Monday, July 25, 2022

Asleep to Reality

 Asleep to Reality

Where is this world, our Nation, headed?  Many questions and concerns arise constantly about the path our Nation is taking?  Is our education system guiding our children in the right direction?  What is the correct direction?  Are parents, fathers and mothers, providing the oversight and guidance their children need?  Are the responsibilities of parents being shirked, or forgotten?  Who is in charge?

Our culture is under the influence of progressive political forces which have created chaos and confusion.  The effort has been to undermine essential foundations that are faith and family.  Preference is towards individual success and rights that remove the spiritual from the equation, yes God, and insert material objectives, or self, as the critical determinant. It has been referred to as “God in the mirror.” Progress has been wrapped in a mythical burrito containing elements that exclude God as an ingredient.  The end product lacks what is needed to make it a proper dish, as without God, making it tasteless and un-satisfying.  Purpose is questioned ad nauseam.  

Part of he battle field is between the role of man, and woman, not an amalgam of the two, with diffused characteristics that deny God’s creation.  There is no cloud nor need for deception, redefining the sexes, or forming new sexual classes, except by those that are themselves confused, improperly educated, ignorant or closeted from reality, lack logic, and deny truth.  Clearly a lie is not truth.  But in today’s world many lies are being gathered into a collection, the ‘Big Lie”, making an ideological palette that lacks essence.  A reference may be the ‘illusion of truth,’ as “repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for propaganda,” says psychologist Tom Stafford.

Progressive beliefs, politically progressive formulated ideals, when studied, lack the most strident principles of validity.  An ideology of man’s creation is formed and used to indoctrinate youth to become adherents, lacking objective alternatives to consider, and as they mature to become advocates and spokespersons; the scales covering their eyes prevent a true picture of reality.  Most often removed from their learning curve is God, the Bible and family.  But also, what is denied or ignored, is the truth.  

For those that have read Solzhenitzen (Aleksadr Solzhenitzen 1918-2008) the question that arises, ‘would he be incarcerated in America today by the Progressive idealists, as he was in Communist Russia for his criticism of the Communist State?’  He wrote and spoke out against political repression and the anti-religious campaign by the Russian totalitarian regime for ignoring facts that are truth and propagating lies.  His inherent emphasis was ‘God is in charge’ not the idealists. 

In his book, Warning to the West, Mr. Solzhenitsyn alerts American and British audiences that “totalitarianism is coming.” As the author posits, the grand irony is that greater government control seduces the masses into thinking that “the State will save us” when in reality, it is the beast that will devour them. The hope is that the burden of slavish materialism can be shaken off by giving free reign to the spiritual life inherent to all human beings.  Solzhenitzen is described on one of his many book covers as “an intransigent opponent of ideological tyranny and moral relativism, and a thinker and moral witness who is acutely sensitive to the great drama of good and evil that takes place within every human soul.”

There may be far too many of us, not just Americans, but throughout the world, that have allowed these progressive idealists, a minority of the total populations, to become too loud and too much in charge.  Is it because we are lazy, or do not believe such views and lies can be adopted as the norm?  Or are we too busy with our own ‘self’? We need to look around us and become more pro-active in insuring the truth prevails and God’s basics be understood.  Parents are speaking out, yet the family structure continues to diminish.  However, know this, where there is family and a belief in our Creator, there will be success, a sense of belonging and purpose.  

Money is being used by wealthy progressive idealists to support media outlets, content providers, candidates and office holders to promote their lies.  Effective propagandizing, politicizing, false criticisims, overwhelming the airwaves, TV and movie screens, and curriculums (from grade school through university) to install their platform as the only program for people to follow, to adhere to, is rampant. It is difficult to fully comprehend their agenda. It seems clear totalitarian regimes blinded to the light of truth are sought. 

The root cause behind the rise of totalitarianism is godlessness

The fault lies with the silent majority.  We need to be heard, not just at the ballot box, but as encouragers, believers, and spokespersons for the truth.  It is not a theocracy we seek, but an informed citizenry aware of biblical values, values that with an open mind cannot be refuted, regardless of a Judeo-Christian belief system.  Thomas Jefferson was not a believer in the Christian triune God as much as he was the ethical and moral foundations inherent in the bible, undeniable truths. He believed in one God and was guided and enlightened by biblical principles.  His thoughts as to separation of church and state applied to government not becoming a theocracy.  Preventing voices speaking the truth, expressing their Godly opinions, praying and reading from the bible on public, government owned, property was never considered. 

We are in a deep sleep and need to become aware and awake. Civilization, a big concept indeed, is said to end when there is a universal moral decline. Is that what we are experiencing?  The alarm is ringing.  We need to hear it and get to work on restoring our Nation and the World to truth and the freedom to speak the truth. Yes, asleep to reality will lead to only more chaos and emptiness among all people.  We can no longer be passive.  The hand of truth must be seen and apply itself with firmness.  We all need to be saying, ‘Not one more step in the wrong direction!’ Pick your leaders and the examples you follow carefully, be informed, and properly vet them.  Examine their moral character and their ideological rhetoric. Are they rational, logical?  What you believe matters. Not what they tell you to believe.  And never discount the power of the Word. 

After all God is in charge. There is nothing wrong or to be embarrassed about going to church.  There you can be in the company of seekers and kingdom builders, and learn with an open mind. We are responsible for the truth; humans are graced by God to insure the freedom of everyone to comprehend the truth.  Let not your heart be deceived. 


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger.