This headline is obviously not a tribute to our representatives in Washington. Right now the Democrats are being the example of this Nation - and not very good ones. If "Blago", a name associated with Illinois and Chicago political shenanigans (and if you think he is alone in such actions, think again) is now a term for graft, then the Democrats = Blago-crats. Oh my! - the deception and bribery.
For the House to get their Cap and Trade bill passed (creating their own smog of self-interest - cough, cough - over global warming) 'pork' (a Washington word that should be restated as 'bribes') was allowed for those on the fence to garner their votes. More than one member of the Democratic House (all Republicans opposed) were against the bill and planned to vote 'no', but with a little money thrown their way (yes - a vote 'yes' can be bought) - the Gov. spending for a local district need that might even get the name of the member of the House carved into the 'pork' for posterity - they voted 'yes' (you guessed it).
N. Pelosi flies (by attitude and also by air) in the face of global warming restraint by traveling in a jet plane weekly (which at first was too small for her - b#@*%, b#@*% - my sympathies) at the one-way cost to tax-payers of $60,000 ($120,000 per week) so she can work her 3 days in Washington. Washington needs a bill like NY State has - members of the legislator only get paid to work. No show - no pay. Afterall they are working for us - am I correct on that point - or are we their indentured servants. Madoff is alive and well in the House, Senate and now the White House. Lies, deception, fraud, graft, and eventually we will all find our savings disappearing. The Cap and Trade legislation passed by the House was not even finished (more work was needed in the writing), never read, and the small print - who cares - it can only hurt the People not the Government. The Democrats voted anyway and Obama forced the issue. This is all while America (the World for some) was mourning the loss of McMahon, Fawcett and Jackson. Ain't there no respect for the Entertainment Industry. Now Global Warming has made Mr. Gore over a $100 million according to some sources (and he's now an entertainer). He still uses personal jets and limos - no solar panels on his home.
Now we learn also a report presented to the EPA noting there was not the level of concern about global warming to justify the bill (unfinished bill) was suppressed. The Environmental Agency is to protect the environment and tell the truth (as yet the word "truth" has not been stricken from our vocabulary - only 'blurred') about the air and grass and CO2 and things like that, but are they now puppets for Obama and the Democrats and only give the information they want us to hear. Should I repeat myself - Big Brother is Talking - Big Brother is Watching - Big Brother is Obama and the Democrats. And with Bigger Government Big Brother can be even Bigger - that is Bigger Brother. Where is mother when you really need her? The report (the 'truth') that EPA emails now show was asked to be shelved was just not what the President wanted to hear or have published (again - the 'Truth') so his bill could be passed. Ah yes we elected this Barack Hussein Obama-man so we can have Change. Well I don't know about you but most of the dollars I had are becoming small Change.
Obama quotes Abe Lincoln (when it is convenient). A friend emailed me recently and included the following from Lincoln as a "Quote of the Day". Read it - do you think Obama, Pelosi, Reid and other Washington Democrats have ever read this - no, couldn't do it - it must be suppressed. Sounds True to me!
" You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. -- Abraham Lincoln"
My reading this tells me that Washington is not heeding anything like this. Cap and Trade is only one of many bills Obama and his Democratic team are pushing with a goal of unknown consequences. They have lost sight of reality and have no notion of the harm that they may be doing. If they have good intentions I must be missing something. More self-interest seems to be driving the Government train, and soon - I pray - that train needs to run out of steam.
Keep a record of the votes your representatives make and when not for the people - next time pull the level for the other guy.
One last thing - look at California. What has the habit of that State to tax and tax done to that State. People are leaving the State in droves (those they wanted money from anyway). They like charity in California. Obama likes charity. California and Obama want to control all charitable giving. I say 'no' that is not their job. I have written in past Blogs that Government should not be in the Charity Business. (March 24, 2009 - Government and Charity) Certainly they give out money to help those in need (most Democrats give little of their own for that purpose using the Gov. as their gifting pot - VP Biden is an historical poster-boy example). But as a parent if you cannot even help your children the way they would like - say paying for college - then so be it. That's the way it is. Cut back we must. Government also. One idea. In good times when the Government is enjoying excess funds then the Government can support national and local charities that are doing good. Give the money to existing non-profit charities to give - religious groups or otherwise - restrict the funds to helping and not operations (or for evangelism or the like) - like for housing, health care, scholarships, food, afterschool, day care, job hunting, clothing and so much more - but not as a legislative act. Use tax-payer funds for the Constitutional role of Government.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Washington Liars - Cap and Trade
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