Monday, July 10, 2023

Culture - Dumb and Dumber

 Culture - Dumb and Dumber

Our Administration today is worrisome, at best.  From a cocaine addicted pedophilia son of the President, evidence of a corrupt family with the Big Guy at the head, dementia appearing on a 10 to 3 working President, an unbalanced DOJ, the appearance of cover-ups and feet dragging on important legal issues effecting the WH, and a push for EVs most cannot afford, restrictions on gas appliances, open borders, curbs on free speech and more, we also have a VP that creates physical emotional responses in listeners when she speaks, oft referred to as ‘word salad,’ considering she could be President.  Is this a case of dumb and dumber at the head of the greatest country in the world?

What follows is a question asked of an artificial intelligence app (ChatGBT) as to the definition of ‘Culture.’  Followed by a response by Kamala Harris at a conference on culture last week when asked to define the same term.  This is laughable, but very concerning at the same time.  

AI defined:  Culture refers to the shared beliefs, customs, practices, values, norms, language, arts, and other aspects that characterize a particular group or society. It encompasses the ideas, behaviors, and artifacts that are transmitted from one generation to another, shaping the way people think, interact, and understand the world around them. Culture can vary widely between different societies and can include elements such as religion, traditions, social institutions, cuisine, music, literature, and more. It plays a significant role in shaping individuals' identities and their collective sense of belonging.

Kamala Harris defined: “Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment and our time. Right? And present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know…it comes in the morning. We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.” 

Have a great day.

Thomas W. Balderston

Author and Blogger

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