Monday, July 27, 2020

God, American Rioters, Liberals and Conservatives

God, American Rioters, Liberals and Conservative

By Thomas W. Balderston, author, blogger.

What to title this discussion is rather difficult.  America is changing, and in my view, not for the better.  Since our foundations America has become the freest, most prosperous Nation in the world.  We have liberties only other nations’ citizens dream about.  Yet the turmoil we are experiencing today in many pockets of our great nation raises many concerns, questions and frustrations.  The abyss between our two political parties, Republican and Democrat, has always existed but today is wider and deeper than ever.  My preference is to see the politics more in terms of values and attitudes towards people and government, or ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal.’

Defined, politically.  Conservative: favoring free enterprise, individual liberties, private ownership, the 2nd Amendment (gun ownership), small government, States Rights, and socially traditional ideas.  Liberal: pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-ObamaCare, pro-minimum wage, pro-labor, pro-strong environmental regulation or pro-preschool supported by taxes, pro-big government, and favoring Federal oversight on matters, even as to States and local authority (such as Education). 

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution contains language that provides for equality of human rights.  The framers agreed philosophically but not in practice when originally adopted. Overtime, however, modernity brought with it the recognition that the truths set forth are inviolable.  Many lives were lost to achieve the stated ends of these critical documents to America’s ideals.  A Civil War between Southern Democrats seeking retention of their slaves and victorious Union leaders that understood the necessity of a united America created a Unites States, the Union preserved, allowing for continued progress in achieving the ideals of our Founders.  Lest we forget an essential element in the ‘experiment,’ as some have seen America (like the NYT 1619 Project), basic to the freedoms, the liberty and the pursuit of happiness was God, biblical principles than should never be ignored.   If ignored or allowed to be forgotten, the fabric of our Society will be shredded, and humans, whose innate evil nature without the word of God as a reminder, will prevail.  

Islam is an ideology created by humans.  It is not God in action, as clearly Allah is not in any way the same as the Biblical God.  The dictates of Islam’s Scripture (Quran) are the words of humans, mostly men, designed to control their imperialistic desires and those that are compelled to dwell under their dictates. It contains laws designed by Caliphs after the death of Muhammad as mechanisms of control and punishment.  This Scripture is as a book of laws for Muslims only, as the common man, any individual not adhering to the dictates of Islamic Law, are excluded.  Whereas the Bible, as the Word of God, is inspired, the inspired Word, that makes clear that all humans, all lives, matter.  There is truth in the Word of God, and that truth yields freedom for us all. The freedom God provides is from the dictates of man, God’s laws will prevail.  It is the individual that is to be guided by God, by faith, not any ‘system’. Yet God does not say to disregard laws set forth by mortals in their role as leaders, as government, instead calling upon such laws to be fair and equally applied to everyone, regardless of race, creed, status, sex, or political orientation.

In America the liberals want to erase God from the land.  God is too much for the liberal, as a watchman looking over their shoulders as they commit sinful acts.  God is too distressing, too controlling, too restrictive.  And as to all those ‘toos’, God, they are aware, exists, and subdues their desires.  The liberal desire for a big Federal Government is one of controlling the masses to allow them to do as they want.  They can legislate the agenda to shield God from stopping them.  Yet, what they cannot erase is their conscious.  As written in Romans, to the godlessness and wickedness of men “who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them….God’s invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen…so that men are without excuse” (Romans 1:18-21).  The result is these men become ‘fools.’, “they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things (material things) rather than the Creator…” (Romans 1:25).  They become depraved and do what they should not do. They become God-haters and invent ways of doing evil.  They disobey their parents. “They are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless” (Romans 1:31).  Even though they know what they do is wrong, they continue; they even approve of those who do the same.  Sound familiar?

To those who see rioting today, while liberals blindly defend the violence as protests, in those who are active there is something missing.  Do they lack confidence in what they themselves can achieve? Have they not received a proper education or been encouraged that America offers everyone opportunities?  The pathway for ALL has been widened and improved, and continues to be enhanced, so that any individual that has the desire, is properly motivated and encouraged, can succeed.  History proves the point.  From errors of the past, even prejudices against different people, not just blacks, but Asians, Hispanics, the Irish, and so on, we learned and fought to have the documents that lay the foundation for America fully understood and adhered to.  We are more the America today our Founders dreamed of, than in 1776. Those objecting may not know who they are, or lack the knowledge or understanding of what has been accomplished on their behalf.  Are the liberals hiding this from them?  My answer is ‘yes!’  

The liberals have infiltrated the corridors of the Federal government putting in place rules and regulations that make difficult firing non-productive workers, even dissidents, or eliminating departments that have no further purpose, or even expanding such departments with employees looking for things to do, to govern, to control, that are not necessary.  President Jimmy Carter took away from the States their oversight of Education.  This is a disgrace, but gave liberals the tools they wanted to change the education system to suit their narrative.  Education is best delivered at the local level, from the home, to the town, to the county to the state. Each State should be its own experiment in how to teach children the most. Competition  for who produces the smartest, the most proficient in history, math, literature, music, and English would improve our Education system. But what has happened in America’s schools, the outcomes are a failure compared to the past, and the overall quality of learning and intellectual achievement has made it harder for individuals to compete.  The majority liberal presence in schools has engendered greater inequality.  Candace Owen made the comment the liberals have effectively allowed ‘psychological conditioning of students to over take learning.”  Hatred for America for many is now more apparent. At the highest level of education, the more elite or top ranked universities are making radicals and subversives of our children.  More attitudes that intelligence.

The Church has been attacked, and attacked. The silent majority has sat by, for the most part, idly, even though many so labelled are considered the Evangelicals.  Our Nation has allowed God to be criticized as too conservative and not liberal enough for the Democrats. From a definition of liberal as willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas, the liberal left has become intransigent.  They are liberal as to gay marriage and homosexuality, but not liberal, or respectful, towards those that do not agree. There is no balance.  Democrats abuse the term ‘liberal’ as they have become most ‘illiberal.’  

The liberals have not set aside their goal of power and control over the people of this Nation, whereupon they can discourage the thought of the American ideal and deny progress, reminding vociferously of a dark past, as if that past still exists.  They hide the opportunities that are real, saying no to those they assemble as victims.  These are not victims of America, they are conceived as victims by Democrats to be used as tools, their names and penmanship only to vote for a Democrat.  Promises are made, lies are told, so often they are considered truth, and when and if elected they are Obama, the great black hope that never delivers.  Yet America has delivered and our citizens must be reminded they just have to drink of the milk of hope, joy and kindness our founders have delivered for them.  It is good, it is healthy, and it will make you better. The Democrats will make sour milk of the sweet cream of our Nation whenever it is convenient.  They have now resorted to lockdowns, riots and rhetoric infused with fake news, distortions, and lies to further their cause.  They do not want schools to open as the continued dumbing down of America serves them well.  

There is too much depression, addiction, hatred, violent habits, fatherless homes, and other dependencies in the Democrat victimhood.  Physical issues, mental issues, family issues abound.  That will continue without God.  There is a spirit inside everyone that needs to be awakened, even resurrected.  It is that spirit that can save this Nation, save many victims, and Make America Great Again.   To know the Lord is to know who you are.

Conservatives are more oriented towards maintaining and fostering the American ideals outlined in our founding documents, to include God, as the ultimate overseer.  The Declaration recognized men “are endowed by their Creator” with natural or human rights.  We are equal as God’s children, and free.  Equality does not mean the ‘same’ as to our starting posts, or abilities, talents, our skin color, our aptitudes, intellect, or even outcomes. But equal as humans, to be respected and accepted.  

The Democrats are attempting to alter our Society, with some success. Obama’s (#42) rhetoric made their vision more obvious.  He defined sin, for him , as when something is “out of alignment with my priorities.”  Thus for him anything goes, if he, himself, says it is OK.  That is not godly.  Thus the concept espoused by the Democrat Party as to what humans can or cannot do.  Sin is left to their devices, not subject to ‘their Creator.’  In achieving power the Democrats see themselves as ‘elites’, those with the necessary aptitude, and even godless philosophy, to rule, as Ben Shapiro, his book How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps, notes, “for the betterment of the masses” (pg. 28). He goes on to note that under their leadership, “Anything the government can do, it has the justification to do….Government is the only allowable mechanism for dispensing privileges and achieving equality of outcome” (pg. 28).  During Covid it was the Democrats that sought more and more restrictions, lockdowns, on our liberty, our freedom, the inducement was ‘our safety.’  It was not for us to choose our safety but the elite. A taste of Socialism?  It was also a ‘fear’ tactic.  Democrats scare citizens to gain power and reduce freedom.  Covid, the sky is falling, the oceans rising, the climate suffocating, your health, coal carcinogenic, and Trump a despot, impeach him, but the goal is to take away your decision.  Restrict church attendance for social distancing reasons, while allowing casinos to remain open, also liquor and pot shops.  Not your choice, it is the liberal left’s choice for you. 

For the Democrat, the liberal (or illiberal) the individual, their victims, are a means to an end, their end, ungodly as intended, and elitist directed, as god’s substitute. Shapiro reminds his readers that even Lyndon Johnson (#36) spoke of equality as theoretical, as to rights, but also in his view as to outcomes, results.  Equality of outcomes is impossible.  They know it, even under Socialism or Marxism, whatever, it can never be a reality.  If so, all sports played would end in a tie.  All runners would cross the finish line at the same time.  Not possible!  Thus what Democrats propose and what their lemmings seem to believe is everything can be the same, as boring as that might sound.  Redistribute until every financial statement is the same. Uniforms for all, equal square footage of housing, equal pay for whatever work, same hair cuts, no distinguishing characteristics, etc.  If you get my drift, then you know…impossible.  

Trump recognizes the liberal regressive Democrat mindset is counter to America’s framing documents, as well as to God’s commandments.  He has been faced since his election as President (#45) with attacks on his efforts to realign our Federal Government to serve We The People, doing the bidding of those who elected him, not telling the people what they need.  He seeks not a Dependency Hall of Fame for his strident supporters, by a Hall of Fame for those most American, most Patriotic, most knowing of the History of our Nation and those contributing to the continued progress and encouragement of all Americans to achieve their dream. We are not all here for riches and fame, but we are Americans seeking safety and freedom in our homes, on our streets, in our schools, our churches, our cities and our playgrounds. We want to be as free as promised, to choose, to reason, and to declare our views without retribution.  When we are not able to debate, we are not free, and those restricting our speech are the ones seeking to make us less free. 

Who is the Party that has made your views less known or knowable today?  Who is the Party most focused on restricting what you say and do, or limiting your personal preferences, or forcing you to accept dictates from minorities, even viewpoints from the Mainstream Media? Trump is President, not as a politician, but as an American .  He did not seek the office to become a multi-millionaire as have the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas and others.  He is the most patriotic, flag loving, person to ever hold the office pf President.  He is not perfect.  None of us are.  But as of today, he is perfect for this job.  

And remember the conservative voice is that of the founders of our nation.  They do not seek to change what our framers created.  And they do not seek to eliminate God as our Creator.  Certainly no man created man.  Only God. America needs God.  Wake Up America. It is the conservative that seeks to preserve our freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness as persons created by God. That is not what liberals desire. Let God be on your team. 

Thanks Be to the Lord.



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