Thursday, March 5, 2009


Reading Speechless by Rev. Don Wildmon. A good read and reflective of the attacks on Christians nationwide, the battles lost and the battle won. It raises the question of when did Christians turn from being prudes to bigots. The freedom of speech of all peoples needs protection, including Christians. And Christians need to stop being the judge; it is not ours to judge (lest we be judged). Christians need to be Christians first, love our neighbors and demonstrate the qualities Christ exhibited. Christ loved and associated with all manner of man. From the Reformation, through the period of Enlightenment up to now Christians (from the Roman Catholics to Catholics and Protestants today) have been attacked and the result the Bible, The Word, has been questioned. The cause for the slander of the Bible is the man behind the Christian veil and the problem for the opposition is they tend to see the foundation for man's principals as the cause of persecution, not the misguided man. We are asked to love our neighbors and we cannot demostrate that love by burning abortion clinics, or hating homosexuals. God is the judge; we are in God's house (as my wife would say). We need to live our lives as Christians as an example, and let others live too, knowing there is hope for them in their time of despair. Let them reach out to God knowing his hand is always extended to grab theirs. We need to be like Christ. Our views need not change. If asked to share what we believe we share, but do not impose our beliefs on those not willing to hear. We can preach, we can teach, but we are not the judge.

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