Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Equity Makes America Worse. Equity is Akin to Communism, or Socialism.

In 1964 LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act. There were few safety net expenditures at that time. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as race in hiring, promoting, and firing.  The program was intended to help many minorities improve their lot in life by opening more doors for jobs. Note, a requirement for literacy tests as a prerequisite to voting was also eliminated. Adjusted for inflation $25 to $30 trillion has been spent on the safety net, called the war on poverty.  But statistics suggest all the tax dollars spent have not really helped, as more have become dependent upon the government for help.  When enough funding is provided a large number of the otherwise poor population is lifted out of statistical poverty.  The government numbers then look better, as if poverty is on the decline.  

In ‘equity’ the Democrats seek to continue to increase the size of the ‘safety net,’ appealing to those on the dole to vote them into power so they can do just that.  It involves transferring wealth.  Many of the poor in America enjoy good food, have housing, large screen televisions, cell phones and service, the internet, have computers, and buy video games.  Many are more than capable of working, but they choose not to.  They are not as poor as they would be without the Federal Government.  Try to cut their ‘entitlements’ and a large voting bloc becomes the resistance. Obama added to this resistance with the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).  And if you recall Democrats cared less about reading the bill, knowing what it would do for their base.  But is poverty in America on a decline, or actually being masked by liberal government continuing to spend on social insurance entitlement programs. 

What can lift people out of the basement of a productive society? Education. Work. Family. Incentives.  Ownership.  I also believe that faith is important as well. The most impoverished today are single-parent families, especially in black and hispanic communities. And those not working are also among the most impoverished. Since the advent of civil rights legislation it has been all about the money transfer, not the true needs.  Do the Democrats want Americans to be poorer and more dependent upon government, which the Alinsky Rules for Radicals would suggest? 

When Kamala Harris campaigned to be the nominee for President in 2020 she commented that, “Equitable treatment means we all end up in the same place.”  This is not a direct quote, but the essence of her thinking.  She is not alone with this ideological position, but it is clearly erroneous in terms of human behavior and desires.  This idea has become more of a penchant by Democrats, socialist in their orientation, for ‘equity’ throughout society.  Equity calls for equal outcomes, equal treatment, without any regard for achievement.  Equity engendered a redefinition of ‘diversity’ to be that of characteristics and not thinking or ability.  ‘Equity’ simply means there are persons than do more while others do less to obtain the same results. Within society there are marginalized groups as well as elevated, or over-achievers, who with the framework of the progressive Democrat political directives should share equally.  It is obvious what this suggests; those that have succeeded must provide for those that have not.  It also means lower quality standards and productivity. 

My question is this.  “Where is the incentive to do well?” 

As an aside.  Charity has a place and can help lift persons out of poverty.  The government disdains religious charities claiming they are in the business of conversion.  Charity, however, provides the opportunity for the caring and the wealthy to give voluntarily.  When government chooses to become the charity it is not as efficient as the non-profit or the religious, due principally to bureaucratic administrative expenses. 

Autocratic societies do not want their populace educated, as the educated would be a threat.  Autocratic societies do not like religion, as the autocrats want to be the gods and have none other higher than them.  In Islamic societies the rules are made by men, not women, and not God, as their Scripture (the Quran) demonstrates. In Christian societies God is a threat to leadership, providing common sense laws of ethics and morality that may not be to the liking of those in government. And elite political leadership dislike thinking of themselves as sinners, preferring their own truth and actions as self-righteous.

In America Democrats prefer society be less educated, poor, family minimized, and less godly, all to the benefit of creating a base of voters that will grant them power.  Biden spoke recently saying, “There is no such thing as someone else’s children.  Our nation’s children are all our children.” This mirrored the words of a noted education figure, and suggests parent’s are not the one’s to raise their kids well, but government.  

For power and control the elite liberal politicians will return entitlements. The numbers prove it. ‘Equity’ is a ruse, more harmful than productive to those that want to have purpose and make something of themselves.  Our nations’ current welfare system dis-incentivizes more than encourages.  It divides more than unifies.  Even ‘racism’ is a political tool.  If never discussed or publicized by the main stream media it would not exist.  In an exchange with Mike Wallace, Morgan Freeman, responding to his question, “How are we going to get rid of racism?”, said succinctly, “Stop talking about it.”

Welfare discourages work.  Welfare, as ‘equity,’ encourages dependency, and indolence, as well as divisiveness when entitlements are viewed more as a right (health care, guaranteed income) and opponents resist granting more. To those that work for a living, achieve financial independence, dependency and increasing dependency, as well as ‘equity,’ is not fair. 

Our civil rights and welfare programs are not effective.  The people on poverty have not been lowered, disguised maybe, but not lowered. We need to re-examine our welfare programs, as well as the liberal mindset, which has occupied our education system as a plague on our children, impacting their intelligence, their patriotism and love of God and Country.  As in welfare when experiences occur early in life the outcomes can effect the adult too.  Too many of our educated adults have become ‘woke’ and lack the common sense, the acumen, and the wisdom needed to grasp proper ethical and moral behavior.  They actually need God and family more than our Federal Government. Biblical values far exceed in providing guidance to live a worthy life; and from a book of few pages when compared to the vast stores of legislation and laws composed by America’s political minds and legislatures.  Family, unified and loving, is the foundation for individuals upon which learning is properly directed, skills taught, and work ethics established. 

In America my understanding has always been that ‘equality’ is a starting point.  Just as on a race track, for a human or a thoroughbred, before the gun is fired everyone is at the same point.  But at the end, when the tape is crossed there are winners, laggards and those that finish last.  The Democrats want the roses given to the winner to then be shared, with all participants getting equal treatment.  First, second, third place does not really matter.  And if it did then any claim to victory would be suppressed as not to traumatize those that were not competitive.  Training, practice, and increased knowhow would be unnecessary. 

Traces of such distributive malice are exhibited in Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, DEI programs (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), and ESG valuations (for Environment, Social, Governance).   It is the participation trophy that matters to liberals. Unfortunately there will always be those that have the ideas, are self-motivated, regardless of character (gender, race, sexual orientation), and can execute to achieve their dreams or their goals.  

The Treasury Department has a 25 member Advisory Committee on Racial Equity, formed to boost its ‘equity efforts.’ 

Are Democrats attempting to reduce society to naught but underachievers, creating a dependent society which relies fully upon the government for any benefits to include income, healthcare, and living standards?  If so my note of caution to those so politically inclined - you will soon run out of money.  Just look to California.

A Biden administration rule is set to take effect soon that will create mortgage ‘equity’ having good credit borrowers pay a higher interest rate than poor credit borrowers. Thus forcing people with good credit to subsidize high-risk mortgages. 

Many Democrats say the future of their Party may reside in California, in the suit worn by the current Governor, Gavin Newsom.  A man with good looks does not mean a person of integrity or capable of running the Federal Government.  He was the mayor of San Francisco, a city which today few visit and when they do they return with regrets.  That City has fallen from grace as a tourist mecca.  It’s streets are filthy, drugs are rampant, people are leaving for safer localities, businesses are subject to unchecked criminals, sidewalks have become homesteads for addicts and the homeless, and residents fear for their safety.  As governor of the State the whole of California is becoming more like San Francisco, just consider LA.  Newsom is not a leader that governs, but a politician that promises and cannot deliver.  The elected politicians, and yes, they were elected by voters, pass legislation that favors the marginalized, as if that is a good deed, but to the detriment of the productive elements of society.  And the State’s debt is massive, with spending out of control.  In California the poor are becoming poorer, a component of the plan of the Rules for Radicals, while programs to help the poor are but window dressing for the elitist Democrat office holders. The producers are looking for the exit.  Like Portland, Oregon where cartoons portray the City as bankrupt with closures and ‘going out of business’ signs for the whole of a once beautiful city.

Voters are lacking information, less discerning, losing interest, subjected from youth to liberal ideology paving the way for ‘wokism,’ pummeled by main stream media ideologues if they even read or watch news, and non-objective. They lack the ability to filter facts from lies and fiction. And they elect the likes of Newsom and Biden. 

Legislation was passed in 2022, to be implemented by 2025, requiring CA utilities (SoCal Edison, PG&E, San Diego G&E) to establish flat-rate monthly utility bills according to income, $15 for low-income households to $85 for households reporting more that $180K, and so on, for the same service. If usage is less that forecast reductions to the monthly requirements are possible.  This is wealth transference, in ‘equity’, and more marxist/socialist than democratic. 

Democrats vocalize a great deal about “breaking the chains of poverty” and pass laws appealing to those they consider oppressed, racially and otherwise. But in reality what are they doing, as today in the name of the Green New Deal, or Electric Vehicles, or curbs on fossil fuel exploration, Biden hampering America’s oil independence, a focus on eliminating gas-stoves, discontinuing the sale of inexpensive light bulbs, and defunding the police, they are making the poor, poorer, increasing the percentage of poverty.  Excess spending during Covid and, after that crisis passed (including all the created elements), essentially paying people not to work, has been inflationary, negatively impacting the entire economy here and worldwide. And paying to not work is a disincentive creating a large dependency class of citizens, dependent upon their parents and the government.  Who benefits?  Neither the parent nor the dependent benefits. 

If I told you over 60 million people were in poverty in 2021, would you believe me?  That compares to the 1964 figure of 36 million.  It is difficult to determine the actual number, but in all likelihood it is higher, as government reporting can be confusing. However, with government supplements (safety net money paid to the poor) that number, officially, is reduced to about 26 million.  The supplements are a significant cost to those that actually pay taxes. Of the 322 million total US population, about 34 million were lifted out of poverty (taken off the official government count) using tax dollars. For food stamps alone (SNAP and WIC) $187.5 billion was spent in 2021.

The politicians are the beneficiaries.  They have more power and can continue to increase the size of government by forming departments, agencies and ad hoc committees, with Czars, to help the needy.  By helping the needy, and increasing the numerical base of those in need, they help themselves.  They want the votes and will find a way to pay for them using tax-payor money.  Even Biden thinks Federal Revenues belong to the government and not to the People.  But it is our money, at least money earned by the productive percentage of society.  But as the productive part shrinks and the non-productive side increases, dependency increases, and a vote for the government as provider increases.  Democrats, socialists, Marxists, and Communists become the victors.  The elite among them retain control.  The poor never really get what they were promised. All of society becomes the losers. Equity prevails. Dependency increases.

Eliminating those under 18 years of age from the poverty numbers, that leaves 50 million registered (potentially) voters receiving supplements from the government, or dependent upon government entitlements (‘safety net’). 65% of the total eligible-to-vote population (256 million) was registered in 2020, or 168.1 million.  if that same percentage applies (65%), the number on welfare that are registered is estimated at 32.5 million. That pool of voters depends on the government for cash for food stamps, energy assistance, workman’s compensation, unemployment insurance, housing, social security supplements, child tax-credits, unearned income tax credits, and more, to include social security for those eligible.  To a Democrat this pool is their base, those to whom they appeal for voters. They would prefer it continues to grow. And tax-payers are being asked yearly to help the poor more.  

From a government report, “A strong safety net, in combination with … social investments, is needed to alleviate material deprivation, to ensure that vulnerable individuals can attain economic self-sufficiency for themselves and their children, and to pave the way for even more progress for the nation over the next 50 years.” * Yet progress is suspect. 

From the Economic Policy Institute [A liberal (some say, ‘left-wing’) think tank supported by George Soros and economist Robert Reich, in a Working Economics Blog (Sept. 13, 2022)], When ‘racism’ is suggested as a bias, a barrier, to expanding social insurance programs, the Institute says “research shows… Americans consistently overestimate the share of Black people (and other minorities) supported by government programs, leading white Americans in particular to oppose many forms of social insurance.” Such BS is a constant mantra of the left.  Their response claims resistance to further spending, more increases to the safety net, becomes a matter of “choosing austerity over effective poverty reduction.”  What is forgotten is that non-cash programs are needed and would be most effective. Yet such programs do not fit with the objectives of the elitist power hungry liberal political cabal.

Consider this. In the 1960’s 87% of black families were two parent household.  Today that number is 25%.  In the 60’s 40% of blacks had their own businesses, and today that is less than 7%. Working helps, and those not working are among the poorest. In the last 35 years those considered poor yet ‘not working’ had increased from 27.4% (1985) to 33.7% in 2014 and higher today. The Civil rights Movement had an impact on the godly too. In 2020 church membership was 47%, down more than 20% from 2000. In the 40s it was over 70%. In 1960 nationwide church membership was 63.3% (having actually grown from 57% in 1950). Education levels have increased as a percentage of those graduating high school and colleges, yet poverty is increasing too. However the quality of education has declined, as standards for testing and graduation requirements have been lowered. Why is that?  “Poverty, especially when deep or experienced early in life, is associated with poorer cognitive development, school readiness, academic achievement, educational attainment and future employment outcomes….”(pg. 38) *  So even the government suggests education is essential, yet the liberals are constantly trying to change the landscape of education by not heralding those that excel or reward and incentivize achievement; this being done in the name of ‘equity.’ 

The decline in the level of knowledge, reading and writing, in education today is reflected in modifications being made to grading systems.  Colleges are making it a choice for applicants to take entrance exams (ACT or SAT), thus acceptance will be on characteristics, not ability (government defined diversity). What that does for the quality of graduates and how businesses then select future employees is a concern. The same is taking place in medicine, MCAT’s are not required for medical schools. You may never know whether a future doctor is fully prepared or qualified, but he will have a degree. Make sure a physician you rely upon today is younger than you so as to not out live them.  

Our systems of education are morphing into equity based outcomes. This will diminish quality and make, as Kamala desires, future stars shine less brightly.  The brightest will be dimmed to that of the lowest standard. 

While the goal of safety net programs is to provide citizens with a minimum standard of living until they can earn their financial independence, it is seemingly oriented primarily towards wealth transfer and not actually helping lift all boats, or equipping people with the education, self-esteem and incentives needed to achieve, be motivated, and earn their financial independence. What the government is failing to do is “to teach a man to fish.”  

The government has a liberal bent even when conservatives are at the helm, due to an entrenched government service worker base, difficult to cull, and focused on maintaining their departments and budgets.  That makes it difficult to change the mindset of those that actually write the Bills.   

What the liberal regime has been doing historically is helping the impoverished endure being poor.  Only the self-motivated have a chance, yet systematically liberals are even trying by their rhetoric and actions, the main stream media at fault as well, to constrain the self-motivated.  

Beware the extent to which the pendulum swings in the direction of a majority dependent society who will always vote for their welfare, not their purpose.  Why work?  Why worry? 


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

And for more on the safety net ($1.215 trillion spent in 2022) visit

* Quote from: Poverty in the United States: 50-Year Trends and Safety Net Impacts, March 2016, by By Ajay Chaudry, Christopher Wimer, Suzanne Macartney, Lauren Frohlich, Colin Campbell, Kendall Swenson, Don Oellerich, and Susan Hauan in the Office of Human Services Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Woke Puppet in Charge

                                    The Woke Puppet

Oh to be Trans and living under the umbrella of Democrats and Joe Biden. It is a covering of many colors, but each color is separate, divided and not unified.  The greens are green, yellows, yellow, blues, blue, and blacks, black. It looks  nice, but does it protect us all from what is raining from above, from the tower of power that the Biden/Harris Administration represent.  

Our government has become a political power and not balanced in representing the whole of America.  The government is unwieldy and not able to perform efficiently, or objectively.  As a ship at sea it is top heavy with elitists and should be struggling to stay properly afloat except for the ballast.  The ballast of the ship of state is made up of a majority liberal employees, difficult to dislodge as long as they show up daily. They are Tik Tok Woke jokers, yes, far too many.  They serve in valuable as well as questionable ways.  Many are engaged to insure the engine of government operates regardless of those at the top.  Checks are written, 1041’s reviewed, the work of Congress advanced, legislation drafted, and reports are read.  But there are many engaged, some saying too many, in departments created over history, timely at the time, but not needed today.  The process within to disband the detritus of past and current political pet projects and desires is non-existent or embroiled in controversy.  Regulations protect government employees from being let go without cause, even if that cause is their service is no longer required or needed. 

A problem, seems to me, is the ideals of liberalism have percolated to the top - a socialistic orientation, disdain for capitalism, an aggressive plan to save a planet dying tomorrow (using fear tactics), and collecting every minority character into their camp. The act as morality police.  Influencers of the woke variety claiming freedom of speech and democracy, yet hypocrites by their intolerance, are granted leeway by the media. The top law enforcer (AG Garland) now prevails over a system protective of democrats (certainly the President and his son Hunter), while trampling on the freedoms of parents, conservatives, church goers and Republicans, and making criminals victims. 

States have their own legislatures and departments that can be good and can be bad.  Decision making at the State level focuses on matters important to local citizens. State residents may differ State to State in their orientation.  That is why today there are maps showing red and blue States, those conservative, fiscally responsible in nature contrasted to a liberal, socialist orientation.  But the power at the Federal level can work in diabolic ways to alter the voice of the State to acquiesce to that of the power of the Administration. Recent concerns about Trans athletes, not woman becoming male-like, but men becoming woman-like, has arisen in the area of sports.  Trans-womanlike-males competing alongside women have shown a competitive advantage in a number of venues.  Many States declared this wrong and enacted legislation banning Trannies. Along came Biden, responding to the pressure from his internal influencers. 

The IRS collects taxes from all Americans.  The obligations flow into a single pot, the Federal Treasury, and is meted out to pay bills.   Not all funds pay for Federal obligations, as there is an allocation process to each State.  It is not equal to that received, as there is a disproportional payout, richer States receiving less than paid in and poorer States receiving more than paid in.  There are payments made to colleges and universities, to cities and other local governments, for roads and bridges, various infrastructure needs, maintenance of airports and post offices and more.  But the caveat emptor is this.  There are strings attached.  They are tied to the puppeteers at the helm of the ship of state.  If a State heads in a direction that is not to the liking of the national power corps, as by saying ‘no’ to trans, the string can be pulled.  The string is attached to cash, State money mind you, but the Federal’s have control.  They can say there will be no cash unless….. as in “unless you allow trans to compete there will be no cash for education in your State.”  Unless a company does not hire persons of characteristics as defined, say blacks or female or LGBTQ, Union, or whatever, a business will not be eligible for lucrative government contracts.  The characteristics are the essence, not the abilities or the thoughts and ideas of those to be employed.  The umbrella cannot be a blend, but segregated, allocations by decree, enforced by the influencers pressuring the leadership to use their strings.

I stand with Riley Gaines. 

Riley, an accomplished swimmer, was recently defeated by a trans swimmer. She lost to a biological male in a female only competition.  I am not in the arena that would allow men, in any form or creation, to compete in women’s sports.  Have a separate trans category if they must. Just imagine college trans teams, but consider how many trans women would compete, that is, just trans men would face off. This is the hypocrisy of it all. 

Riley has spoken out over this injustice. Her voice is being heard, but her campaign is not easy. Recently she was confronted, attacked in fact, by trannies. For her safety she was sequestered by security for hours until the melee abated. [Read article: ]. Yet the perpetrators were never charged for the disturbance or harm they caused. The liberals were protected, making Riley the criminal, not the victim, for taking a stand. 

A bit of irony, or hypocrisy.  Megan Rapinoe, retired soccer star, spoke out at the White House (4/13) in favor of trans in women’s sports. This is the elite model speaking.  She made her fame and money and now can take what she sees as a moral high road. She catered to the bias of the audience invited.  Being LGBT herself (the ‘L’), I question her support for trans-inclusion if she was still competing. My thought is she would resist or not in fact be as honored, successful or wealthy as a female, having been replaced by a George who became a Ginny and out-scored her on every soccer pitch they would have played on. She’d then be more logical in her commentary, and more like Riley. 

And to exemplify elitist, think EVs.  Not a member of the Biden family drives an EV.  Elitist narcissist Geraldo Rivera favors EVs for all as he speaks about buying an EV Bentley.  They live above the clouds, as  morality examples, yet forget those that really matter. Most people neither desire an EV nor can afford an EV.  

Let men be men, women, women. If they want to transition elsewhere then deal with the reality. I am in the biology means something group. There are many States there too. But the long arm of an inefficient, possibly effeminate, Administration, certainly compromised by the ‘woke,’ is at work using their power of the purse, not even their own money, to impose a liberal will on those that disagree. Democrat’s democracy is not the same as that of the fathers of our Nation. At one time the intent of States having Rights, States Rights, meant something. The Feds clearly feel differently. They want but one idea for America. The diversity of 50 ideas, one per State, does not fit the intolerant posture of the heavily left Democrats. The trend is currently ‘woke.’  And Biden has become there Woke puppet in charge. 

Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Out of Many, One

 Out of Many, One.

Daily we are confronted with a culture astir. Do we as Americans know who we are. Some say ‘yes’, some ‘no’, some ‘I don’t know.’  With the glaring lights from the ‘woke’ torch, a look into the burning fire is a definition that is counter to what made America great.  The concern is that fire can actually incinerate the dream. 

History places on the world map nations that have features aligned with singular elements, such as ethnicity, religion, and race.  There are predominantly Muslim cultures, Christian areas, there is Japan and China whose heritage frames their identity, Israel grew out of a desire for a Jewish homeland, Europe was white, Catholic and Christian, and Africa was home of the negro. America was an unknown.  After it’s discovery a novel government was formed, not to cater to one, but to many. Call it a ‘melting pot.’ Call it a ‘mosaic.’ But it was never to be a singular culture, race or religion, ethnicity or gender driven country. So, what then?

The cradle of America can be pictured as many ships crossing the Atlantic, carrying people of all colors and stripes, with various religious beliefs, and political views, that reflected support or distain for the governments under which they were ruled.  They were uncertain as to what they were to face, but they were looking for an opportunity to be free from the restraints of oppression, religious differences, or indifferences, and autocracies. They sought an opportunity not available in their homeland. They may have come from a caste system. And some were taken from their homeland and brought to America as slaves. As a whole these people were diverse in their characteristics, but also intellectually diverse. The founding fathers took this mix of ideas and ideals, and made every effort to allow them to flourish within the framework of the canvas that was being painted to make a new nation. The founders were not in favor of slavery, but understood that time would be needed to eradicate it. 

To properly develop as a nation those that debated, discussed, wrote, re-wrote, and finally agreed on our Constitution saw fit to respect individualism and freedom. Democracy was in session.  Also capitalism became the pathway for anyone to achieve their dreams. It was recognized that hard work would be required. Forests were cleared, fields were plowed, houses built, cities created, businesses formed, trade begun, wheat and tobacco grown, battles were fought, and prosperity evolved. And those that achieved success where not of one color or one mind. And not everyone was successful.  Those that controlled this new nation were the majority.

America was built by individuals which as a group allowed the voices of the most, a plurality, to control by vote.  It was where private persons became the owners of industry, large and small businesses; they became the traders, and focused on profit.   The objective of a business was to make the best product, be most competitive, become a success and flourish.  The objective was not racial equality, the climate, or gender; that was left to the government.  Government was to have society as a whole in mind when enacting legislation to insure safe neighborhoods, justice, our nation’s sovereignty, clean water, healthy air, and equality.  It was not about equity.  It was not about stereotypes. It was about ideas, diversity of thought and individual attributes; how persons hired could best support the growth of the enterprise. There were shareholders wanting to invest in thriving corporations, not stakeholders wanting different characters from sectors of society, emphasizing sex, race, and ethnicity. Equal opportunity is the starting point, the outcomes seldom equal. Corporations were not to do the job of government, but to obey its laws. 

A quote applicable to this discussion. “The goal of feminism isn’t actually to put more women on corporate boards. That’s just a tactic. The real goal is to live in a world where men and women regard one another with genuinely held mutual respect as co-equals. The same goes for racial equality and the regard that people of different races ought to have for one another.” (Woke, Inc., Ramaswamy, Vivek. Woke, Inc. (p. 306). Center Street. Kindle Edition.)

At its heart America was united, yet today the ‘woke’ have created division, out of ignorance and laziness in properly defining ‘diversity.’ Diversity in its truest sense is that of thought.  When seeking a viable enterprise, for-profit or non-profit, ‘diversity’ is finding and melding ideas from the best minds, ignoring characteristics of birth.  True diversity is blind to religion, ethnicity, color and gender.  

E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One.  

We need to restore and some need to relearn what made America the best nation in the world in which to live today.  To some these are crass words;  capitalism, freedom, individualism, and democracy.  We need to incentivize people to better themselves and work with others, not create a dependent society expecting others to provide what many prefer be given. We need forums where opinions are heard, debate can occur and open-minds prevail. Protests should proceed without violence, consumers make their own decisions, companies concentrate on their products not our morality, and being white, straight and male should not be a sin. We are currently headed in the wrong direction. Let not a separate political bias continue to divide and cause us to awake from the American Dream.  

By Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger