Thursday, July 23, 2009

Buy The Book

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You can buy the book at my website, or right now. Now available for purchase – Wake Up! Wake Up! – The Testimony of a Layman directly from the Publisher. This is your opportunity to buy before national distribution – the date for that release is Oct. 27, 2009.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wake Up! Wake Up - Tentative Release Date

All is progressing. Wake Up! Wake Up! - The Testimony of a Layman is currently planned for release by Tate Publishing October 27, 2009. Pre-release copies will be available. Wait for further information. Purchase price $13.99. We will have a website soon: Much is happening.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tax-payor Funded Abortion - Say No

Today, Wednesday, July 15, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on a bill that will allow public funds to be used to pay directly for abortions in our nation's capital. If this measure passes, taxpayer money appropriated by Congress will be sent directly to the abortion industry in Washington , D.C. Tell your member of Congress to oppose this change in the law and to vote against the passage of H.R. 3170 if it continues to allow the use of locally generated tax revenues - public money - to be used for the killing of innocent human lives in the womb. (Reproduced for the most part - From FRC)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Self-serving Bureaucrats

Today began the Sotomayor hearings. It was quite a demonstration of Senators in action. Clearly their postions were made obvious, their rhetoric along party lines. Does anyone in Washington stand for the Truth in which they themselves might believe? To quote Bill Johnson (Dreaming With God, Destiny Image Publishers, Shippensburg, PA, 2009, pg.106) , “People instinctively want to be governed by people who are honest and righteous. They want leaders who are not self-serving, but will actually govern sacrificially for the benefit of the whole.” What we want we are not getting. Where did America go wrong?

Sotomayer did not say much today - which was wise. Her answers tomorrow and Wednesday will be the interesting part - depending too on the speechmaking that could well continue by the Senatorial panel. Please know, as I am sure you do, that the selection for the Supreme Court is vitally important to our lives. The vote we make for a President sets the stage for the Supreme Court make-up of the future.

Not the best picture, but the woman above is your next Supreme Court (a lifetime postion) Judge. Thank you Mr. President Obama. Keep praying.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Change in Washington - Daily - Ever changing - Contact Your Representative.

TARP repayments were to be for the benefit of the people. Now Barney Frank wants to reinvest money repaid into housing. Wasn't he one of the primary causes for the housing meltdown. Hearings on TV now. Watch your wallet. What we have given to the new Congress is a license to create Big Brother. They are hard at making it happen. Only the American people can cause change.

Note: On change. The change we are seeing from the Obama Admin. is dynamic. Everyday it changes, from campaign promises to public policy. Ever changing - only so the Democrats can operate in lock-step without individual thought. The Democrats are becoming Stepford-like under the threat of Admin. pressure. What happened to freedom of thought, even among those in the party in power?

Politics: Be alert, be aware, be informed. Sen. Harry Reid said it succinctly - we will have Government Health Care - other alternatives like free choice - will not be considered. Bigger Government is the aim. Think about what you want. Let your Representatives know.

To Contact your Congressman:

To Contact your Senators:

Email is preferred as letters will be delayed due to the need for the postal service to scrutinize mail for potential harm to the recipient - which makes sense in light of incidents with anthrax.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Revenue Generator = Tax = Cap and Trade

Cap and Trade. We are all getting knee capped by the Administration. Cap and Trade will produce no measurable benefits in slowing their falsely claimed Global Warning. It is not a crisis; it is not a problem. In the 70's (not that long ago) the media's attention was on global cooling. This bill imposes regulations on Americans - and Obama considers such regulations good for Americans. One regulation (in the Cap and Trade bill) will impact your decisions on your home. Your home will need to be energy efficient and subject to inspection. If not now, when you sell it a government inspector will need to be called in (at a cost of course) and tell you what needs to be done before you can transfer to a new owner. I understand regulations as to safety, but as to personal choice - well this is Big Brother intruding. "O-Bama!" All new construction will have to meet energy standards (need I remind you there is no measurable benefit to such standards only a cost/TAX to Americans (more money for Congress to spend on their junkets, pet projects and pork, 'pork' which = 'bribe') and more for the federal government in terms of $'s and control of our lives.)

You need to understand what the Democrats and the Administration are up to. My fellow Americans - this is not good. This is just not right. Those that voted for Obama and the Democrats need to consider what is afoot. You thought you were doing the right thing at the time. I was not a Bush fan either. I know it is not what you had expected in the name of 'change' and put forth by Obama, but please keep your eyes open and your mind receptive to the facts. Be informed. Stay informed and speak up.

This Administration is making energy more expensive for no gain. The only beneficiary is the Government. Not you and not me. And not the economy. This is not for the jobs - we will lose jobs. People will find it even harder to sell homes. Manufacturing will take place over seas - the result - American jobs lost. Think it through logically. Only in America is this taking place. Remember JOBS = Just Obama Buying Support for all the plans he has for Big Brother (and if you include Pelosi - Big Sister).

I continue my writing with a Christian focus. I pray for America and remain proud to be an American. But I am not currently proud of Congress, especially the Democratic lock-step, Stepford Democrats.

Check on your Congressman and Senator. Where do they stand on Cap and Trade? My Representative Klein is all for it. I am no longer in his camp as he is not showing me anything closely resembling an understanding of what America wants, only what his party wants and the benefits in it for him. Write them. Let them know what you feel. And you if have no opinion on this matter, you need a Wake-Up call.

Washington and the Nation you are in my prayers. But I pray too for that day in November 2010 when I can be of some aide in having my prayers begun to come true.

Pray with me.

What's Happening in the World?

Jackson has died. The media is obsessed. What else is happening in the World?

N. Korea continues with provocative actions - more missile launches as Washington watches. Obama press sec'y Gibbs says, "It's not surprising!" - but is quiet on anything Washington is or can do about it. In the future "Oh My!" will be an expression substituted with "O-Bama!".

Anything planned for the troops returning from Irag? A hail to their Victory parade on the like. Even an Obama greeting and thanks - also thanks to Bush 43.

A major troop assault is taking place in Afghanistan. What about it?

Cap and Trade is ready to hit American hard - impacting on the recession. Ethanol uses more energy to produce than it produces. Natural Gas is the way America needs to go, but Obama wants a go slow on this - why. Drill, drill, drill - that is still what I believe.

The Health Care pocketbook breaker is just another JOBS creator for Washington - Remember JOBS = Just Obama Buying Support. Over 87% of Americans are covered and they like having the best health care system in the World. The cost of the other 13% - give them greater access to Medicaid and let the Medicaid lines form. Do you want to be in that line if you do not have too? Obama wants the same line for all. And Obama will have his own doormen - or Czars, deciding who moves up in the line. "O-Bama!"

What would pay for Health Care in America - as it is - and reduce costs dramatically is Tort Reform. Say it over and over again - Tort Reform, Tort Reform, Tort Reform. But that would take lawyers agreeing - and what is Washington made-up of - attorneys - they are lawyers too! Obama has already said "no" to that. After all it is called the 'practice' of medicine - mistakes will be made. For those that check out their doctors like many checked out Madoff (failed to actually) then they take a greater risk. What kind of doctors will you have access to under the Obama Plan. No one in health care could survive - the result all hospital, nursing homes, psych facilities, etc. will become government run - just like GM. If anyone responds to a health emerging even the Government Motors ambulances will have to wait in line at the Government run Hospitals to get you into line for your Government mandated health care and probably a doctor that only required two years to learn their trade - then trade you off to another real Doctor and another line. "We can see you in 4 months." "O-Bama!"

Don't forget any health care benefits you receive Obama wants taxed - that is unless you join a Union. It's the New American folks and Big Brother is Obama.

Washington continues with it's lies. And bribes, which equals "pork."

Now same sex couples (non-married of course - for the moment) can get the same benefits that married couples have as employees of the federal Government. What if your college roommate just moved in a week ago (same sex), can he/she also travel with you (on the People's dime) - as a same sex mate? By the way non-married co-habitators of a heterosexual persuasion are excluded. 12 years together - sorry. "O-Bama!"

Unemployment continues to rise - even when Obama says no, only 8%. Well it's 9.5% and rising.

Obama's dreams are different than most people's dreams.

What about a Divorce between Republicans and Democrats - split the Country? I'll take the capitalistic part. There will be a Socialistic part for those that prefer that. An idea recently emailed to me by a friend. I will share soon.

2010 - 2010 - 2010 - Vote the liars out. Identify and then say sorry - you are out! Vote.

Opps - New Taxes for those Earning less than $250K

Bill Burton's (in the Obama Press corp - on the Obama mouthpiece side) answers to Juan William's excellent questions (subsituting for Bill O'Reilly on the O'Reilly Factor on July 1, 2009)as to the obvious and hidden taxes on the horizon due to Obama's desired programs, primarily Cap and Trade and Health Care Reform (ala Government Health Care), whether justified or logically supported or not, was showing the cracks in the walls of defense for our President. The $250,000 threshold under which no new taxes will ever occur is now becoming a 'preference', a prelude to another Change as Obama has promised. He even had the audacity to think listeners would accept his rhetoric that increased costs passed on to consumers by businesses as a result of government legislation, decisions or regulations, are not a tax. His obvious claim that Cap and Trade was a JOBS bill was most harmful knowing the meaning of JOBS as Just Obama Buying Support.

This goes along with the new definition of "pork" born again from the trade-offs made to Democratic members of Congress to get them to pass Cap and Trade. "Pork" = "Bribe" (my definition). Knowing the exchanges for the coal districts vs. areas that are truly good for energy in America, like natural gas, were costly to the goal of the Bill and to Americans shows that the Boys and Girls in Washington are naive and selfish. It isn't just the Democrats, but they are certainly the most obvious at the moment in showing us their true nature (too au natural for me) and it is not a pretty sight.

Are you aware of the provision in Cap and Trade requiring homeowners to upgrade their properties at the time of a sale to meet Green Standards to be established by the legislation - or more liking the Green Czar.

All the facts are neither on the table nor known. This is a new program for this Administration - Pass it and then write it the way we want it.

Will it be possible to ever undo some of the do-do that Obama is dumping on this great Nation of ours?

2010 can't come any too soon.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sotomayor Versus Leviticus 18:22

From The Family Research Council I reproduce their recent comments.

"Sotomayor Versus a Verse?

Another case has come to light that should prompt U.S. Senators to question Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor when her hearings begin later this summer. The case, Okwedy v. Molinari, involves a billboard a Staten Island church put up that included Leviticus 18:22, a bible verse that strongly condemns homosexual conduct. When the billboard went up, public controversy erupted and Guy Molinari, the Staten Island Borough president, responded by issuing a letter to the billboard company. The letter called the sign's message "unnecessarily confrontational and offensive," said that the message conveyed "an atmosphere of intolerance that is not welcome in our borough," and advised the billboard company to contact the chair of the borough's "Anti-Bias Task Force." Later that day the billboard company took down the sign.

Keyword Ministries filed suit on various grounds against the billboard company and Molinari, claiming that the company violated its contract with the church and that Molinari violated the church's rights under the First Amendment. The federal district court judge, Nina Gershon, a Clinton appointee, dismissed the church's suit and the 2nd Circuit of Appeals, on which Sotomayor sat, upheld the dismissal with one exception regarding the possibility of indirect censorship by Molinari.

The case raises troubling issues. After all, the church was posting a purely religious message with no statements regarding public policy. The opinion suggests that Sotomayor may view the First Amendment through the lenses of political correctness. Would a billboard proclaiming "gay pride month," which is offensive to many Christians, have been similarly treated? Sotomayor should be asked. "

Note - Leviticus 18:22 - "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."