Thursday, August 4, 2022

More Wokeness - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) - Caveat Emptor - Defend Our Freedom


More Wokeness - Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) - Caveat Emptor - Defend Our Freedom

If you were required as an educator to sign a pledge to apply in all your teaching and programs the liberal points of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” how would that make you feel. My reaction was, ‘Is this the USA?’ It is a stepping stone to liberal woke totalitarianism. Do you agree? Would you sign? Would you sign if it meant losing your job if you did not? Or might you consider this too kafkaesque? 

We are allowing our Nation to be compromised by the woke leftists. From global warming, to climate change, to fossil fuel frenzied fanatics, to stimulus & entitlements more socialistic and inflationary in nature, to a disdain for capitalism, pronoun insanity, a disturbing resistance to freedom, especially freedom of speech, a dislike of family, God and patriotism, and constant expressions of hatred for America’s history, progress, and greatness, we are allowing our Nation to become weak, soft, overly comfortable, too materialistic, and spiritually depleted. 

The majority are not woke, but the joke is on them, because the majority is allowing it to happen. The liberal leftest termites are eating away at the foundations of our Nation, from the basements of our education system, to our capital, our churches and our neighborhoods. To curb and eventually change this trend, even reverse it, the majority, the non-woke, need to become more aware, awake, alive and active in saying ‘no.’ It is the voting public that has enabled this to happen. If you do not love America, then leave it. But where would you go? If you love America then follow the facts, seek the truth, know the lies, the propaganda, recognize the deceit and defend our freedom. Vote into office experienced, strong, capable, intelligent, proven leaders. 

If we have to defend our freedom from an invading species, would you or your children enlist, fight, or sacrifice to protect our Constitution, our culture, our way of life? Or would the invaders be allowed to have their way with us to preserve the peace, and your security.  Many nations allowed the loudest voices, the dictators, the elite to take control of their countries just to live under a totalitarian regime. Others ignored what was taking place, as when Stalin was killing 40,000 each month to eliminate those that objected to his ideology and command. Even America ignored, or were ignorant of the truth. The propaganda from the Soviet politburo was accepted. America wanted to be left at peace while many nations after WWII fell to the dictates of socialist ideologies that always benefitted the elite, those closest and in line with the administrations, and never the citizens, the quiet and the suppressed and oppressed populations, the enablers. Once firm in our resolve to see a world, many nations, free of tyranny, we slowly lost our willingness to deal with it all. It was noticeable.

Even when residents of controlling regimes wanted to leave emigration was denied, with death as punishment for those that resisted or tried to leave. Why leave a superior Nation, unless it was not; which a socialist, communist nation, has never been. Oddly history proves that socialist nations rely only on natural resources that God blessed their lands. Never productive nations, as they relied on goods and services provided by the industrious, the prosperous, the capitalistic countries.  Russia entered space with equipment and technology sourced elsewhere.  And all too often the communist, socialist, totalitarian regimes, turned to the more successful freer nations when there was famine or a disaster. They did not even have the ability, the agricultural skills, to feed their own. America was always there to provide aide. Should we have? All too often there was no gratitude for the bailout, we were still the American Imperialists, the Nation to be hated, the failing capitalist entity, the example of a failure, so promoted, that suggested a socialistic way, ideology, was best. Best for whom, yes, the elite. 

America continues to lose its position in the world. We are too ready to supply our enemies with materials and technology.  That works to our detriment.  Why do it?  It’s the money. We seem prepared at any moment to provide aide to failing socialist regimes, for the good of their people, so it is said, while in reality enriching the elite few. The elite then lie to us, and their people, and we blindly believe we are doing a world of good. Are we? Why do we have such a great sense of guilt. 

We have nothing to be guilty about; in just a short period from our inception as a Nation, a capitalistic work ethic and model, God fearing too, not a monarchy nor socialist totalitarian regime, a republic, we became after WWII, in less than 200 years from inception, the clear leader of the world, the free world and otherwise. But the growing woke within our culture and our institutions have created a distorted view of reality impacting both external affairs and internal affairs. 

Externally, we need to curtail our dealings and dependency on totalitarian regimes, as China, also our trade with Russia and others.  We need to restore our prominence in the world and protect our technological advances. We need to manufacture more of our critical supply needs, to include pharmaceuticals in the US. We need to be careful about educating our enemies and providing inroads into our cherished science and industrial advances. We need to avoid catering to the woke leftists and their penchant to weaken America internally and promoting globalist ideals. Support for democracies and free nations is worthy. For communist, socialist, dictatorial regimes whose historical proven tendency is to degrade America and capitalism, and educate their populations that we are evil imperialists intent on taking them over, trade and aide with them only hurts us.

The American internal order of things now needs a correction. Not just DEI, we have CRT, 1619, even ESG, and more. Our media is incompetent. Journalists seek headlines for their bias, lies, deceptions and their own perceived outcomes, using word salads and erroneous descriptions, leftest models of propagandizing to allow for men to be pregnant, sexes to be other than God proclaimed, criminals to be victims, children to be sexually altered, and abundant clean fossil fuel to be replaced with EV models and alternative energy sources all of which rely on fossil fuel for their creation. AND when they fail, used for the sake of clean air, energy, and water, we allow EV, solar and wind detritus to come to our disposal sites, their lifespan over, and pollute all they are portrayed to keep sanitary. History is under attack. History is invaluable to our understanding of the good, the bad, the progress, the failures and successes of our Nation. We need to remember. We are not perfect, but compared to the rest, we are what God would prefer. We are just not what the woke leftest have been indoctrinated, trained and brainwashed to believe. 

The ‘woke’ are privileged and laden with a perceived guilt engendered by the errors of their fathers (or as they might prefer their ‘birthing parentage’), taught and tested to proclaim as truth for their class grade liberal doctrine, racial fissures, and a need to cleanse by distortion our heritage. 

Somehow Americans that do not accept the Big Lies, which I sense is the majority, need to act. But have we become comatose, drugged by the repetition of falsehoods perpetuated by the left. I believe most Americans do not read the news, follow the news or care about the news. But they do hear or are impacted by the noise. The left knows it can only succeed by being the loudest, noisiest, in the room, bullying, lying, deceiving, working in unison with their cadre of well trained seals from schools, universities, courtrooms, political party pundits, the media, Congress and today the White House.  They can be blatant in their denial as the Press Secretary recently was bold faced when saying the Wall in AZ was not being completed under the Biden Administration, when indeed it is. A political move in an attempt to salvage a Democrat held senate seat, coupled with an inability to admit the fact.  Or that we do not have an immigration problem. Or we are not in a recession. Or the problem is with guns and not the criminals.  There are a multitude of Pinocchios in Washington DC and in the Party machinery.  Those not compromised by the falsehoods need to speak out, like the parents in VA, be vigilant, resist the intolerance and the rebukes they receive and allow their freedom to prevail, the truth to be heard and known. 

There is a battleground from coast to coast in the USA and freedom must be defended. It is the woke against the God fearing, America loving, family oriented, working class, independent, voter. Who is winning, and who will be victorious?  The majorly can no longer be passive; we are not doomed. yet 

America needs to be firm, to find its strengths, not rely nor vote into office feeble leaders. We are currently experiencing what can result. These are perilous times. Let not our younger generation get carried away by vacuous, unworthy ideas. Do not defer to the opinions of children when you know better, by education and experience. We have access to every form of data, let’s not ignore it, or be too lazy to uncover the facts, or we deceive ourselves. Pick your leaders wisely. Government is big, some say too big (with which I agree), unwieldy and probably impossible for any person to properly govern. Thus we need to find the brightest, most moral, most experienced in the duties of the office, one who has successfully governed, employed others, been a decision maker of consequence, has spiritual fortitude, loves America and our freedom, our Constitution also, and has the character of a statesmen appealing to the majority. That is what is needed to confront the political as well as the spiritual and moral crisis we face today. 

God Bless America. Awake America. Fight for Family. Expose the Lies.  Live the Truth. Do not be Passive. 


Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

(August 2022)