Friday, October 29, 2021

Remembering FDR

Remembering FDR


It was during the Depression.  America was still trying to recover.  The depression had spread to Europe, as payment of debts to America for WWI could not be met. Germany (Hitler) was getting active in Europe.  It was 1932.  The sitting President was Herbert Hoover, running for reelection against Franklin Delano Roosevelt.   38,583,702 votes were cast.  FDR received over 59% to become the 32nd President of the United States. More than 13 million were out of work. FDR sought to restore the spirit of our Nation and a hope for a better future.  Hoover’s term began with American prosperity at an all time high, and ended at just the opposite.  FDR was elected because the population wanted more from the Federal Government. Improved social conditions and improved job and business opportunities was a campaign pledge, with the Federal Government doing more. Hoover valued individualism and minimal government involvement in the affairs of business, a respected position, but at that time FDR saw a need to get America back to work, back on track, and in the process revive that individual zeal to learn and achieve. It was to be the New Deal.

First 100 Days

The first 100 days were active, with Bank reform, a Federal Reserve, a reduction in government employee pay that went to relief functions ($500 million), and jobs provided in large scale infrastructure and works projects. The Federal worker pay cut was 15%.  He restored confidence in the Federal Government. He worked with Republicans and Democrats appointing them to various positions, established a minimum wage and a work week. He expanded the executive powers of the office and communicated well using fireside chats (radio), many speeches and frequent press conferences.  


It was not until 1941 that we entered WWII.  Leading up to that point FDR was aware of the need, at the same time the reluctance of the American people, providing alternative means of support for Great Britain until the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Germany declared war on us.  FDR was an excellent deal maker, as well as communicator.  He was able to bridge party lines in times of crises. However, once improvements became obvious his intent was not to make the Federal Government the piggy bank, or the control center, for all areas of the government. He recognized an independent person, properly incentivized, was critical to America’s overall prosperity.  He saw a stalled engine of progress, sought to give it a push downhill, until restarted, and then it was to be on its way.  

After FDR

What happened to FDR’s ideas after WWII and after his death, besides Truman, then Eisenhower, and the subsequent Presidents?  America did come alive. The New Deal ended when WWII began and our industry was effectively nationalized for the war effort.  Employment boomed, bringing with it women in droves into the work force. An Act was passed that prevented discrimination in defense plants. Truman ended the war when two atomic bombs were dropped over Japan. With the war over, soldiers with reserves of cash anxious to spend, and bank accounts growing, industry returned to making decisions for themselves and goods to satisfy demand. Battleships, tanks and jeeps, become washing machines, typewriters, automobiles, and other home luxuries. The broad authority FDR assumed was needed then, to combat the depression and the axis of evil in the world. Confidence in the American economic system was invigorated and made even better. But are the powers of government to be used at all times, now, to address our country’s problems?  What has happened to States Rights?  It has become a policy of the Democrats to control, in the spirit of FDR, while ignoring the concept of small and efficient government and independent free people from all corners of our nation.  

Welfare once a purview of States, under FDR, became an instrument of the Federal Government.  I believe his intent was to eventually return such oversight to governors.  Certainly the Great Society President 36, LBJ, did not see it that way.  Ignoring the progress minorities, especially blacks, were making in our Nation, as family units, as strong religious factions, LBJ created a welfare system that since its inauguration has done less to lift the poor, the minority poor, out of poverty and more to destroy the family unit and a love for God. Trillions have been spent.  We have become a nation seeking, under the banner of progressivism, more entitlements, less independence, more children born out of wedlock, and fewer two parent (and two biological parent) homes.  In the 60’s 90% of babies were born to married couples.  Today 40% of children are born to unwed mothers. 52% of children today live with their birth parents. Children raised in a cohesive two biological parent home are 25% healthier,  and more likely to graduate high school and college. The chance of such children living in poverty is reduced by 82%. Ronald Reagan on the Great Society called it, “a bundle of expensive and failed initiatives that contributed to rather than alleviated, suffering.”


The realities for Presidents after FDR, after the war ended, were never as grave or dark as during FDR’s tenure.  Yet they seemed to continue to preach as if that was not the case.  Power and control became their objective, not We The People.  Reagan was alone in his effort to reduce spending and restore sanity, especially after Jimmy Carter continued bringing State departments into the Federal chambers, such as Education and Energy in 1979.  The Federal Education bureaucracy now consumes over $80 billion of tax revenues to cover their annual operations.  From a recent article to be published on this site soon (The Office of the Commander in Chief is Too Big for Any Britches), “Reagan saw the problem, with a focus on government officials, both parties, when Departments are instituted, agencies formed and Czars created, the government gets larger, remarked, ‘They have forgotten that when you create a government bureaucracy, no matter how well intended it is, almost instantly its top priority becomes preservation of the bureaucracy.’”  

Parsing FDR’s 1933 inaugural speech, he noted, “Only an optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment….Our greatest primary task is to put people to work….It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, State and local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be dramatically reduced….Our international trade relations … (are) secondary to … a sound national economy….(We are) a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world….” FDR sought from Congress, and received, “broad Executive power to wage war against the emergency….”  But in order of magnitude since WWII there has been no similar emergency, stricken nation in a stricken world, dark reality, or need for jobs.  The government could indeed be smaller, less costly today and less invasive.  More can be delegated to State governors, such as health, education, energy, even welfare.  Executive power need not be as great, either. However, take the power ball out of the hands of the President, Congress too, and as noted by RR there will be great resistance, as, “preservation of the bureaucracy” becomes paramount.  This needs to stop!  When did Biden ever propose during Covid, or Trump for that matter, “that the Federal, State and local governments act…that their cost be dramatically reduced.” They were never asked to suffer as were the non-public service employed citizens.  Where was the shared focus? 

Time and Purpose

Greatly admired and capable FDR was the right President for his time, and our times.  Since then the importance of the position, the reason for intervention by the government has been ignored.  It is to help Americans keep our nation great, productive, safe, and prosperous.  Tax and spend was not a goal. The government was never intended to be a burden on the people. The government is not our parent.  

The Federal Government is not to control our schools and industry to indoctrinate children and employees to honor a political code; the basics are to take precedence, reading, math, writing, and history.  I refer to actual history, not recreated or politicized history (such as 1619 or CRT).  History has leaders on both sides to be understood. 

The family unit is essential to being prosperous, healthy and having a less needy society. A dependent element less likely to care for children is not worthy.  A less needy society is less costly to every tax payor. 

We do need to trust in God. 

Remember FDR

Remember FDR.  Do not forget the challenges he faced.  Not necessary today are the programs and the powers he assumed during this dark time, a critical emergency in our history.  Government has become too large and can be made smaller.  A supersized American Federal Government was never FDR’s intent.  We are healthy; we are robust, and we are capable.  We are today what FDR desired; he helped us to achieve.  

Since FDR our Presidents have lost the meaning and purpose of their Office.  And Congress has fallen in love with an excessive overburdened and unneeded bureaucratic empire.  

We, as Americans, are the ones that need to strike back against this empire by voting for the change that is needed.  Make your vote count.  Even Republicans liked FDR, but we can never forget.  “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” rings so true, and that fear is too often trumped up by those seeking power and making promises they cannot keep.  What we do need to fear is a government that is too, too big, with too many departments.  More responsibility can be delegated to States, where it once was, to better serve us all.  

And no matter how hard he tries Joe Biden will never be an FDR, nor should he attempt to position himself as FDR.  The only crisis we have today is that of the fear being instilled in most Americans of the threat of socialism, and the indoctrination of our children by the left, and the incompetence demonstrated to date by President Joe Biden, his Vice President Harris and far too many members of his Administration.


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger


Friday, October 22, 2021

Our Liberty Ship - Lost at Sea

 Our Liberty Ship - Lost At Sea

Americans are fickle beings. We are experiencing a crisis in leadership. However we are so divided it is a conundrum as to how to resolve the issue. The Office of President is vital to America’s success in both domestic and foreign affairs. Essential to both is balance, expectations of strength and a unifying voice followed by acceptable actions. The primary beneficiary must always be the citizen. As a nation we are defined by our borders and what is achieved within bounds.  A common analogy is as the captain of a ship, the ship of State. Where it is steered, towards safe ports or troubled waters, will reflect on the one at the wheel. All those on board are the responsibility of the captain. Right or wrong the final decision is theirs. Those chosen by the passengers to take the helm are charged with their care, and that of the crew as well. The captain “will be judged by the fulfillment of his duties to the people as a whole,” quoting the author Jeremi Suri, his book, The Impossible Presidency: the Rise and Fall,of America’s Highest Office. 

Weak Joe

We now have a weak Captain. When we have a strong President the citizenry is often divided. Defining ‘weak’ is to be confused, unfocused, less than transparent and inept at being decisive and correct regarding critical matters. Style is less important, but likability can be beneficial. Defining “strong” suggests the opposite of weak, but historically has been problematic for the citizenry.  Too strong suggests a tyrannical authoritarian, reminiscent of historical monarchies from which evolved America formed by those who escaped. After several hundred years we are sufficiently educated as to the conceptual foundation of our Founders to distrust dominant leadership. Even though the people benefit and prosper, they remain skeptical. Without corruption can the executive be ‘for real?’ Maybe it is only history and a reflection on the past, years into the future, when we will know or realize the truth. In the meantime citizens remain critical and demanding, with expectations outside the realm of reality, and ignorant of cause and effect. How difficult is it to accept that which is working? Why is it too frequent that we become victims to the whims of political power struggles? 

In a recent Quinnipiac University survey (10/5/2021) the majority (over 53%) of those surveyed said the Biden administration is not competent in running the government. The captain is derelict in his responsibilities, some believe demented. Approval was just 38%. His “good leadership skills” was measured at 41%. 

In 2020 Trump’s overall approval rating experienced significant monthly drops, to as low as 36%, mostly due to Covid as well as main stream media leftists tirelessly contriving a fake narrative or dismissing accomplishments of Trump and important truths about Biden and family. Trump lost the Presidential 2020 election as a result.  

Election Fraud

Many believe, supported by recent reports (PA & AZ), that far too many fraudulent votes for Biden were counted, and votes for Trump trashed by unsavory poll workers or manipulated voting machines (Dominion).  Another view, less than a conspiracy, is a Democrat led fusion into the voting process, as a bully elbows wide pushing into the center of a room, altering voting laws to allow untold quantities of mail-in votes, door-to-door solicitations for mail-ins, and extended hours to collect and to count votes, with an emphasis on the Democrat ballot.  There was possibly more ballot harvesting than fraudulent voting. Either way, such practices need to be curbed, or balanced, to be fair to the whole of the voting populace. 

Another concern.  Was Biden properly vetted by the voters? It was the main stream media that should have been more open and truthful in their representation of Biden, completely ignoring the Hunter Biden scandal, which did involve Joe Biden as the ‘boss.’ In addition he hardly made appearances, referred to as ‘basement Joe,’ while Trump hosted crowds of 15-25,000 regularly. This raises two concerns. One is the unmitigated bias of main stream educated liberal journalists, more opinion-ists than true reporters. They hid information, that is, ‘not just the facts’ were put on air and in the press, facts important to voters in helping them decide, choose, whom to vote for; a wanton disregard for important information that affects all Americans by the leftist media who seem to dominate the airwaves. The second is the voter, failing to see through the disinformation campaign, and allowing bitterness to a strong, yet less than humble, sitting President boil into rage and hatred, blinding far too many to the reality of the times. 

Media with a Left Foot

The leftest media, showing no patriotism or love for America, chooses what they want to say, when to say it, they repeat fabrications, and dismiss that which is critical to their narrative. Do they not want America to be great? Are they more globalists than Americans? Do they seek a Ship of State adrift? Why would they not want our borders secure and immigrants, no matter the numbers, properly vetted. We have a whole world to choose from, so why let just anyone come. They know we can do a better job with immigration, yet allow hundreds of thousands of illegals to flood our southern border. They use guilt and contrived compassion to criticize those that want our borders closed, as if Americans do not care. But ask them if they want untold hoards of unknowns being relocated to their neighborhoods? I think you know the answer; that is the hypocrisy of the left. It is their self-identified nature as social justice warriors, while at the same time exhibiting personal standards or prejudices as those they, often, falsely accuse. 

Examples are labeling parents terrorists for passionately opposing school boards that promote and defend leftist ideals. Ideals, mind you, that attack God, show disdain for the family unit, and encourage deviant behavior as if it is the norm. Then there is mandating masks and vaccinations, using oppressive tactics such as being fired for non-compliance, all while those vaxxed are supposed to be protected.  The Covid pandemic today is of the non-vaccinated; the vaccinated are less likely to become a statistic.  Another is criticism of Trump’s border policies, when those of Biden are decisively worse. A third is defending Biden’s Afghanistan exit, blaming Trump (who would have listened to his generals and left troops to maintain stability and access to intelligence in the region) who also said he wanted our troops out and the war ended. And for good measure, encouraging harassment of those opposed to progressive leftist objectives, even following a female Senator into a public bathroom, without objection (dismissing it as normal), while parents are subject to DOJ and FBI punishment for speaking out against Critical Race Theory and sexual references, even positions, in texts of their elementary and junior high schoolers. One final example, that of allowing the burning and pillaging of cities like Portland and Minneapolis, seen as a form of reparations, justified, the stealing and arson, for those oppressed by the white supremacists, even black white supremacy, and police. This then leads us to the defunding of police (mostly in Democrat run cities), lying that the conservatives were behind this action, while seeking personal protection using campaign or tax-payor funds (the Cori Bush tactic). 

And it is not mean, or selfish, to want our government to balance the Federal Budget, to make decisions that keep inflation at a minimum, to incentivize people to work, to learn, to achieve and not just cast dollars, print dollars, about as a daily safety net for underachievers. After all that is what every family, every individual must do.  Excess spending, building up credit card debt, always leads to problems. Saying no to ‘entitlements’ is neither racist nor supremacist. Allowing parents to campaign for how their children are educated is neither an act of terrorism, nor a willful attempt to destroy school board members. Americans generally want what is right and good for their families. Being free to choose not to be vaccinated when protection is offered is a personal choice. There are good reasons for many. 

Conservative Nature

In general the more conservative, the so referenced ‘white’ supremacists, whether white, black, brown or otherwise, are not as vocal as the left, and maybe that needs to change. But such change to Biden tends to bring out the DOJ (using a could-have-been Supreme Court Justice - Garland) to quiet the silent majority as soon as they speak up. 

Being fickle is not being stupid. Maybe it is more indifference. But Biden and the progressives are awakening American citizen’s minds to the ideals of our Constitution and the rationale that went into it. They want national security, communities preserved, prosperity and liberty, as nationalists. This means our borders are ours, not Biden’s, not the Democrats, but America’s. Our sovereign nation needs to be protected for the welfare of our citizens, not that of the world.  Our ‘right’ is to be protected by our Constitution with a person at the wheel that can do that for US all.  And our economy needs to be strong. Causing inflation without regard for the middle class, the cost to our prosperity and competitive status, is an error in judgment. What was wrong with energy independence under Trump? 

What the Progressives, and Nancy Pelosi, want is not what the majority of America wants. Billions for liberal news. Unions granted privileges in hiring, Higher taxes on married couples than singles. Support for Critical Race Theory in education. IRS watchdogs over bank accounts, cash flows in and out. Many construction projects to nowhere under the guise of infrastructure. Socialism hidden under the bridges, more fodder for the ghouls wearing Social Justice warrior badges while living in penthouses and dining on caviar. The progressives need the blacks, the poor, the compromised and oppressed minorities, not for what they can do for them, but for what they suggest they need and might do for them, all while having them do for the progressives what they want - their votes.  The Democrats are elitists, as would be socialist leaders, as Russian leaders living in dachas while the masses enjoy the socialism they provide. All for the good OF THE PARTY.

Nanny, Nanny, Nanny

The Demcrats want a nanny state, believing the people cannot do for themselves what they need to do. Ronald Reagan said it well, “From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people.  Well, if not one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?”  Biden cannot even do his own checkbook, he needs his son Hunter to do that (and keep it full too, I presume). 

Our ship needs a new captain and crew. We need passengers that are attentive and care. We are capable people.  Do not let the liberals tell you otherwise. 


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

Note:  Cover Picture: SS John W. Brown, one of four surviving Liberty ships, photographed in 2000 - from Wikipedia


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Too Big to Govern Well

Too Big to Govern Well

Is governing the United States too great a job for any Executive?  Since our founding when our population was 2,500,000, and now over 330,000,000 (132 times greater), with a Federal Government employing over 2,200,000, almost as much as the population total in 1776, this is a valid question.  Has America outgrown its ability to be properly managed? What kind of person, with what intellectual talents, and human nature, or demeanor, is needed? 

Am I asking this question more because of Biden now in office?  That may be the case, but it is a worthy consideration. 

Biden is certainly too small minded, and physically and mentally challenged for the task.  He appears as a puppet on strings whose operators are a biased class, not necessarily focused on WeThePeople as a whole, that is, the common good. Trump was decisive, well equipped to access the myriad views from advisors, as a whole, not one on one, hearing them all, and deciding, his plate full, many plates spinning as a well skilled juggler, yet he lacked the humility and character expected of a person having attained the highest office in our land. Obama was biased and clouded in judgment by his race and heritage, his decisions unbalanced, his positions on important issues in flux. Even Kennedy was immature, especially on military matters resulting in the embarrassing Bay of Pigs disaster and igniting the Vietnam war. His successors were mostly inept and cumbersome in their decisions and ability to lead. Nixon was intelligent, dull, self-absorbed, lacking friends, and obsessed with a righteous indignation towards critics. Carter was blinded by the oil crisis and the Shah, his ignorance of Middle East history and Islamism enabled a theocracy to overthrow a parliamentarian quasi-democracy in Iran, changing the picture under development in the desert. He was a bumbler.  Reagan was more the statesman and should get more credit for what he achieved than he has.  The Cold War was ended, then, Russia’s inadequacies exposed. The Bushes made many errors, with penchants for war and Clinton, in spite of his dalliances, was clear headed and practical, albeit a bit timid as to foreign affairs.  

Entitlements became the inducement, particularly for the left and the so labeled progressives, to vote ‘for me’ and not the strength of their character or their achievements for WeThePeople. Politics, and political dominance became a focus and not leadership for a unified nation. Thus the dilemma has become one of Party power and representation more than leadership. Divisiveness is in greater evidence, along with intransigence and a renewal for separation of races, sexually gender preferentially oriented, and repressed minorities. They, and those who align with ‘they’ are offered safe spaces, as politically and conveniently defined.  Trump represented the People, but the Party, Democratic and far too many Republicans, disliked his style, his rapid movements, his accomplishments, his steam-roller style and his braggadocio. He was dismissed not for what he was able to do, or his energy and focus, all too often overlooked, but his failure to fit the role ascribed by the elite for the Office of President. Trump in my view was the most able President since Eisenhower. Until the U2 was exposed Ike was revered, the peacekeeper, the man that kept the world free of nuclear annihilation and new wars. He had but a few months left in his reign. 

Needed is an executive whose authority is not arbitrary, and/or based on personal sentiment, but exercised, depending on circumstances and changing times, personal freedoms and choice always respected, for the good of the whole of the citizenry.  One’s duty is to serve WeThePeople, to insure our sovereignty, to engender opportunity to prosper, and to unify. 

Our Nation has come far, but the oversight role of the President may be too great for any human. To wit, those we choose, for whom we vote and entrust with this role, must be vetted by us all and carefully selected as one most able to do what may be the impossible. 

A matching conundrum is the voter collective itself; are we capable of choosing well? 

Thomas W. Balderston  

Author and Blogger

@TomBalderston (Twitter)