Thursday, December 22, 2022

The Fabian’s

The Fabian’s

After world war one, the time of Winston Churchill and Great Britain, there was a group of individuals, mostly men, that spoke about progressive ideas that would create equity. It was the Labour Party, evolved from the late 1800‘s  Fabian society. One of its leaders was George Bernard Shaw, noted for his writing skills and ability to influence with his talent for words. It was the time too when Karl Marx communist manifesto was being touted.  It was not the first time Socialism was addressed, but it was now being presented in a thriving capitalistic society, and embraced by political factions. So the Fabians are not a family, that is of parents and children, mother, father, but more of a family that is oriented towards more governmental oversight; the head of household is politically progressive. It would recognize that not everyone’s parents are equal in their ability to educate, cultivate, develop their children and a society, or government, takes on the role of overseer. Similarly in the workplace there were concerns about the equality of opportunity, which on the surface seems a rational approach, but is impossible to achieve. From the book Churchill’s Trial, authored by Larry P Arnn,  “most socialists believe a socialist state would be ethical, that is, right, and good, because it would make a way for all to live equally well, and it would suppress or overcome the selfishness in man.“ (pg. 133). It should be noted that the Fabian’s were predominantly atheists, as today are the majority of socialist and progressives.

Winston Churchill is the most prominent individual to speak out against Socialism since its inception and increasing presence in bureaucracy during his extensive political career.  He felt strongly that individualism was essential to the character of a human being, and that socialist exercises inherently reduce freedom of expression, ideas, and opportunity, while at the same time mitigating individual freedom. He felt strongly that even a poor man was stronger when his individual freedoms were maintained, his manhood enhanced. To cite Churchill, “the inherent place of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”  During World War II he may have been the closest in understanding Nazism and Russia’s communism. He saw elements of Socialism close up. And he provided a warning that as Socialism progresses in a society, there arises the need, by the socialists, of what amounts to a police state. And he also said that Socialism “leads inevitably to communism” and the “sacrifice of personal individual liberties.“ (from an election address February 15, 1950). Churchill felt also that the best citizens of the society were independent people. Those more dependent on society were neither effective in advancing the nations in which they lived nor objective and fair to all people. Socialism limits objectivity.  

Excepted from the Churchill Trials book. Churchill expressed a critical concern for Socialism’s need for control of the population (from a speech June 4, 1945, during an election campaign):

“I declare to you, from the bottom of my heart, that no socialist system can be established without a political police. Many of those who are advocating Socialism or voting socialist today will be horrified at this idea. That is because they are shortsighted, that is because they do not see where their theories are leading them. No socialist government conducting the entire life and industry of the country could afford to allow free, sharp, or violently-worded expressions of public discontent. They would have to fall back on some form of Gestapo, no doubt very humanely directed in the first instance.”

When I first read this quote, I thought of the Biden administration‘s efforts, using the DOJ and the FBI to suppress information on the Hunter Biden exposé, the ‘laptop,’ and the use of Twitter (and other social media), silencing voices, users, even those individuals that opposed candidates for political office that were not Democrats, or spoke out against the current administration or praised the opposition, such as Trump.

When you take a deeper dive into this whole idea of Socialism, its impact on freedoms that we love in America, there has clearly been an ongoing effort to orient Americans towards more progressive ideas and methodology. Since the establishment of the Department of Labor in the early 1900s we have seen evidence of support for Institutions that mitigate individualism in favor of more collective groups. I find labor unions, particularly oppressive towards productivity and open mindedness. Indeed, unions were intended to protect workers from greedy capitalists, and that point was made, however, they have evolved into a more protective class that is heavily liberal in their thinking and political orientation. They have become a favorite group for leftists who see them as a voting bloc and therefore support their growth. This is true today in Michigan where the current governor wants to overturn legislation that supports “right to work“ favoring all employees required to join Unions.  During the Covid spell teachers unions went out of their way to protect teachers, neglecting the students whose job it is for them to educate. The quality of education in our nation, especially at the public school level has declined dramatically. Recent statistics noted that America ranks first in the world in spending per capita to teach a child, but ranks 26th or 27th in outcomes. My argument is that the cost of education and the quality of education in public schools is a result of teachers Unions and the focus they have protecting teachers regardless of their effectiveness. This union needs to be mindful that without students they have no purpose. Tenure is not helpful. Rewarding merit would be.  Incentives aide productivity while entitlements lessen results.  Parents need a greater say in who teaches, who continues to teach, how and what they teach, not the union nor the government. 

And where we are today as a nation in our teaching of children, from elementary school, through college, began well before Covid. 

The progressives have been very effective at introducing a means of indoctrinating children with their ideology, favoring a managerial collective, against family, against God, and against individualism. And what is suppressed is freedom.  The term ‘progressive’ is misappropriated as it is not progress at all if you want your freedom, your personal thoughts and individualism maintained to the highest degree. Once the children are indoctrinated, they become teachers themselves, they become leaders in business, they bring their thinking to the political theater, and they become the journalists, or what seems to be more ‘opinionistas’ in media today. What is referred to as the main stream media is now a cabal of newspapers, cable television, public television, and social media (Facebook, instagram, tik-toc, et al) that says the same thing, or ignores the same issues. They do not have the whole audience, readers and viewers, hearing the whole story, but those stories that they want to tell in the fashion they prefer their stories, their views, be heard. And their reporting is oriented more towards the progressive, or the entitled class, the more dependent elements of society, by their definition. Media outlets that speak with a different viewpoint, or share truths that conflict with the progressive perceived ideology, become targets for ridicule and at times removal. For the socialist, the progressive, this main stream media has become their police force. 

A powerful wholly indoctrinated ‘humanely directed’ system was built patiently overtime to become a cudgel against capitalism, family, and God, enabling socialism to creep deep into our American way of life. In Government also the employee base is largely well indoctrinated clones of progressive ideology, an ideology many do not fully understand. Raised by society persons have been weakened, even broken, to include family relationships. Proof is in the number of fatherless homes and the decline in marriages for the purpose of having family and raising children.

But I will always claim children of a strong family, mothers and fathers that love, that care, that educate, that guide, will be successful.  Faith is important too in forming capable individuals.  They will embrace their individualism. They will understand diversity is not color, but ideas and talents and skills and thoughts to be shared, discussed, and debated and that racism is a myth.

The liberal sphere of influence continues to fight the ideal of family and religion, because they perceive inequity results. Meaning there will be individuals that will excel more than others. Socialism wants everything the same, all bulbs to burn at the same brightness, even if that is dull. 

Racism is a tool to create division, as is climate control, and the abuse of science. Of greater concern is ignoring scientific evidence for political purposes. Such division is obviously destructive to a cohesive sovereign society of shared voices and values. Within the boundaries of a successful country protections are needed to insure a person’s safety, opportunity, freedom, and individualism. If within those boundaries internal factions reorient the purpose, taking advantage of a base created for power, for profit, and for control, hiding behind a screen of verbal claims of progress and inclusivity, the majority looses their voice and their vote, the only means of change they have.  Then the Fabian’s are winning. A surreptitious police state less obvious than that of China, Iran, Russia, even when Hitler was in power, has taken hold. That is dangerous.  Opposing voices will not surface, or if they do they will be shot, figuratively or actually. There will be misery.

America needs to change. Elon Musk has opened the eyes of many. The overwhelming surge of illegal immigrants is finally coming into view. There are even some in the main stream media that are finally speaking out. Are we seeing a change. Will the progressive minority in control continue to suppress, or the silent majority finally rise up and find a way to restore America’s strength, individualism, complete freedom, and open mindedness. Will the debate have two sides that will listen and maybe even change their view at times. Will our education system have parents fighting back to ensure children are educated as a parent would want them taught, not as a progressive society that would say no homework because of advantages to children with parents at home to help them, or having all students receive the grade of A because of the embarrassment to failing students. The socialist/progressive/liberal protects  those less engaged or even less interested, say it, ‘lazy.’  Using entitlements they are even rewarded, paid and need not work as hard as others. 

We need to stop the efforts in dumbing down Americans. We can be as smart or smarter than other nations as we have historically been. To do so we must be the best at educating, the most creative, productive and efficient in manufacturing. Not the most diverse, the most environmentally conscious, or the most socially conscious as a primary objective. ESG measures cannot be the prime focus of any business if it wants to be the most competitive. We need to provide the incentives to be better. I believe in a meritocracy, in work, in education, and in life.  Will there be change? Can there be change? We can only pray? But we can embrace the work ethic, not discredit those who try, who strive. 

Success will always come to those that get off the dependency train, do not seek handouts, do not blame some manufactured ‘system’ for their plight, but raise above and seek and find the best in themselves. That is how the majority, I truly believe, thinks. And for those that are poor, handicapped, and in need, the good will find a way to care for them. Church life is a heart beating for those seeking to help others and to be helped, for the privileged and the underprivileged. The progressives do not like church or what it represents as they are embarrassed by the truth, how churches help others efficiently and effectively. A dollar helping the needy from a church is a dollar, while a welfare dollar has a bureaucracy cost to it that inflates the cost of a dollar to the needy to a figure far greater. They do not understand volunteering as a person of faith, as a child of God. Why not? What is wrong with that? Is it too much competition? I do not believe we are a nation with 72 different sexes, or that men can have babies, even a person born a man or woman can ever fully be the opposite, no matter what a doctor can achieve. But you can be an individual, accepted as you want to be, just not deny reality or truth. 

If, as the progressive, we cater to the C student, the underachiever, or the marginal factions, the only result can be lower standards, less quality, imperfections, bad medicine, a weaker military, less innovation, and less progress.  In his anti-Socialism stance Churchill said, “it would be highly infertile, and the mass of the people would be much worse off under an all-embracing bureaucracy.“ Progress is a myth under socialism or progressivism. Why, because  the pace of an advancing society, the speed at improving the lives of all Americans, all people’s, must necessarily be at the pace or speed of the slowest and the weakest among us. 

American cannot be a Fabian Society. It is heading that way, but the pendulum will return and that which made America the most successful in history, an example to all other nations, a beacon to follow, an exemplar, will return. We did not achieve our world position as a socialist nation. There has never been a successful socialist nation. Try to name one. Find one in history. There are those that have profited handsomely as a leader in such societies, but never the people. They have lived in the doldrums. 

Keep America’s lights as bright as possible. The corruption needed for the liberals, the progressives, to continue will not be tolerated. If it is we become more like Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and other’s that went from Fabian to socialism to communism thinking it the perfect utopia to what they are in fact, dictatorships and police states. 

In America we have failed States, California the leading example. Let this not lead to a failed nation with a family clan the only financial beneficiary. All Americans benefit most in what may be an imperfect system called ‘capitalism,’ but it works best for freedom loving independent minded objective people. 

Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

Note: The Fabian Society is a British socialist organisation whose purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy and democratic socialism via gradualist and reformist effort in democracies, rather than by revolutionaryoverthrow