Friday, June 4, 2021

 CRT, Religion, and Family

America Under Attack

Critical Race Theory (‘CRT’) is an attack on America, our foundational values. This Nation was established to be free of religious persecution. That is exactly what the Democrat cabal supporting and promoting CRT are doing, suppressing religious freedom, with an emphasis on those that believe in Christ. Is this the devil’s work?  

Europeans, Spaniards, came to America as they could not travel East seeking trade due to the Ottoman Empire. The Islamic dominance prevented non-Muslims from traveling across their land into China and the Far East.  They then discovered a new land. In doing so a door was opened to an opportunity for oppressed persons to find opportunity and rise up to improve their lives and generations to follow. It became a pathway to freedom.  It was never easy. But they realized too their coattails could bring others with them.

As there is a fear of liberal attitudes coming to Red States, so too the greedy and controlling came to the shores of America to take advantage for themselves, bringing with them habits most other adventurers wanted gone. And they fought the system, while the new world adventurers created more than just better conditions for themselves. People of non-European decent, those enslaved, mostly black, but not all, were set free, emancipated. That is not 1619, but 1776 and continued success by the have-nots seeking better lives. 

The trends for minorities until the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 were positive.  United families, growth in income generation, better living conditions and lives, as well as acceptance were all upward. Since then political opportunity provided rhetoric and promises, and great qualities of dollars, but the trend flattened, even declined, especially with regard to faith and family. 

CRT is effectively the liberal elitists that came along for the ride bringing their bully nature, resisting change, and pushing their way back to the top. They find facts, too often distorted, to grow a systematic racist narrative useful in collecting support and notoriety. They incite mobs to plow their case; chants of racism are followed by a path of destruction and blind Main Stream Media pundits extolling needs for equity.  Equality is not the point, but redistribution of wealth, and a dumbing down of curriculums so as not to create distinctions between those that achieve and those that do not.  A Democracy can allow the majority, as a mob, to lead by mob rule, to eventually be contained by the victorious left oppressing and suppressing anew. They need to take hold first. 

They began by seeking to weaken States Rights, bringing into the Federal tent the ability of oversight on State’s decisions, starting with Labor, and spreading to Commerce, Energy, Education, the environment, Healthcare, and more. They use citizens tax dollars, from States, to repatriate to States but with attached strings, those strings useful in imposing the will of those in power at the national level. 

The Main Stream Media is not main stream at all, but an outgrowth of the progression of a permitted liberal incursion into our public school system. While the capitalists worked, the liberals undermined that which parents sought best for their children, their education, open minds, by teaching what these non-producer thinkers, writers, artists, turned teachers and professors on the dole of the education system created. 

Fooled by their own striving, the capitalists have had their ideals eroded by those in the Arts they generously supported. 

Faithful Givers

CRT is an attack on the Family.  The family is the bulwark that equalizes opportunity for everyone. The left attempts to relate success with race, ignoring the relationship of success to family.  Such an analysis proves children from all races, when they have family to guide them, compete and succeed quite equally. It is the Church that works the hardest to keep families together, to encourage and maintain family values; certainly more dedicated and purposed than the government.   

At the same time charity was and is being taken from the churches and non-profits by the Government as to not allow any influence by them that would counter the wants of the liberal elitist establishment. Now CRT is a more open, overt attack, the final blow, potentially, along with the 1619 project, to curtail the Constitutional originalists from keeping what was the basis for our inspirational new world nation.  Judeo-Christian values are subject to ridicule, disregarded and thwarted.  

Family Ignored

The statistics used by the Left to mount their defense of CRT lacks credibility as it ignores the role of family in raising children and the impact on racial inequities. There are no inequities when family is present.  Statistics support this. Those yelling ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacy’ any chance they can use comparative facts useful to their claim, but not truthful to the real argument. Blacks need to do more to keep families intact. Obama was a student of Derrick Bell and helped launch CRT and its ‘revenge society’ modus operandi.  Biden seems to be blindly following in his path, but with less knowledge of what he is actually doing, thus the progressives are in charge, ignoring history and wanting anew what has proven to not work in the past.  But now they use their own facts, their own truth.  Neither of which are facts nor truth. 

From a 2019 Report by the Institute for Family Studies, “Black students living with both married parents had (school) suspension rates that not only were less than half as large as those for other blacks, but also less than the suspension rate for white students from families that weren't intact.”  

So CRT fails to consider the direct correlation between intact families and household income.  Does that suggests to you, as it does to me, that Democrats, the liberal left cabal, does not even want to consider the destruction of the traditional nuclear family being much greater in black and hispanic communities than in white and asian communities. 

It is not about racial income inequalities. As is suggested by the chart below.


A study by, shows Children with Two Parent Families by Race, the period 2013-2015, Asians 84%, Whites (alone) 77%, Hispanic/Latinos 66%, and Blacks (alone) 37%.  The problems arise in the black communities, in fact all of the racist ethnic communities, from the single parent homes, and obviously, with Blacks in the majority in single family homes, having greater problems in society, financially, opportunistically, and criminally, due to the lack of proper guidance and oversight they receive.  This is not true in every instance. 

Here is some additional information, the percent of teens growing up with married biological parents is over 50% for whites, less than 20% for blacks, 40% for hispanics, and over 60% for asians. Teenagers are at a critical stage for learning, being active, being influenced and either succeeding (achieving) or failing (underachieving). The influence and controls imposed by parents have significant positive benefits for every child, whether or not they think that is the case. 

The CRT Lie

Considering all the facts it becomes obvious the basis for CRT is ‘racism,’ but not that of whites versus blacks, but of the theorists attempting to stir the caldron of the witches political brew.  Black leadership has not defended the family or stressed the need for family integrity within its own community.  Family structure in black communities has been on a decline since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, legislation which Democrats pushed hard for and continue to add to the entitlement and welfare dole made possible.  But has it helped poor and black communities and families.  It has not, yet CRT pushes its narrative that the system of white persons, political aspirants, yet mostly Democrats, have subjected Blacks to a lower class state.  They have caused blacks to be less educated and earn less money.

Planned Parenthood will not release statistics on the number of abortions by race, but it is not hard to surmise it is much greater for minorities, blacks and latinos. From the May 26, 2021 Washington Examiner, Abortions Twisted Logic…., “The tragic reality is that 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are located within walking distance of neighborhoods that have proportionately higher populations of black or Latina women. An analysis of census tract data clearly documents that this kingpin of the abortion industry targets women of color, selling them the illusion that they must choose between career advancement and the lives of their babies. Any doubt about this skewed impact on women of color would be dispelled if Planned Parenthood were to publish data on the proportion of its abortion clients who are minorities. Planned Parenthood pointedly declines to release this data.”  

America’s population is about 13% black, Hispanic and Latino 16%, yet the abortion rate for blacks and latinos far exceeds the percentages, more, I estimate, in the 70-75% range for each.  What does this say about any interest in child rearing, or family.  These clinics have become birth control centers for sexually overactive persons. 

No More CRT

So CRT should instead by stressing the need for family, and how, teach how, society can go about keeping and maintaining the family unit.  Faith is a big part of the answer.  No more CRT, instead introduce BFP, Black Family Planning. 

CRT cannot cause families to feel guilty, and they cannot cause whites, Asians, or Latinos to feel guilty when they still maintain families and believe in families.  The Blacks need more champions for family values.  It is not white supremacy that caused blacks to not marry, to divorce or have multiple children out of wedlock.  The CRT narrative is a racist narrative all by itself, trying to cover the systematic flaws that Democrats created while attempting to and claiming to improve civil rights.  Civil Rights were improving on their own.  This is the nature of a great Nation growing.  The only group that can mess it all up is government when politics becomes more important than WeThePeople. 

Here are a couple questions.  In college, how will a Critical Race Theory education help a student’s job skills or preparedness for the workplace.  What skills does it provide?  For a high-schooler, even elementary school student, how does Critical Race Theory aide in learning the basics, of reading, writing and arithmetic.  Does it make them a better learner, or a bitter person?  It only advances grievance between races, even appears to attempt at making liberals a racist, as any comment from the right, regardless of race, that opposes the progressives desire to implement 1619 or CRT, makes them a ‘racist.

Our centers of education must not be allowed to become indoctrination centers for leftist contrived historical desires.

by Thomas Balderston

Author and Blogger

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