his interest in the Unions for their financial support for his election (past and future). This seems more like Chicago politics. Obama may have learned well from his local activities in that City.
It is true that most voted for Obama - but not all. When the Administration mouthpieces make claims that the direction they are heading America is supported by the "vast" majority, I have my doubts. What about you? Time to think 2010.
Americans are about to own a great deal of Chrysler and much of GM. Ford has made it on their own - that is American. Aware of the Union's historical tactics to get their way, and now seeing the tactics of the new Administration to subvert the Rule of Law (as well as bend to the financial support received from the Unions), buying anything other than Ford is like buying from Obama motors or the UAW. The other alternative is to buy a car "made in America" by private enterprise. In some cases that may be a car with a Japan based owner or German. Made without the assistence of the Federal Government shares the American dream of independence, freedom, and without a dependence on a Union or Administration of questionable promise. Obama may be working hard to change that dream, but for some it is becoming a nightmare. The decisions made to this juncture may reflect on the decisions made in the manufacture of the Detroit-UAW-Fed-Admin-Obama (the new "DUFAO")automobile. I wish I were a cartoonist and could draw it for you. How can DUFAO fail? We - Americans - will be supporting every bad decision they make, just to save face for Obama. But every car sold will have a few of our dollars under the drivers seat.
George F. Will in a recent editorial in a number of national newspapers, under the heading, Sunbeams from Cucumbers notes, "Buyers should choose Ford Motor Co. This is so because Ford has, so far, avoided becoming an appendage of the government. And because national interests will not be served by GM and Chrysler flourishing." He likens what is transpiring in Washington as "the Academy of Obama." Obama, it seems, views honest investors, which he now seeks (needs) to invest in the Banks and other enterprises the governement wishes to save, as second class citizens, often as the ones to "blame for problems," the perfect scapegoat. Take those that can profit from whatever they do (even as a saver/investor)and suggest they do so at the expense of innocents, on the back of innocents, and do so in a mean, callous, selfish fashion. For any of us that want our hard earned money safe, invested for gain, Obama has little or no respect.
Capitalism is under attack by Obama - to be used as needed, and to be abused whenever it makes Obama look good. Some of those he calls hedge funds and whom he has tried to command take less (from the Chrysler cadaver) than they deserve, even when they are in line for whatever remains in the order established by the government (rule of law line-up),have teachers, workers from various industries, self-employed persons IRA's, and thousands upon thousands of employees pensions under their care. When it is advantageous 'investors' are good, otherwise they are transmogrified into 'speculators', a convenient Jekyl and Hyde transformation. Obama appears to be fronting his interest in the Unions for their financial support for his election (past and future). This seems more like Chicago politics. Obama may have learned well from his local activities in that City.
It is true that most voted for Obama - but not all. When the Administration mouthpieces make claims that the direction they are heading America is supported by the "vast" majority, I have my doubts. What about you? Time to think 2010.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
National Day of Prayer. Let Us ALL Pray.
"As you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted in answer to the prayers of many." - (2 Corinthians 1:11 NIV Bible)
This is not an easy time for any in America. There is much economic turmoil, so many governmental actions happening all at once with costly potential consequences, a national invasion of banks and car companies, the appearance of government threats on those that do not cooperate, a growing Federal Bureaucracy, and now a President that stands alone, behind a closed door. I pray alone more often than I do with a group. The opportunity, however, to pray as a united voice, as a collective body, especially for what I believe, is always welcomed. "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity." (Ps. 133.1) This is a time for Hope for the entire nation, a time to rejoice in what we have as a nation; it is when we can express joy for the freedoms we have and pray will endure. It is a Come Together moment.
We are a nation under God. May that never be forgotten. Obama is either in denial or in disguise. How can someone so prone to the spotlight not honor our nation by gathering with us all on National Prayer Day. "United we stand" - but apparently not all; our President is only with himself, independent and lacking humility. Is he with us or against us?
May I offer this prayer: Today we honor our Nation and our fellowship. May this prayer be heard and find favor with the Lord. We are experiencing a different feeling, mixed in terms of despair, frustration, joy and hope. Family is most embraced at times such as these, the unity of blood, as well as friends, neighbors and those joined in thanks for our liberty as Americans. Love becomes more the need and want so we can endure and gather the strength and fortitude to proceed, knowing He is with us. Know too no one is alone; we all need the support we give each other as a nation pulling in the same direction. We can do more as a team than as an individual. We are being tested. May we accept what comes our way with gratitude, love, and hope. We pray too that our President is truly united with us all. We do this all humbly in your presence, Almighty God. Thanks be to God. Amen.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thes. 5:16-18)
This is not an easy time for any in America. There is much economic turmoil, so many governmental actions happening all at once with costly potential consequences, a national invasion of banks and car companies, the appearance of government threats on those that do not cooperate, a growing Federal Bureaucracy, and now a President that stands alone, behind a closed door. I pray alone more often than I do with a group. The opportunity, however, to pray as a united voice, as a collective body, especially for what I believe, is always welcomed. "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity." (Ps. 133.1) This is a time for Hope for the entire nation, a time to rejoice in what we have as a nation; it is when we can express joy for the freedoms we have and pray will endure. It is a Come Together moment.
We are a nation under God. May that never be forgotten. Obama is either in denial or in disguise. How can someone so prone to the spotlight not honor our nation by gathering with us all on National Prayer Day. "United we stand" - but apparently not all; our President is only with himself, independent and lacking humility. Is he with us or against us?
May I offer this prayer: Today we honor our Nation and our fellowship. May this prayer be heard and find favor with the Lord. We are experiencing a different feeling, mixed in terms of despair, frustration, joy and hope. Family is most embraced at times such as these, the unity of blood, as well as friends, neighbors and those joined in thanks for our liberty as Americans. Love becomes more the need and want so we can endure and gather the strength and fortitude to proceed, knowing He is with us. Know too no one is alone; we all need the support we give each other as a nation pulling in the same direction. We can do more as a team than as an individual. We are being tested. May we accept what comes our way with gratitude, love, and hope. We pray too that our President is truly united with us all. We do this all humbly in your presence, Almighty God. Thanks be to God. Amen.
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thes. 5:16-18)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wake Up to Islamic Fundamentalism
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)
There is much at play in the World. Conflict appears at the forefront. Most military engagements today involve Islamic Fundamentalists. If the Muslims' were at peace with their own, let alone Israel and the Western World, battles in Iraq would not be on-going. The in-roads in Pakistan by Osama Bin Laden's followers should be of concern to everyone. Growth in Islam in European Countries should also be a warning. We need to know more about Islam and understand their goals. The Christain God and Allah are not the same. A former radical Shi'ite Muslim was quoted in a recent book as saying, "If Islam is so peaceful, why isn't there even one Muslim country that will allow freedom of religion and speech?"
May I recommend the book, What In The World Is Going On? by Pastor David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community College, El Cajon, CA. It will enlighten readers about events in the world and biblical prophesies. The Islamic threat is discussed in an objective fashion. Christians are asked to pray for Muslims and he suggests "Muslims are not beyond the reach of God's grace." If they have access to the Word they will see the Light of our Lord and, though it may not be easy, find a pathway out of the darkness and involuntary acts of submission underwhich they are kept.
There is much at play in the World. Conflict appears at the forefront. Most military engagements today involve Islamic Fundamentalists. If the Muslims' were at peace with their own, let alone Israel and the Western World, battles in Iraq would not be on-going. The in-roads in Pakistan by Osama Bin Laden's followers should be of concern to everyone. Growth in Islam in European Countries should also be a warning. We need to know more about Islam and understand their goals. The Christain God and Allah are not the same. A former radical Shi'ite Muslim was quoted in a recent book as saying, "If Islam is so peaceful, why isn't there even one Muslim country that will allow freedom of religion and speech?"
May I recommend the book, What In The World Is Going On? by Pastor David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Community College, El Cajon, CA. It will enlighten readers about events in the world and biblical prophesies. The Islamic threat is discussed in an objective fashion. Christians are asked to pray for Muslims and he suggests "Muslims are not beyond the reach of God's grace." If they have access to the Word they will see the Light of our Lord and, though it may not be easy, find a pathway out of the darkness and involuntary acts of submission underwhich they are kept.
Christians and Liberals,
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