Thursday, October 24, 2024

America's Education System

Education in America

It was recently said, “The real threat to democracy is stupid people.”

The Current System

The system of Education in American rests today in the halls of our Federal Government.  President Jimmy Carter (39th, 1977-1981) did that.  

President James Garfield (20th, 1881) wanted to be able to monitor the progress in education in the States.  He was able to enact legislation to create a department with offices in the Interior Department.  The responsibility for educating our citizens rested with each State.  Governors and State legislatures decided on funding and some even on curriculums.  Under the system there were States whose educated scored better than others.  Best practices could be observed and those lower on the achievement scale could alter their programs to improve. That was the case for over 100 years and then democrats in power, with a penchant for federalizing everything possible, wanting to control things, took decisions for educating children under their wing.  Was it for the right reasons?  Were improvements in education the objective?

The problem I have with the current system is its singular nature.  The Federal Government insists on certain programs, or curriculums to be used, withholding Federal dollars as the means to insure implementation or adoption.  This does not allow for creativity in teaching.  It certainly denies States Rights.  Another problem is the use of ‘equity’ when considering education standards. A goal of the No Child Left Behind Act (2001), focusing on elementary and secondary school policymaking, was to reduce the achievement gap between students. Yet inherent in doing so standardized testing was questioned, underachieving students were promoted to the next grade level, and many more high school graduate students were unqualified to properly read and write, or enter college or even become employed at other then entry level wage jobs with little opportunity for advancement. The emphasis seemed to become self-esteem and not intellectual.  Reducing the gap actually lowered the requirements for the upper levels making them not work as hard, thus reducing output quality as a whole.


In America my understanding has always been that ‘equality’ is a starting point. Just as on a race track, for a human or a thoroughbred, before the gun is fired everyone is at the same point. But at the end, when the tape is crossed there are winners, laggards and those that finish last. The Democrats want the roses given to the winner to then be shared, with all participants getting equal treatment. First, second, third place does not really matter. And if it did then any claim to victory would be suppressed as not to traumatize those that were not competitive. Training, practice, and increased knowhow would be unnecessary.  We are not doping horses to run faster, we are injecting them with verbal abuse if they lead the race by too much. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

A DEI world. DEI may have resulted from the failure of our Education system  which has allowed unprepared students being promoted, entrance standards reduced, liberal policies adopted and the average and median grade of graduating seniors to decline. With this result hiring lesser qualified candidates for jobs, seemingly at a much greater rate for government jobs, is necessitated. Under Trump (45th), requiring a college degree for a government position was eliminated.  DEI became the acronym for less qualified. Candidates that employers may not otherwise hire are forced into the workforce by edict. It may help with employment statistics, but not productivity. In addition many such hires tend to have liberal, even ‘woke’ ideas, can be difficult to train, lack objectivity, feel entitled, and seek benefits without proving their value. Kamala Harris may be the poster-child. Sorry for the political interjection. 

The liberals have been instructed in our Federally Administered education system to be against capitalism, achievement, family, God, and work. In some ways too it appears they have lost their true identity, manufacturing new ones to satisfy confused minds, immature minds, and conditioned minds.  This thinking came about as a product of indoctrination, not education.  And why learn or work hard when you are taught as a citizen, even as an illegal in America, you are entitled, and Entitlements are readily available. 

The secular liberal orientation in today’s education system in my view is unhealthy. The outcome of which has resulted in an increasing pool of less independent employment candidates, persons that feel deserving and may not be prepared for the tasks they will be entrusted with as employees.  The fulcrum of extreme viewpoints that lean conservative or liberal, right or left, has become unbalanced toward the left.  A symptom of this is the need for leftists to hear and news outlets to provide information tailored in such a way to appeal to their bias and senses. Information, facts, even opinions that are not acceptable, not befitting their narrative, are considered ‘disinformation,’ with cries for censorship. CBS, for example, and their doctoring the Kamala 60 minutes interview.  In reality information satisfactory to educated liberals may in fact be ‘disinformation.’

It was once considered that university men, if they are worthy of the name, are especially qualified by their training to entertain independent opinions. Yet with Education Federalized under President Carter there has been a shift, an imbalance, and the pendulum has swayed and stayed rigidly left. We experience this in the bias of journalists and reporters, certainly on collegiate campuses where woke and liberal ideology tends to dominate. Change is needed. Such imbalance is harmful. Fact checking has been questionable and lacking. The 24 hour news cycle and the need to rush information to be competitive, leaving little time for investigative journalism, the sleuth nature of a reporter, may be a reason for this lack of proper diligence.  But I feel also it is poor training and poor habits along with bias that distorts facts - call it disinformation, or misinformation.

School Choice

Many States are voting this election on a ballot issue calling for a 'yes' or 'no' on school choice.  That is allowing parents to choose schools, other than their public school, even home schooling, using funds otherwise used for public school education for their children. What is at issue here is quality of education.  If the local public school is not up to the standards the parents feel necessary, they can seek alternatives.  This allows for those that may not be able to otherwise afford private schools to do just that, have their children at private and/or parochial schools. This can make public schools more competitive as to not lose funding.  But it seems teachers unions and school districts object and are suggesting a 'no' vote on choice.  It is more about the money and their security than quality of education for our children. They need to accept the challenge, recommend a 'yes' on choice (after all Democrats seem to be all about 'choice'), and prove they can provide the best education for our kids. 


America needs to return Education to the States. The Interior Department can have a small unit focused on outcomes. That was the case for over 100 years before Carter and Democrats took over at the Federal level.  What was wrong that Carter’s Administration decided to bring Education into the Big House? 

In conclusion the direction of Education in America needs attention and modification. At the State level we can experience a variety of approaches, liberal and conservative, and observe outcomes. We will see areas where results are improved and graduates are more employable. We may see the opposite too. Adjustments can be made by States accordingly. A little competition would be good. Who could possibly object to this? America needs to return to educating our youth to be the best and the brightest when compared to other countries, as well as ready to take on the challenges of an continuation of the technological world that is evolving and surrounds us in just about everything we do. 

By Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

October 2024 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Presidential Qualities


Presidential Qualities

What do people want in a President? People want more than a good business person, more than a fearless leader, more than a patriotic and intelligent statesman, what they want is a person who embodies all theses qualifications, but in addition one who exemplifies in name, character, ambition, dedication, independence, a record (having one people can relate positively to), love of country, and purpose.  This is the exact opposite of the current Administration. And the exact opposite of the values and history of the remnant from the current Administration vying for this prestigious and important office.  

This Administration (Biden/Harris) has championed (my top 20):

  1. open borders, 
  2. profligate inflationary spending, 
  3. elections open to any wishing to vote (to include non-citizens), 
  4. a weak military, questionable foreign policies demonstrating less than a firm hand on world issues and hotbeds of political strife that can explode into war without warning, 
  5. a penchant for creating a dependent society, 
  6. oppressive regulations, 
  7. purchasing oil from foreign sources, when America can be (and was) totally energy independent 
  8. financial support for illegals as an inducement for more to arrive, 
  9. an orientation favoring millions of illegals over the needs of veterans, victims of disasters, and citizens in general, 
  10. actively campaigning for amnesty (citizenship) for millions living here in violation of our laws, 
  11. welcoming criminal elements without tracking their movements, 
  12. ignorance of America’s homeless problems by using money and drugs as if that can provide a solution (actually making matters worse), 
  13. hiring practices that do not employ the best and brightest for essential agencies and departments (DEI), 
  14. an emotional, non-scientific, focus on climate control engendering regulations which alter the effectiveness and efficiency of everyday items and appliances while dramatically increasing their cost (this includes Electric Vehicles - EVs),
  15. soft on crime elements, 
  16. a DOJ with an eye on political opponents and their supporters more than We The People, 
  17. employing rhetoric to garner favorability without follow through, 
  18. continued implementation and support for programs adverse to family values and unity, 
  19. efforts to legislate immorality, with an emphasis on secularism over religious practices outside government, 
  20. and a leadership with questionable abilities or dedication to tasks.

Do you want this to continue under Kamala, as you know it will. Even if Trump is not the person you like, is he the better choice? For me the answer is yes. 

Tom Balderston

Author and Blogger

October 2024