Trump-Biden Debate 2020 (9/29) - Commentary
A quick summary. Quite the debate. Like a street fight, but Trump has been fighting the media for 3+ years and finally had his opportunity to speak to even the CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS crowd. Wallace tilted left unfortunately as a moderator, supposedly balanced and all that, showed a leaning towards Biden. Trump had much more to say than Biden as indeed his accomplishments in 47 months far exceed Biden’s 47 years. You can say Trump may be better at the Art of the Deal than the Art of the Debate. He had many opportunities to bury Joe but may have lost them to some extent, shrouded by his temperament. Biden when he had a stream of intelligence to share wandered and confused in a fashion that if no one was paying close attention would believe he was making sense. If left to speak without interruption Biden would have stumbled and bumbled. Oddly even Twitter, most liberal historically, gave Trump a 60/40 edge. If Trump was the debate winner, then Biden and Wallace were the losers.
Some highlights and where Trump with some patience and moderately more decorum may well have debunked any Biden diatribe. To open Biden’s greeting to Trump, “How you doing, man?” That immediately struck a chord with me.
On Covid: Biden blames Trump for improperly handling Covid. Not sure anyone could have handled this pandemic at the beginning properly. Everyone was humbled by this pandemic. It was new, a deep dive into the unknown, with many scientists differing on a multitude of possibilities. Biden never made clear the scientists he would listen to, except for the Climate Control pundits, even then not by name. We know who Trump was listening to, to include Birx and Fauci, and who he questioned. Even they vacillated on protocol. From the 2019 year end impeachment focus clouding the pandemic storm, it was January when it first came to light. China was the epicenter, and Trump closed travel to and from that country. Europe soon thereafter. Biden, and other Democrats, were critics of presumptive actions in excess of their ideas, with cries of xenophobia, and generally a distaste for anything Trump proposed. It did not appear Covid was in the forefront of Democrat thinking and rhetoric at the onset. Democrats tend to react and draw conclusions without all the facts, as if their opinion is the only stream of conscious thought that matters. It continues even as we, and the President, have learned more about this invasive problem. The young are less susceptible. With millions of cases the vast majority have suffered little and recovered rapidly. Elderly are the most at risk, with the high risk categories involving age and co-morbidities. Trump should have said Americans can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can cope with Covid while opening the Economy, making decisions along the way to keep the virus at bay, Thus enabling the Economy steaming ahead. And Joe’s classic comment, “And, by the way, the 200,000 people that have died on his (Trump’s) watch, how many of those have survived?”
On Masks: After a short exchange, Wallace wanted to hear from Biden on masks, and Biden spoke, “Look, the way to open businesses is give them the wherewithal to be able open. We provided money, the-,” then Wallace stepped in, “But I was asking you, sir, about masks.”
On Covid Vaccine: Yes, there is no vaccine as yet. Until there is and it is readily available and, for Biden, it cannot be from companies, so he expressed, Trump favors, like J & J, Moderna, or Pfizer. Biden would shut down the Economy. Lockdown Joe. This would be a two part process, a lockdown, no work, and masks, required for everyone. Biden would prefer a basement environment for all until his preferred a non-Trump Covid vaccine was perfected, with a guarantee of no side-effects. Note, we have had many flu vaccines for years and people still get the flu and die from the flu.
On the Economy: Biden gleefully emphasized a decline from Covid that impacted the jobs of entry level and less skilled workers, and many, many others to which I can contest. Biden took credit, he and Obama, for the economic recovery, ignoring Trump’s 3 years of huge growth and average worker pay increasing by thousands. Of course the negative Covid impact, whatever, was Trump’s fault. Joe, what about the Economy? Joe readily blames Trump for destroying it, destroying a vibrant Economy Trump dedicated his time in office to making great. And those entry level and low-skilled workers Joe expressed concerns for, well, there would be no jobs under Biden. How could they work when locked down? But Trump is doing everything he can to get the Economy moving again, knowing the risks to our citizens are greater without a functioning Economy, and considering Covid’s impact and treatment protocols. Trump does care for the Biden ‘little’ guy. And as for the billionaires still earning, not all mind you, there are mostly non-billionaires that are trying hard to keep their businesses operating, scaled down, and the economy alive. They are providing what jobs that are available, such as Amazon, Target, and Walmart, and Apple and Microsoft, and the grocery and drug store chains. It is clearly mostly billionaires and non-billionaires, even non-millionaires, are not earning. To include the shop owners, the mechanics, the waiters and waitresses, the restaurant owners, barbers and beauticians, and the providers considered, by politicians, as non-essential. They are in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, New York City, Coast to Coast, Florida to Washington State, and elsewhere, even Delaware, making deliveries to Biden’s home address too.
As to Essential Businesses: Those considered by politicians as not essential, when allowed to open, they were restricted to a few shoppers, when historically they only had a few shoppers pre-Covid anyway. Why were they ever closed?
On Health Care: Trump has been favorable towards pre-existing conditions day in and day out. He knows it is important to voters. Biden says otherwise. Biden fears Obama’s signature disastrous costly legislation to socialize medicine by way of the Affordable Care Act will be overturned by the Supreme Court when Amy Coney Barrett is appointed to SCOTUS. He was touting the Democrat talking points on this issue, and not a lot needed to be debated. Trump did note the costly and ineffective launch of the ACA along with the false claims made about reducing health care costs and maintaining your own doctor. He just had to emphasize that the Biden/Obama emphasis on lowering costs by $2500 for those insured, in practice, increased by that much and more as the deductible continues to rise as well. Under Trump most Americans will continue with the health care they prefer and if changes occur for the under-insured, or the non-insured (those Biden wants to buy his insurance, by force as necessary), they will have access, just not under the Obama/Biden Plan but a better program. All in keeping with making America Greater. Wallace kept inserting his comments and asking about Obamacare, challenging Trump’s accomplishments, and then when allowed to speak Trump began, “Well, first of all, I guess I'm debating you (referring to Wallace), not him, but that's okay. I'm not surprised.”
On SCOTUS and ACB. That is a non-starter. If a Democrat is President and has a Senate majority they would not hesitate to do the same in an election year. That said, no more need be said. The Democrats and Biden are just whining. As to retaliation when and if Democrats regain the power they so desperately seek by adding more justices to SCOTUS, Biden was mute. He did not demonstrate any leadership, certainly not as the current head of the Democratic Party and its policy-making as he claimed. Biden’s comment was, “The American people have a right to have a say in who the Supreme Court nominee is and that say occurs when they vote for United States Senators and when they vote for the President of United States.” to which Trump could have responded, “The people did speak when they elected me and in 2018 voted for a Republican Senate majority. So Joe, I agree with you.”
On Roe v Wade. Joe said it is (Roe v Wade) on the ballot, referring to the SCOTUS pick. Trump’s response, “You don't know what's on the ballot. Why is it on the ballot? Why is it on the ballot? It's not on the ballot.” Soon thereafter Wallace intervened anew to move on. “we’ll come back to Roe v. Wade.” Not certain that ever happened.
On Law and Order. Biden was wishy-washy. To tell you the truth his position was never clarified. When asked if he ever, as the Democratic Party head (and boss), called Seattle or Portland to see what they needed or discuss what his Party can do, his expression was blank. That is the job of the President, he noted. Indeed Trump did call them, more than once. But Biden as a leader, the Party Domo, did nada. That did not sit well with me. But then Harris and Biden never expressed a concern for the police officers shot in LA by a rogue gunman, but did visit a rapist thug, Blake, shot by police in Kenosha, caught on video by a cell phone camera from behind a screened window of a neighboring apartment. Biden did not express any concern for over-reactions and pre-judgments made by Democrats, his own running-mate, and violent agitators that continue to show up in cities where the police act in a fashion that raises concerns as to overreaction, and may be, but the whole picture in every case is not clear. Except for the Breonna Taylor shooting, whereas we now know the police only fired after being fired upon. She was not in her bed, but behind her boyfriend who fired his weapon first (admitting so to a Grand Jury). But the crowd reaction was to say that the facts do not matter. A policeman shot a black man and that is just not allowed, whether shot upon first, whether resisting arrest, or in a rage and threatening with a knife, or after stealing and running from a crime scene. Biden objects to the violence, but said nothing of the calls to defund the police. He spoke words in defense of the police while saying they need social workers and mental psychologists or the like to accompany officers to help them access situations. Oh my, and to repurpose police departments. But how and for what or why is never put forth by Joe or Kamala. Trump is clear. He supports police, understands how difficult their jobs are, and Trump is aware there can be problem cops, and that then becomes a departmental issue. The Democrats talk little about Union protection of cops, as they are conflicted, loving the Union and hating the cop. A dilemma. A final note, Biden did call for an end to systematic racism in policing, with little explanation as to the system and the racists. Sounded good in his head. Also Trump noted the violent Democrat cities program and intent, “it’s really because they want to defund the police, and [Joe] Biden wants to defund the police.” Interestingly enough it was Chris Wallace, the moderator, that interrupted, "No, he (Biden) — sir, he does not.” What was with that? And where there are violent protestors, regardless of Covid, those local economies are not being helped at all. Trump did note these were mainly Democrat run and controlled cities, big ones. And crime there is on the rise. Wallace then pointed out, do not know why, Tulsa and another Republican led city, Fort Worth, with less than peaceful protests and increases in homicides. Was that his role? To dilute Trump’s discussion and the point he was making is not what a moderator does, only what a biased opinion oriented moderator does.
On Suburbs. Most suburbanites are unaware of the act Obama/Biden passed that would enable low-income housing to be built in suburban areas, neighborhoods, without any possible objection, The decision could be made by neighboring blighted areas. “We ended that rule that was a very horrible rule for people in suburbia,” said Trump. And he did. Labelled Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, Obama/Biden slipped a fast one onto suburban policy makers that stripped them of their ability to decide. Passed in a fog of confusion with a fancy name this bill could have been quite disruptive to rural America.
On Climate Control. What can be said other than Chris Wallace must think climate control is necessary. It was not even a subject slated to be discussed. Trump was correct about the fires in California. The State forest floors contained tinder, he called it, that should have been removed regularly, as the Federal Forest Services does on Federal lands. Tinder is quite flammable and if properly addressed can be easily removed and help prevent the rapid spread of fires. It is not the climate. Trump could have addressed the extent to which coal power plants today are clean energy producers, without an impact on wildlife, as the case with windmills and solar, and without the need for subsidies. California had to place a couple online to address power shortages due to normal summer heat. As for hurricanes, how is Biden going to prevent hurricanes. And the Paris Climate Accord was a boondoggle at the expense of America for other nations, who did and do little to curb their emissions, while the representatives live lifestyles that generate a significant carbon footprint. Then there is the balance as to the impact on the Economy, the cost to consumers, the ‘little’ guy, by the rules, regulations, bigger government bureaucracies, and increases on product costs that Biden and most Democrats, the progressives, the Squad, ignore. Biden wants to rebuild every building, re-insulate, and use green energy to power all buildings in America, with no common sense as to the cost or impact on US all.
On Packing the Court (SCOTUS). Joe was asked directly if he would pack the Supreme Court, adding many justices, if elected. To which he would not answer, getting a bit testy, and when challenged by Trump, saying, “Will you shut up, man?” Bicen’s puppet stings on this topic were showing.
On Personal Income Taxes. Wallace went down the NYT path asking Trump about taxes paid. His response, “millions.” What Wallace ignored, referring to only $750 paid, was the article was about corporate taxes, not personal taxes. It was a hit piece with inadequate preparation. And there was no violation of tax law.
As to General Accomplishments. Trumps comment may have been the most poignant, “Hey, Joe, let me just tell you.… In 47 months, I've done more than you've done in 47 years, Joe. We've done things that you never even thought of doing.”
On the Biden Government. Question Wallace asked, “if you were to be elected president (your policy) focuses a lot on big government, big taxes, big spending. I want to focus first on the taxes. You propose more than $4 trillion over a decade in new taxes on individuals making more than $400,000 a year and on corporations. President Trump says that that kind of an increase in taxes is going to hurt the economy as it's just coming out of a recession.” Biden’s response was a discussion on spending, jobs, buy American, etc., making Wallace the moderator say again, “But respectfully, sir, I'm talking about taxes, not spending.” Biden altered course, “…I'm going to eliminate a significant number of the taxes. I'm going to make the corporate tax 28%. It shouldn't be 21%.” So much for eliminating taxes. To Joe it seems eliminate means to raise taxes.
On Sensitivity (racial) Training and Critical Race Theory. An interesting topic that most Americans are not even aware of required to take place in many institutions, the military and government offices and agencies. Trump ended the program and requirements. His comment, “I ended it because it's racist. I ended it because a lot of people were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane. That it’s a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, in our schools, all over the place….we were paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach very bad ideas and frankly, very sick ideas. And really, they were teaching people to hate our country And I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to allow that to happen. We have to go back to the core values of this country. They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place. It's a racist place. And they were teaching people to hate our country.…” Biden favors keeping the practice of discussing white fragilities and systematic racism in America to which caucasians and the privileged should be found guilty.
As for Hunter Biden: That came up and Biden defended his son. Not really well though. Trump made the issue, but did not call Biden himself corrupt, implied maybe. Biden did not respond to the $3.5 million from Moscow mayor’s wife. At one time he talked about his son Bo, when the subject was Hunter. Biden needed to be corrected.
There was more and this is already too much. Trump had facts, listened and often reacted quickly to comments made. Biden had few facts and created a wall to any question that requested a position issue. The Green New Deal, case in point, for energy and climate control is not his plan, so he said, trying to be a centrist, but when outlined it certainly spelled Green New Deal. AOC has Biden under her wing. Biden huffed, puffed, inserted a number of ‘mans’, called Trump a liar, worst President ever, told him to ‘shut up, man’, kept repeating ‘not true’, ‘not true,’ and was generally on the Trump attack more than sharing facts or cogent programs. His comment on programs was that if he said anything, that is all anyone would talk about. But isn’t that the idea, let people know what you are about and what your are for. He was evasive, non-committal and lacked clarity, except on his ad hominem and ill-will towards the President.
Next debate may find Trump as well-equipped, but more calm in his efforts to make clear his position. Biden has no real position. Actually 2 minutes for each topic is clearly not enough for Trump and too much for Biden.
Thomas W. Balderston
Author and Blogger. Books on Kindle.