Friday, November 12, 2021

The Best Program for Every Politician - CSP

The Best Program for Every Politician - CSP

Popularity, good decisions, great ideas can improve opportunities for politicians to be elected.  A platform that would please the vast majority of voters is a target of every campaign.  Find the target that matters most and victory will be practically guaranteed.  There will always be objectors, but if they are in the minority, then feel confident your government office will be made ready for you. 

What is it, you ask?  What will appeal to the greatest number of citizens.  It is a plan which I leave another to put a label on, but for simplicity sake I will refer to it as the CSP.  It is not novel but has been avoided as a first step on any agenda. 

The CSP offers citizens what they would never expect, but will find delightful.  Since FDR few have even mentioned this concept by itself. It has been suggested as a follow-on to another promise. Promise #1 has happened only to find promise #2 ignored, resisted and never implemented.  This has a negative impact on us all. 

Radically different, but not radical, this program will make every elected official more able to function efficiently. It requires dramatic policy changes and a team willing to collaborate in concert.  Divisiveness may require installing charismatic like minded energetic persons, yet humble, in joint sessions with a common goal. Knife throwing, throat cutting, will be reduced to darts aimed at the center of the CSP and an atmosphere of nation healing.  It will satisfy objectives of FDR, and Reagan and Trump.  It will fulfill the promise so many have made historically, but failed to deliver. 

A full boat of passengers with the same objective can pass legislation that will put more food on our tables, more money in our pockets, and more smiles on our faces.  

This is not a long verbiage proclamation that will result in you buying pills to make you smarter, thinner, or able to see better.  There is nothing for you to buy.  There is no cost to anyone. All you need do is find the politician having this platform, or encourage your local politician to embrace it, Primary those who do adopt it, support their campaign and elect them.  Citizens will benefit, in the short and long run.  What is it you ask?  What is the CSP?  The economy will boom and the rewards to citizens will become obvious. 

OK, I will tell you very soon.  CSP offers ‘more.’ The CSP simply put is a make America better, our Federal Government more functional, the job of the President more manageable, the government operations more efficient, and every State and citizen closer to decision making in our great Nation.  Opportunities will increase, independence will be embraced, the work ethic enhanced, and parents emboldened.  Americans can imagine this, but needed are elected officials with a shared imagination in concert with the voters. Once in office ignoring the wants of the people should put that officials future in jeopardy.  We will prosper with good government.  We will thrive with great leadership.  Great leaders make the hard choices, the right decisions, and do what is best and proper.  Only great leaders can implement the CSP.   What we are dealing with here is a vital national interest.    

Simplicity personified and a task historically harder for politicians than necessary, what can happen, can indeed happen with willing hearts, a love  and respect for We The People, and strength of character.  Needed are others that believe in America as they do. Responsibility can be delegated, volunteers encouraged, and businesses left to attract employees with programs they offer, not burdened with government requirements.  The work ethic will become a lighted candle to guide our Nation to greater productivity and prosperity. Families will be made essential, and faith based institutions revitalized.  It is as good as it sounds.

You need to climb aboard and write your local, state and national representatives to join the coalition all in for the CSP.  The alternative is they be replaced with others more attuned to the needs and wants of the voting majority. Everyone will know intuitively this is the best idea for our Nation. This is not a discussion about remaking the government, but refining and improving essential services that make life better, increase hope and make the machinery function as it should.  It is a hurdle that can be jumped, a traffic cone that can be avoided, an obstacle that can be pushed aside, and a hole that can be filled.  Your representative must do the work needed, and you must elect those than can and will make the promise and keep it.  

This CSP is what will make US all better in so many ways.  Beware of the resisters, the resistance, and the reticence. They are the selfish, social justice warriors that pave the way for the elitists more than the working family. The impediment to quality government comes from ideals contrary to those which make our government an aide to its citizens.  We need helping hands, not controlling fists in our faces.  Freedom is the bulwark of our democracy.  The CSP will shore up our foundation, repair our cracked walls, and make our house like new again. 

Are you ready for it. This will take dedicated servants and commitment.  But the benefits are real.  CSP.  The Cut Spending Plan.  Got it.  Cut government expenditures.  There are so many areas that can be made smaller.  Departments overburdened by bureaucracy and inefficiencies can be reduced or eliminated.  Let the states do more, be more involved, in charge.  Find those areas in Washington, the hidden offices, forgotten over the years that they even exist, the buggy whips as it were, and take them off the books. Those functionaries created to serve a purpose at a time before can now be eliminated as not needed, the emergency over.  Have more disciplined providers dispense funds as needed to avoid criminal activity that results in billions being lost, never received, or put in the hands of the wrong recipient.  More savings are available to the Federal government by avoiding mis-used, mis-handled, and mis-directed disbursements than any expenditure for additional IRS policing and watchdog powers.

Reduce congressional staffs by questioning how many people are needed to serve a given member of the legislature.  When there are too many it is a natural tendency to have them look for things to do, or legislation to write, ways to make the representative look better, or even working at all. Impose a percentage reduction program, reducing department staffs, all departments by some number, let’s start with 10%. Have those elected agree to a line item veto for the President.  Cut the pork.  Make members of Congress less piggish, less subject to bribes, and/or unnecessary funding for their districts to have them join poor legislation being offered up by their Party.  Good legislation should not need in-house contributions, specific spending offered for districts, to garner support. The prize should be to all Americans, not to politician’s constituencies just for their vote. 

The greatest gift America can give its citizens is a less costly government, a more efficient government, a helpful, caring government, serving the people, not dependent citizens, but independent, productive citizens than can and will make everything we mean to the world a sign of what all peoples can do when not on the dole, under socialism, and free to choose. 

Making America first can result in savings too.  When is enough enough in providing money to foreign nations, climate control programs in places like Paris, Iran, Russia or Asia, even military subsidies to nations that may not really love America?  What about America first when it comes to aide for illegals, or any aide for law breakers at all?  Are we to pay for family leave for the unemployed, or incentive programs for businesses that they can do themselves?  There are interventionist programs by the Federal Government that are not helpful, thus not necessary.  

We need programs that encourage hope, incentivize everyone, create competition to learn, and make starting businesses, keeping businesses, easier.  Less regulation makes America work better, perform better, compete better, produce more at home. Keep the elitists, the major contributors to politicians seeking preferences, under control.  To be for the people our government must not be against the people.  Overburdening us with taxes is not right.  But to avoid that, spending needs to be cut.  It only makes sense to do the right thing and reduce wherever possible.  We need representatives that think on our behalf, not their own.  We need politicians whose mantra is headlined with a CSP.   

Endorse the CSP.  Call for your congressperson to lead their campaign with a CSP promise.  Ask your senators to acknowledge the need and intent to exercise CSP programs.  Elect a President that proclaims CSP above all else.  Make known a desire for government support far exceeding government control.  What is made smaller in Washington DC can only make bigger what is in your wallet. 

With CSP first, above all else, what can follow naturally is RIT.  CSP then RIT.  Who is against that?  Historically it has been proven you cannot have one without the other.  When RIT preceded CSP, failure to implement CSP resulted in HND.  And it is the tax-payer that pays.  

Cut spending (CSP), then comes Reduced Income Taxes (RIT).  With steps taken in that order, it is possible to avoid Higher National Debt (HND).

We need passengers on board the train to prosperity, calling for all conductors to lead the way, and have as the commander in chief, the engineer in the engine’s cab, take us to the next stop of America as the beacon to the world of what is possible. Democracy good.  Socialism bad.  Restore America.  All aboard the CSP coast to coast Express.

A smaller puzzle, with less pieces, is easier to assemble. Less expensive too.   CSP for you and me. 


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Requirements/Considerations for GOP Victory in 2022 and 2024

Requirements/Considerations for GOP Victory in 2022 and 2024

To win back the Senate and the House in 2022, and the White House in 2024, Donald Trump is the least likely person to lead the turn around. The Republican Party needs more who can do what Glenn Younkin did in Virginia,  form a coalition of rural Counties, people who voted for Trump, people who didn’t vote for Trump but like to vote Republican, suburban moms, female, male, white, black, and Hispanic.  The focus needs to be on capable people, being color blind at the same time.  A focus on issues that matter.  Make it an Americans for America race.   The left’s penchant to call out racism and white supremacy constantly is wearing thin, and seriously questioned, and the Covid crisis is over.  We are recovering our freedom, our economy, in part thanks to the vaccines, but also because Americans are realizing Covid will be with us.  Yet, we can live with it, as we do the flu, and continue to be careful and free. We are capable, to use an ole adage, to walk and chew gun at the same time.  Trump need not be on the scene; he can be toxic.  His policies are welcomed, but his personality is not.  We are not in the habit of embracing those who constantly see themselves as the achiever, even with good ideas, but more the team effort, less “I” and more “We.”

Hidden in the rural enclaves, the valleys and the mountains, are many patriots, citizens, that are disgusted with events in our economy, to enumerate:

  • rising gas prices, 
  • ignoring our oil independence, while calling upon OPEC and Russia to produce more oil to import.
  • false claims of a majority of racists, 
  • education being corrupted by ideologues seeking to indoctrinate our children with:  
    • Critical Race Theory (CRT), which engenders division and hatred. 
    • re-constituted history (1619 Project), 
    • allegations of white supremacy making guilt by caucasian children a requirement, 
    • a disregard for parents views or preferences for their children’s education
    • a lack of school choice
  • the failed Afghanistan pull-out
  • a callous disregard for Americans and loyalists left behind in Afghanistan
  • illegal immigration run amok, 
  • payments to illegals for health care, education, even family support, far in excess of what is available to citizens, and especially properly vetted immigrants seeking and attaining citizenship legally, 
  • inflation, 
  • an elderly compromised President with weak leadership qualities and communication skills, 
  • a concern for who is really in control of our Federal Government,
  • questionable choices by the Biden Administration for the head of various departments and Cabinet positions,
  • a questionable choice of VP as back-up for the Oval Office, 
  • officials in the Administration more focused on prioritizing sexual preferences, the climate and social justice, than issues that matter to the majority,  
  • excess government spending with no apparent desire, all factions at fault, to reduce spending
  • the push by progressive Democrats seeking a broad socialist agenda for the entire nation, to include items as reparations, medicare for all, payments for illegals,
  • socialist spending plans without fiscal responsibility,
  • burdening tax-payers for the pet projects of elected officials.
  • a troubling increasing Federal debt,
  • so much of the Main Stream Media voicing opinions that do not reflect the majority of our citizens
  • the apparent collaboration between the majority of Main Stream Media and the Democratic Party,
  • a push for unions and unionization, not for a better work environment, but for increased funding from unions to support liberal political candidates that cater to their demands.  
  • unions being used as a force against business, education, and healthcare, more for themselves than those they serve.
  • affirmative action gone to far, weakening education standards, impacting productivity, and effecting decision making.
  • campaigns to defund the police, or limit police activities and the ability to remove criminals from our streets, while the elitists then use campaign funds or tax-payor dollars for private security.
  • falsifying fears of impending climate changes and diverting funds from matters more essential, higher in priority, that impact all Americans and our economy,
  • the hypocrisy of many politicians doing for themselves what they tell their constituents not to do,
  • a criminal control system that is releasing dangerous perpetrators without bail and with little consequence,
  • and more….

The list is in no particular order of priority, but each issue is important.

Inputting a personal concern, with an emphasis on the size of government and the habitual nature of elected officials to talk about spending cuts, but doing nothing once elected.  Our Federal Government is too big and more interventionist than helpful.  With no critical emergency to deal with more can be relegated to States, reducing departments, agencies and Czars that occupy Washington DC offices.  That is an opportunity to cut spending.  And with spending cut, first, taxes can then be reduced.  To reduce taxes, first, and not cut spending did not work for either Reagan or Trump.  Consider how much staff is needed by each Senator, each Congressman, how large need the EPA be, how long a motorcade to a climate control conference is justifiable, and on and on and on.  Then consider welfare or entitlement programs that put government before parents and faith as guides, confidants, and care givers.  Such programs also take away self-esteem, incentives to work and the need to better oneself.  They are costly and often a tool of politicians to incentivize dependent persons to vote for those promising to satisfy their wants and desires.  That make’s our Nation weaker and lazier. 

Power, to many politicians, becomes their drug and they seek to control, as made clear by McAuliffe in his race for VA governor, suggesting that parents should have no say in the curriculum the system generates and the teachers are ordered to teach. This is not how Americans want to be led. 

If Democrats want to mirror FDR then adopt his desire for small government, manageable, that helps our citizens, not a big government, unwieldy, that intervenes and creates impediments to progress. 

Trump can love America, as he does, but he should not be the face of the Republican Party going forward, ‘a’ face, yes, but not ‘the’ face.  


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger