Thursday, June 25, 2009

Creation - Excerpt #4 - Wake Up! Wake Up!

God created a perfect world in an orderly manner. From a formless void, God created light, then the expanse of the sky, making morning and evening, then land, sea, and vegetation, then the sun, the moon, the stars, then birds and fish, and then animals. It was a rational approach and a well-planned product awaiting God’s last gesture. Lastly, God made man in our image (Gen 1:26) and went on to say, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him.” (Gen 1:27) He prepared the way for man.

Something from Nothing
Can something come from nothing? As a child, I often looked to the sky with great bewilderment. How infinite it appeared. Where did it all come from? Where did it all go? Was there just a void, a vacuum, space without planets, stars, sun, nothing? And then why earth, a life-sustaining planet, in the middle of nowhere? How did I get so lucky to be here on earth as a human and not a dog, or chicken, or lion, elephant, or whatever? I could have been a plant. Just what is the probability for all this to happen? Here I am living on a planet hanging in infinite space, on a surface that supports life. It provides water, fruits and vegetables, meats, and air that sustains me. It provides resources that make living more comfortable and more interesting. And it all works together; each element on earth seems to need another. What is it? Well it is, I believe, God. He planned well, an intelligent designer. And he did this all for me; for man (and woman). There is no other place like it. No one has discovered, even though people keep trying, any place like it.

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