Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Trump Likes to Win



Trump likes to win, and he’s good at it, which has enraged his opponents, especially since he was taking away power that they feel is their right as Democrats. He won with his plain talk, his facts, and his street smarts. All have come in handy as he climbs the political ladder. However, he has enraged his opponents, the political elites, the Obama’s, Pelosi’s, Schumer’s, Clinton’s, and their wealthy supporters and beneficiaries, unaccustomed as they are to losing, having control, and dominating the halls of the Federal Government.  This has laid the groundwork for the attacks on DJT which seem never ceasing. Even those controlling the main stream media, filling host chairs with brainwashed academic personalities disguised as reporters or journalists, are reeling and find exposure not to their liking. To be succinct Trump is an eye-sore to the Magnates of the Party, a threat to their largesse. But he is great for American freedom loving non-woke, objective male and female Patriots.

By Thomas W. Balderston 

Author and Blogger

August 2024

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