Preserving the Rights of Citizens
Progress and Science
As an American we often ignore the world as a whole, but it should be considered. For centuries the world moved forward at a slow pace. From Roman times, certainly prior, until the twentieth century wars were fought mostly with muscle, not machines. The material elements of combat were limited to hand held devices or implements man manhandled to deliver their impact, such as the cannon. But science has enabled man to create powerful weapons that have a force far greater than entire armies of past centuries could unleash at an instant. The delivery of such devices uses transports that have man far from the site of the calamities. No longer hand-to-hand. Not just in the area of battle, but in the whole of our lives science has led to the concept of warp speed in innovations that have enhanced the lives for all of mankind. More of the 7 billion plus residents of earth enjoy better, improved lives, living longer, than ever before. It is as a train continuing to gather speed, without any thought of slowing down. In fact to slow the speed would probably have catastrophic consequences.
Science is the cause, indeed, and science can never be dismissed. In fact it must be fully understood, discussed, taught, studied, transparent, and outcomes vetted to insure safety and efficacy. To hide the truth, such as side effects, is to potentially derail the train or at least compromise confidence in advances ongoing. Man has benefitted by the health we enjoy, the education we receive, the comforts at home, the tools that make our work easier and more productive, and increased leisure. Changes continue, quickly and at times hard to even comprehend. That which has brought us to the present will dimly reflect upon what will occur in the future. The wheels of progress will spin at an ever increasing rate.
Yet there are economies and governments that cannot keep up. Can humans actually keep up? Has man changed, the human spirit altered? What has science done for the human condition, the soul? Winston Churchill wrote, “Certain it is that while men are gathering knowledge and power with ever-increasing and measureless speed, their virtues and their wisdom have not shown any notable improvements as the centuries have rolled….The nature of man has remained hitherto practically unchanged.” (Fifty Years Hence, published in the Strand, 1931).
With all this progress there are countries whose leadership continuously seeks control over its citizens, giving them a taste of science’s good, while few enjoy the fully ripened fruit. And the sovereign, if an autocrat, enjoys the power possessed.
Everyone benefits from scientific development - the developer, the manufacturer, and the people, but some more than others. Certainly all people benefit by the improvements to lives made possible, from infrastructure, roads and utilities, convenience items, to foods, and certainly, TV. Do all equally benefit from the creation of the new order of things? Of course not. Does the capitalist earn the most? This debate is never ending. Socialists are constantly standing behind the fence, lifted up by others and now looking over to collectively lay claim to the largesse, a need for transference of the wealth effect so all may enjoy equally. If the socialist did not create the product should they in equity receive equal rewards?
Governments labelled as or leaning progressive (Socialist) employ the approach that inequities in society from sources not of the government itself create unfairness. It is only the government that can maintain the scale at its’ fulcrum, fully balanced. The fallacy in all this is the government that controls is by far the greater beneficiary, in size, financially, its members personally, and does so with impunity. It raises a defense for the minority as a tool to obtain support for its political desires, enjoining their support with entitlements, limited in scope, yet effective; while attacking the successful few that make science work for the whole. They are referred to as privileged, even racist. The successful are uniquely colored and classified as of a singular supreme nature, regardless of ethnicity or pigmentation.
Science can be abused. If the crisis that is cured by science is held hostage to the science itself, for political gains, more government control, the reigning power structure wins. As in war, nationalistic pride is promoted and employed as a tool to require citizens to be engaged for the nation, in work demanded by the government for their survival. FDR used Executive Privilege and Emergency Powers to convert industry and jobs for the war effort. In doing so the freedom American’s embraced were sacrificed for the war, the battle at hand. After the war that was changed. But consider this. Since that time the Executive has used Emergency Powers in peacetime for crises of its own, as if in war, be it economic, or health related (Covid). In doing so freedoms were limited. Were our Constitutional freedoms ever fully restored after WWII?
When science works against the power base and its political template, it can be suppressed. Intelligent concerns from highly educated sources may be classified as ‘mis-information,’ to the detriment of citizens, their freedom and their well-being. Truth is hidden. A headline from an article in Scientific American (March 29, 2021) read, “Rejection of mainstream science and medicine has become a key feature of the political right in the US and increasingly around the world.” Controlling governments, with a tendency to be liberal, claim they are acting for the protection of everyone, their departments are not to be questioned when they tell the populace what they should be doing, even required. The propaganda: it is resistance from conservative elements that question the veracity of the claims, that facts are concealed. But any who question the government’s proclamations are then put into the same pocket, even prevented from earning a living. The government knows how to blame, but also how to lie. We have all heard it, ‘Get the stab or lose your job, your commission, your pension. Lying loudly, limiting freedom of speech, debate, argument, withholding evidence, controlling media (print, social and broadcast media), and dictating to its citizens enables the political party in power and its alliances to maintain their grip, being authoritarian, self-righteous, and to reign supreme. This is the socialist model. It entails meddling and intervention. The citizenry suffers.
It seems reasonable to me that those that make science work for you and me deserve more. After all they were either the creators, the developers, the manufacturers, the service agents or the enhancers. They gave their time to learning, to thinking, to investing, often their own money (time and treasure), then teaching others, employing others, training, providing jobs and opportunities, and taking the risk. Those that fail receive very little. But those that succeed receive much. Should we be jealous? No, we should be thankful.
Therefore, I ask, is it the right of any citizen to demand equity under all circumstances, even when they benefit but do not create or produce? What is the correct public policy? What are governments to do? Are they to speak for the masses? Or are they to represent the individual? Does the government work for the people or the people for the government? America’s Constitution clearly has the government as representative of the people and thus working for We The People. But today’s government is resisting that concept. In an article written in 1936 by Winston Churchill (Collier’s, What Good’s A Constitution), “Every self-respecting citizen in every country must be on his guard lest the rulers demand of him in time of peace sacrifices only tolerable in a period of war for national self-preservation.” How insightful! A President’s intent when using Emergency Powers in time of peace should always be questioned; and in principal not permitted. It brings to the surface the adage of never letting a good crisis go to waste. Said crisis becomes a device to strengthen the Party in Power’s hand over its citizens.
In America sovereign power rests with the people, and is exercised through Congress, elected representatives. A President is not the Sovereign, as a King, as they are not autonomous, not dictators. There exist controls over their authority. Yet there are those that would prefer that not be the case; those who use surreptitious means to enhance their power.
Government For The People
Government, in speaking for everyone, can provide an education, even subsidies to attend modern universities, they can tax and apply surplus wealth for the common good, and they can attempt to equalize the playing field for all. One might argue that where the government aides in education, the educated should be in the sciences where the advances benefiting society as a whole are the greatest. Not in the political sciences. Humanities, yes, as a groundwork to further education, but not in the area of unscientific controversial social issues. History, when the truth is presented, will cast sufficient light on the success and failures of social programs, that if studied could mitigate the extent to which similar social programs are constantly brought to the surface anew. But the playing field to be equal for all as a socialist government purports will never be equal. As much as they try to diminish the ‘other’ factors, such as family, church, faith, mentors, and finance, those influencers will strive to make their children, their students, those applying themselves, and independent self-motivated persons, learn more, try harder, dress better, be more socially conscious, seek the best examples to emulate, to achieve, to score, and to succeed.
Today’s Administration
From this current Administration, under Biden and the Democratic powers that appear to hold his strings, we have experienced economic wars and health wars of their creation, elements of reality to only them indeed. Attempts have been made to compel citizens to serve the State, never questioning any claims nor authority. More subjective than objective, facts have been disguised, discussion limited, and alternative information suppressed. It has allowed socialism to arise, as tattoos inked on the arms of its citizens, to be nationalistic, while citizen’s rights and freedoms have been curtailed. Their success has been remarkable. Will we now, or ever, experience a return to the sensibilities of a government for the people?
Governments come and go, but our civil servants remain. Has our government become too big, filled with entrenched, protected liberals that bide their time, and bathe in their spoils. Has an internal political permanent infrastructure evolved? Does this cadre of leftest socialistic ideology enjoy the times when Democrats are in control. When a Republican house is erected do they simply do the minimum awaiting a Democrat return. They are as termites, chewing at the foundation of our Constitutional structure. Is the socialist mindset, and the entitlement dependent class, too buried in the halls of Washington to ever dig out. This Administration enjoys power over the people. This is not the America the Founders even intended. And we are not at war.
The only emergency is the need to return the power to the people and protect citizen’s rights. This Administration is interfering with the rights of our citizens; as citizens we must interfere and alter the course America is now on. As many cry out, it is the voting booth that is being abused. That is where change takes place. We need identification (ID’s) for just about everything that is important - banking, driving, licenses, passports, flying, crossing borders (American’s anyway), seeing medical professionals, and more. To vote is simple logic: You must be a US citizen to vote; a US citizen, to vote, must show proper ID of citizenship. It is one of our greatest Rights. It is essential that privilege is secure. It’s your vote and not someone else voting in your place. In person voting is the best practice. As to mail-in ballots it should only be when specifically requested and for good reason (illness, handicap, out of the area when the polls are open). However if ballot harvesting is permitted then Republicans need to do as good a job at it as the Democrats.
Free Thinking, Freedom Loving
In socialism there is misery. People’s rights and freedoms are limited. In capitalism there are blessings. People’s rights and freedoms are embraced. Neither are perfect, nor wholly equitable. Equal opportunity provides a starting point for all our children, yet equal opportunity does not mean equal outcomes. No government can be the equalizer. Equal outcomes are impossible. Incentives are needed to enable all those who strive to become as good as they can be. A dependent society will be weak and disinterested; it will be indoctrinated to rely on government, and expect more. As a result the dependents feel entitled and in turn embolden political factions prone to give as much of the ‘others’ success as possible in exchange for their increased numbers in government and at the helm.
America’s Constitution is the finest document ever written to preserve the Rights of Citizens. The progressives are not progressive, but regressive. It took many millenniums for a gathering of men of various persuasions to finally collaborate and write our Constitution. The Declaration of Independence voices the freedoms we must preserve. There has never been a successful socialist country. There are successful capitalistic countries. For the people life is better when there is fiscal responsibility, small government, open pathways to opportunity, fewer impediments to innovation, basic education and not indoctrination, greater incentives to achieve, less regulation, faith and family embraced, secure borders, and when our homes and neighborhoods are safe. The vision that is thus presented is an open blue sky, the warm sun on our shoulders, happy children playing in the streets, and an avenue with few obstacles towards our pursuit of happiness. Freedom is protected; rights preserved.
Science will continue at its exponential pace. Science best advances under the free markets. Government’s can intervene, show favorites, respond to their financial lifeblood, the lobbyists, only wanting what is best for the power base. Science has helped to streamline almost every discipline, except possibly that of government. Government has become and elephant when a thoroughbred is required. In crisis science can be abused, not just by governments, but greedy capitalists as well. There are imperfections. Human nature has not advanced as much as technology, except to be considered more civilized when surrounded by the materials of science and tech. But that is the pig lipstick case.
Be guided by your parents and your mentors. Find examples to emulate. Live to be free. Learn, love, have babies, and be their guide. Beware: the Government has a tendency to deceive, to lie, protecting its cronies, its base and its turf. Protect your heritage as an American.
by Thomas W. Balderston
Author and Blogger