What is Pelosi Thinking?
(May 18, by Thomas Balderston)
This is the 3 trillion dollar question. It can also be referred to as the new never to be Left Behind series, no intent to malign Mr. Jerry Jenkins or Dr. Tim LaHaye. The ‘left’ referred to is the Party of Pelosi, the Democrat Left.
Her political career has spanned 4 decades, first elected in 1987. She is the 1st woman to be Speaker of the House, a role she served during the Obama Administration and again after the first mid-term election during the Trump Presidency. She is an octogenarian. Many would consider that old. But since I am almost there myself, and consider myself still active and vital, the term ‘old’ suggests in-firmed and senile. She may be neither. Yet her political trend has been decidedly left of the left she initially adhered to. She helps to define her home State of California as the ‘Left’ coast. But in that regard she is not alone. This ‘left’ State has 53 Congresspersons, of the Nation total of 435, or 12.2% of the total. In CA you have Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Jackie Speier, Eric Swalwell, Zoe Lofgren, Judy Chu, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, and Karen Bass. There are more, Democrats that is, but there are also a few Republicans.
It amazes me too as to how many of the Democrat representative have become millionaires while on government salaries. Maxine Water for one. Pelosi is worth more than $120 million.
The Democrats have made a name for themselves in the Kavanaugh hearings and the Trump Impeachment, not necessarily a positive name. Pelosi stood behind them, and to the left, on each occasion. Schiff has been labelled ‘Pelosi’s Liar.’ He certainly lies, but distances himself from speaking under oath, as then he would surely be indicted for perjury. He covets records that reveal the truth about which he contends, yet when exposed, there is naught but exculpatory evidence. For most of the actions led by the left coast representatives of the Left Party, the “there is no there there” application falls short of seeing the light. They keep truth under wraps so they can spew forth from their volcanic underbellies the lava of their flaming hatred as claims of un-American activities by conservatives. When the lava turns to rocks and the ashes are blown away, what is revealed is factual evidence of “no wrong doing.”
Lies, lies, lies, indeed they are not spies, spies, spies, even though in a leftist’s eyes, eyes, eyes they see only what they perceive. America is awakening to the perceived truth of the left as fake news, fake views, and a waste of tax payor dollars to promote personal falsified agendas. The gears to their Democrat machines lack reverse. It has become a curse. And what is worse, it will result in a further erosion of left-minded sycophants to the idol of their communist, or socialist, or progressive, identity favored candidates that may find the voter booth flushing those of their kind from the toilet bowl that will always be Washington’s political elite. Unless you like politicians.
Recently with little collaboration Pelosi championed from her ice cream ladened kitchen a $3 trillion program under the guise of ‘coronavirus relief.’ As everything she does is suspect, so too is this grand scheme.
A bit or parody, “We need ventilators. People are dying,” to which Pelosi replied, “quick, let’s fund the Kennedy Center!”
But in reality what she calls her “Hero’s Act” seeks to
1.) Eliminate ALL Voter ID requirements
2.) Bail-out Democrat controlled states (who have long been in deficit because of their incompetence) and
3.) Provide $1200 to every illegal immigrant.
What does this suggest as to her priorities?
She is not a get-along-with-others type. Not even in her own Party. This may be the reason she has asked the House to pass legislation that allows her to stay and work and vote from her home. She requires isolation, but that means she needs to get along with herself. She may discover what many others already have. She is a mess!
Scott Walker, a writer for The Washington Times, also past Governor (45th) of Wisconsin, refers to the Pelosi Bill as the “Zeros Act” due to the number of zeros (3,000,000,000) in her progressive, socialist, blue State bailout, back-to-work deterrent, and cash for illegal immigrants wish list.
Pelosi has historically been the lead in several bills, to include:
1.) The Affordable Care Act: Better known as Obamacare with the public option (the option was eventually taken out for the Republican compromise of the Heritage Foundation mandate, yeah the one they say they hate).
2.) Dodd-Frank: This Wall Street reform was passed as a response to the recession of 2008 with hope that a financial crisis like that will never happen again and in hopes that banks will never become too big to fail.
3.) Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay: Sought to make sure women receive equal pay for equal work.
4.) Economic Stimulus Act of 2008: Passed to lessen the blow of a recession and boost the economy away from a financial free-fall. “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 put $787 billion into the economy in hope of blunting the effect of the recession.”
5.) The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Which allowed LGBTQ individuals in our military to serve openly without consequence.
Pelosi leads a Democrat majority House with the idea they are the responsible party to monitor Trump. They are his shadow making him accountable. The problem, however, is the lack of any effort to cooperate with Trump or the Republican Party over issues impacting all Americans, regardless of race or creed, Republican or Democrat, believers in God, Allah or not, or region in which they live. Accountability is one thing, obstruction is another. She rails against Republicans favoring the wealthy, yet her “Hero” Bill directly favors the wealthy by restoring deductions of State & local taxes. Scott Walker wrote, “Pelosi’s plan repeals the cap on the state and local tax deduction. This is a big gift for her fat-cat donors in high tax states like California, New Jersey and New York.” Democrats need the fat-cats to support their political campaigns, thus finding ways to favor them, while as hypocrites, railing against Republicans as if that is part of their agenda. Trump never received credit from the liberal Main Street Media (MSM), or the Democrats, for the elimination of this tax benefit to the more wealthy. Trump taxes the rich and the Democrats bitch (complain).
On May 18, 2020 Bill O’Reilly posted, “You might ask why a sop to the wealthy is included in a (Pelosi) virus relief package in the first place. Or why quasi-amnesty for the undocumented is in there. Or major assistance to companies that legally sell marijuana. Or dozens of other things that have nothing to do with fighting the pandemic. The answer is politics. Ms. Pelosi is signaling the updated democrat platform leading to the election.”
The concern over actions by Pelosi from her pedestal of power is (quoting O’Reilly) “exactly what the socialists and their sympathizers want.” Private enterprise is important to America. Public enterprise is the government. Should the private side collapse, “the federal government will have to take it over - completely.” This would play into the hands of the Socialists like Bernie Sanders, AOC, Ilhan Omar and other companions of the socialist left. “We live in a country full of distractions, distortions, and dismal challenges like Covid. Many of our leaders are not interested in problem-solving and often bury their true agenda in legislation….” Pelosi’s bill is quite lengthy, over 1500 pages is my understanding. Having never read the ACA bill (ObamaCare), why would any Democrat read this Pelosi plan, having little to do with true ‘heros.’ O’Reilly goes on to say, “…let me give you the true headline: the Pelosi bill uses the contagion danger to advance left wing power.”
University of Chicago economists, using 2019 Government data, estimate that 68 percent of unemployed workers who can receive benefits are eligible for payments that are greater than their lost earnings. A $600 weekly bonus was provided in earlier stimulus. The provision provided by Congress is 134% above the average original wages. (1/3 more). The figure is more than 150% higher for those workers in low-wage professions like food service and janitorial work. Limited to just 3 added months, Pelosi’s Hero bill wants that extended through January 2021. Sounds nice, but the problem. Where is the incentive to return to work? The bill suggests if your employer wants you back and your refuse, the money train stops. But will it really in the presence of a nation with so many Democrats and liberal judges.
Pelosi may have aged to the point that thinking is no longer needed. She just reacts. The Democratic Party trend is further left, and to maintain her status she is leaning, more tilting, in that direction to remain, in her view, relevant. Having the MSM mostly on the side of the liberals, it is a wonder our Nation has not sunken further into the Leftist muck. Pelosi is knee deep in it.
Those that work, that have achieved something, see there is value in opportunity beyond what a socialist cabal of elitists can provide to keep them in line. As with the stay-at-home order, and in many blue states, enforcement, freedoms can be restrained, But only for a limited period if it benefits everyone, but freedom itself cannot be denied.
Are Democrats and Socialists forced to watch only CNN, MSNBC, and NBC to insure they are informed by the opinion-makers (not journalists) of what they need to know, or not know (as never revealed). Distortions of words said, selective clips of conservative speeches, photos from the wrong places, and unwarranted claims made, lies without consequences, are too frequent and without recourse. Perjury only occurs under oath. Lying occurs when a Democrat like Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Max Waters, Brennan, even Obama move their lips in public. Facts in hand, however, independent, discerning, minds making their own assessments and judgments, can make decisions and take risks accordingly. Such a risk was electing Donald Trump as President.
Our free society is not to ignore being considerate of others. Keep your social distance. Wear a mask. If an environment appears unsafe, there is choice, enter or not. Keep on your face mask or go without. The burden of risk rests on that of the individual. America is a nation of risk takers. Not even the risk adverse Democrats, their science advisors, their climate-control hawks can prevent those that want to expose themselves to whatever from doing so, as much as their ‘nanny-state’ attitudes and Democrat office holders try. The Whitmer-effect (Michigan governor) is to engender protest (not proper distancing), beach-goers, and selective barber and beauty shops open, and others businesses commanded to remain closed defying her order, as she then proceeds to take away their license, even their children. Oh how the Democrats love to use and abuse their power. This is the Pelosi-effect. This is how Democrats begin to look like Socialists and Communists, and tend to support even China and Islamists. When a Democrat tells you, you are free, be prepared. It would be as the Ayatollah of Iran informing you of your freedom.
What is Pelosi thinking? She is thinking as most Democrats are thinking. If the Democrats in her circle are not in line, then they are threatened. No committees. No financial support from the DNC. Be a good puppy and obey, or else. Her thinking is to have her way with America. But let that never come to pass.
This November we need a tent to fall over the whole of the voting booths in American as if Democrats are termites and the voter is the gas that can rid our house of this destructive insect. The outcome can be a clean house, fresh views, and no more gnawing away at the foundations of our freedom. The House of Freedom is America which only the Termites that are the Democrats can destroy. Let not Pelosi’s thinking to have more termites in DC continue. Help us all make American great, greater and greatest.
Be strong. Be objective. Be prepared. Vote. Love God. Have hope. Work. Consume.
(Thomas Balderston is an author and blogger: TomBalderston.Blogspot.com and Understand-Islam.com).