Monday, May 18, 2020

What is Pelosi Thinking?

What is Pelosi Thinking?

(May 18, by Thomas  Balderston)

This is the 3 trillion dollar question.  It can also be referred to as the new never to be Left Behind series, no intent to malign Mr. Jerry Jenkins or Dr. Tim LaHaye.  The ‘left’ referred to is the Party of Pelosi, the Democrat Left.  

Her political career has spanned 4 decades, first elected in 1987.  She is the 1st woman to be Speaker of the House, a role she served during the Obama Administration and again after the first mid-term election during the Trump Presidency.  She is an octogenarian. Many would consider that old.  But since I am almost there myself, and consider myself still active and vital, the term ‘old’ suggests in-firmed and senile.  She may be neither.  Yet her political trend has been decidedly left of the left she initially adhered to.  She helps to define her home State of California as the ‘Left’ coast.  But in that regard she is not alone. This ‘left’ State has 53 Congresspersons, of the Nation total of 435, or 12.2% of the total.  In CA you have Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Jackie Speier, Eric Swalwell, Zoe Lofgren, Judy Chu, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, and Karen Bass.  There are more, Democrats that is, but there are also a few Republicans. 

It amazes me too as to how many of the Democrat representative have become millionaires while on government salaries. Maxine Water for one.  Pelosi is worth more than $120 million.

The Democrats have made a name for themselves in the Kavanaugh hearings and the Trump Impeachment, not necessarily a positive name.  Pelosi stood behind them, and to the left, on each occasion.  Schiff has been labelled ‘Pelosi’s Liar.’  He certainly lies, but distances himself from speaking under oath, as then he would surely be indicted for perjury.  He covets records that reveal the truth about which he contends, yet when exposed, there is naught but exculpatory evidence. For most of the actions led by the left coast representatives of the Left Party, the “there is no there there” application falls short of seeing the light.  They keep truth under wraps so they can spew forth from their volcanic underbellies the lava of their flaming hatred as claims of un-American activities by conservatives.  When the lava turns to rocks and the ashes are blown away, what is revealed is factual evidence of “no wrong doing.”  

Lies, lies, lies, indeed they are not spies, spies, spies, even though in a leftist’s eyes, eyes, eyes they see only what they perceive.  America is awakening to the perceived truth of the left as fake news, fake views, and a waste of tax payor dollars to promote personal falsified agendas. The gears to their Democrat machines lack reverse.  It has become a curse. And what is worse, it will result in a further erosion of left-minded sycophants to the idol of their communist, or socialist, or progressive, identity favored candidates that may find the voter booth flushing those of their kind from the toilet bowl that will always be Washington’s political elite. Unless you like politicians.

Recently with little collaboration Pelosi championed from her ice cream ladened kitchen a $3 trillion program under the guise of ‘coronavirus relief.’  As everything she does is suspect, so too is this grand scheme. 

A bit or parody, “We need ventilators. People are dying,” to which Pelosi replied, “quick, let’s fund the Kennedy Center!”

But in reality what she calls her “Hero’s Act” seeks to 
1.) Eliminate ALL Voter ID requirements 
2.) Bail-out Democrat controlled states (who have long been in deficit because of their incompetence) and 
3.) Provide $1200 to every illegal immigrant. 

What does this suggest as to her priorities? 

She is not a get-along-with-others type. Not even in her own Party. This may be the reason she has asked the House to pass legislation that allows her to stay and work and vote from her home. She requires isolation, but that means she needs to get along with herself. She may discover what many others already have. She is a mess!  

Scott Walker, a writer for The Washington Times, also past Governor (45th) of Wisconsin, refers to the Pelosi Bill as the “Zeros Act” due to the number of zeros (3,000,000,000) in her progressive, socialist, blue State bailout, back-to-work deterrent, and cash for illegal immigrants wish list.

Pelosi has historically been the lead in several bills, to include: 
1.) The Affordable Care Act: Better known as Obamacare with the public option (the option was eventually taken out for the Republican compromise of the Heritage Foundation mandate, yeah the one they say they hate). 
2.) Dodd-Frank: This Wall Street reform was passed as a response to the recession of 2008 with hope that a financial crisis like that will never happen again and in hopes that banks will never become too big to fail. 
3.) Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay: Sought to make sure women receive equal pay for equal work. 
4.) Economic Stimulus Act of 2008: Passed to lessen the blow of a recession and boost the economy away from a financial free-fall. “The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 put $787 billion into the economy in hope of blunting the effect of the recession.” 
5.) The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Which allowed LGBTQ individuals in our military to serve openly without consequence. 

Pelosi leads a Democrat majority House with the idea they are the responsible party to monitor Trump. They are his shadow making him accountable. The problem, however, is the lack of any effort to cooperate with Trump or the Republican Party over issues impacting all Americans, regardless of race or creed, Republican or Democrat, believers in God, Allah or not, or region in which they live. Accountability is one thing, obstruction is another. She rails against Republicans favoring the wealthy, yet her “Hero” Bill directly favors the wealthy by restoring deductions of State & local taxes. Scott Walker wrote, “Pelosi’s plan repeals the cap on the state and local tax deduction. This is a big gift for her fat-cat donors in high tax states like California, New Jersey and New York.”  Democrats need the fat-cats to support their political campaigns, thus finding ways to favor them, while as hypocrites, railing against Republicans as if that is part of their agenda. Trump never received credit from the liberal Main Street Media (MSM), or the Democrats, for the elimination of this tax benefit to the more wealthy. Trump taxes the rich and the Democrats bitch (complain).  

On May 18, 2020 Bill O’Reilly posted, “You might ask why a sop to the wealthy is included in a (Pelosi) virus relief package in the first place. Or why quasi-amnesty for the undocumented is in there. Or major assistance to companies that legally sell marijuana. Or dozens of other things that have nothing to do with fighting the pandemic.  The answer is politics. Ms. Pelosi is signaling the updated democrat platform leading to the election.”

The concern over actions by Pelosi from her pedestal of power is (quoting O’Reilly) “exactly what the socialists and their sympathizers want.”  Private enterprise is important to America.  Public enterprise is the government.  Should the private side collapse, “the federal government will have to take it over - completely.”  This would play into the hands of the Socialists like Bernie Sanders, AOC, Ilhan Omar and other companions of the socialist left. “We live in a country full of distractions, distortions, and dismal challenges like Covid. Many of our leaders are not interested in problem-solving and often bury their true agenda in legislation….” Pelosi’s bill is quite lengthy, over 1500 pages is my understanding.  Having never read the ACA bill (ObamaCare), why would any Democrat read this Pelosi plan, having little to do with true ‘heros.’  O’Reilly goes on to say, “…let me give you the true headline: the Pelosi bill uses the contagion danger to advance left wing power.”

University of Chicago economists, using 2019 Government data, estimate that 68 percent of unemployed workers who can receive benefits are eligible for payments that are greater than their lost earnings. A $600 weekly bonus was provided in earlier stimulus.  The provision provided by Congress is 134% above the average original wages. (1/3 more). The figure is more than 150% higher for those workers in low-wage professions like food service and janitorial work. Limited to just 3 added months, Pelosi’s Hero bill wants that extended through January 2021.  Sounds nice, but the problem.  Where is the incentive to return to work?  The bill suggests if your employer wants you back and your refuse, the money train stops.  But will it really in the presence of a nation with so many Democrats and  liberal judges. 

Pelosi may have aged to the point that thinking is no longer needed.  She just reacts.  The Democratic Party trend is further left, and to maintain her status she is leaning, more tilting, in that direction to remain, in her view, relevant.  Having the MSM mostly on the side of the liberals, it is a wonder our Nation has not sunken further into the Leftist muck. Pelosi is knee deep in it.  

Those that work, that have achieved something, see there is value in opportunity beyond what a socialist cabal of elitists can provide to keep them in line. As with the stay-at-home order, and in many blue states, enforcement, freedoms can be restrained,  But only for a limited period if it benefits everyone, but freedom itself cannot be denied. 

Are Democrats and Socialists forced to watch only CNN, MSNBC, and NBC to insure they are informed by the opinion-makers (not journalists) of what they need to know, or not know (as never revealed). Distortions of words said, selective clips of conservative speeches, photos from the wrong places, and unwarranted claims made, lies without consequences, are too frequent and without recourse.  Perjury only occurs under oath.  Lying occurs when a Democrat like Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Max Waters, Brennan, even Obama move their lips in public.  Facts in hand, however, independent, discerning, minds making their own assessments and judgments, can make decisions and take risks accordingly.  Such a risk was electing Donald Trump as President. 

Our free society is not to ignore being considerate of others. Keep your social distance.  Wear a mask.  If an environment appears unsafe, there is choice, enter or not. Keep on your face mask or go without. The burden of risk rests on that of the individual.  America is a nation of risk takers.  Not even the risk adverse Democrats, their science advisors, their climate-control hawks can prevent those that want to expose themselves to whatever from doing so, as much as their ‘nanny-state’ attitudes and Democrat office holders try.  The Whitmer-effect (Michigan governor) is to engender protest (not proper distancing), beach-goers, and selective barber and beauty shops open, and others businesses commanded to remain closed defying her order, as she then proceeds to take away their license, even their children. Oh how the Democrats love to use and abuse their power. This is the Pelosi-effect. This is how Democrats begin to look like Socialists and Communists, and tend to support even China and Islamists. When a Democrat tells you, you are free, be prepared.  It would be as the Ayatollah of Iran informing you of your freedom. 

What is Pelosi thinking?  She is thinking as most Democrats are thinking.  If the Democrats in her circle are not in line, then they are threatened.  No committees.  No financial support from the DNC.  Be a good puppy and obey, or else.  Her thinking is to have her way with America.  But let that never come to pass.

This November we need a tent to fall over the whole of the voting booths in American as if Democrats are termites and the voter is the gas that can rid our house of this destructive insect. The outcome can be a clean house, fresh views, and no more gnawing away at the foundations of our freedom.  The House of Freedom is America which only the Termites that are the Democrats can destroy.  Let not Pelosi’s thinking to have more termites in DC continue.  Help us all make American great, greater and greatest.  

Be strong.  Be objective. Be prepared. Vote.  Love God. Have hope. Work.  Consume.

(Thomas Balderston is an author and blogger: and 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Shelter-in-Place, Why?

Shelter-in-Place, Why?

California has received a lot of notoriety in this Covid crisis. However it’s important to note the percentages of deaths in that state. The mortality rate in CA is 0.00006925 (May13, 2020). That means 99.999931% of the population will not die yet are forced to remain sheltered.  Deaths are more prevalent among the elderly, people over 65, having co-morbidity issues. No one is recommending that individuals avail themselves to this virus, but this virus itself is not a killer. That at least is the case in California. But it also applies to most other parts of the country. From the facts that have been offered reopening the economy, even sports arenas, would save more lives that those lost from Covid.  Focus on areas with no reported cases, or minimal cases, and restore as before.

On May 12 and 13th there were congressional hearings with Dr. Fauci reviewing the pandemic caused by this virus first appearing in China. During that hearing senator Tim Scott from South Carolina made some valuable information available. It reflected again on those that have died from the coronavirus as a group. The young, school and college age children, have had zero Covid deaths. That begs the question why should schools be closed. The vast majority of deaths are people that are retired, over 75, and are not part of the workforce anyway. There was a category of people over 60, as well, say 60 to 75, and many in that group are employable. So taking them out of the work environment can affect an economy, but at a much lower rate than taking everyone out of the work environment. 

What is really being said is there is no reason for not going back to work. Precautions can be taken. 

If someone tests positive for the virus they can be asked to stay at home for a period of time. But even those that test positive, in the workforce, are not likely to die. It’s the same scenario as people with the flu, stay home, do not infect your colleagues.  Sick days are for the sick, not for everyone simultaneously. So we can proceed to live our lives like we used to knowing it’s the elderly that we are most concerned about and particularly the elderly that have other medical problems.  The tradeoff is lives versus livelihoods.  We can prioritize to protect the most vulnerable. 

Alex Berenson, once a reporter for the New York Times, has been a critic of public policy regarding the Covid pandemic.  As to the lockdown strategy he refers to it as a ‘colossal mistake.’ I agree. The statistics simply do not support the extent to which the ‘fear’ of this virus was promoted to close the world economy.  It was vibrant.  This virus is virulent, yet not that dangerous.  Statistically it is not fatal.  Yes, it can be to some.  The elderly and most vulnerable appear to be mostly non-working persons.  The economy relied on them more as consumers than producers.  One of his statements, “The economic devastation and the societal devastation of the lockdowns appear to be greater than even the worst projections were a month ago (April).”  Proper analysis and consideration, by politicians particularly, did not adequately judge potential outcomes on society and economy. The medical and science experts created a worst case scenario and advised our leadership accordingly.  Trump took steps to close our borders, but a total economic shutdown was never warranted.  There was little balance between pessimism and optimism.  The spread of the virus also was not ubiquitous.  There were many areas that still have had no experience with the virus, except for the scare tactics and the actions of the elected politicians reacting to the overly hyped death toll that would be experienced, and which has not been experienced.  

In addition needed hospital services were denied.  This occurred to the detriment of the balance sheets of hospitals that were called upon to accept only Covid patients, preparing for the most awful pandemic in world history, only to be surprised as in most areas anticipation failed to achieve results. Also, as was the case in New York, Pennsylvania, and I believe New Jersey, Governors viewed nursing homes as placement centers for Covid victims.  They were wrong in doing so.  States regulate nursing homes to care for the frail elderly, not for sick elderly.  Neither staffed nor equipped to handle illnesses, nursing homes may be the most frequent user of 911 to transfer the frail to hospitals when they contract an illness.  Health Departments in every State know this, as they are the ones as overseers.  Either they did not advise their governors accordingly, or the Governors ignored or did not seek their advice.  The Governors are responsible!  In my view what was done was criminal.  They have no excuse. There have been 22,000 Covid deaths in NY. Over 5,000 were in nursing homes, that is 25%.  That is tragic. The report for Virginia is that 60% of Covid deaths in that State were in nursing homes. 

From the Los Angeles Times on May 11, articles titled, “The economic devastation wrought by the pandemic could ultimately kill more people than the virus itself,” indicated,  “The economic devastation the pandemic wreaks on the ultra-poor could ultimately kill more people than the virus itself.  The United Nations predicts that a global recession (caused by Covid fear-mongering) will reverse a three-decade trend in rising living standards and plunge as many as 420 million people into extreme poverty, defined as earning less than $2 a day.”  Those that advocate reopening as many aspects of the economy as possible only makes sense, common sense. Destroying the hands that feed our families is worse that contacting the virus, suffering for a week or so. Protect the elderly and vulnerable. They are not the vast majority of the work force.

A proper ‘fear’ for all Americans is the actual and potential imposition of restrictions on the mobility of citizens.  Said another way, our freedom. The political monitor patrols will be able to follow your every move, with whom you  associate, where you eat and drink, your travels, and so on. This will be done in the name of health care. This is a travesty upon our freedom.  It is a perfect excuse for politicians. This is a device for citizen control. This virus is being used as a cover for introducing socialist communist programs that only liberals can love. Their “nanny-state” is a cover-up for an autocracy with only permitted freedoms. A possible outcome could be, if you sneeze in the wrong place or without proper sneeze protection reflexes, you can be fined or incarcerated.  There will be a video captured by drone or cameras placed everywhere possible.  And as free citizens your tax-payor dollars will be used to provide the surveillance.  

Beware also, the terms “vaccine” and “cure” will be introduced as factors that restrictions, impositions of our freedom and independence, will and can continue in light of the current virus or new ones, “until” one or the other occurs.  But if there is never a “vaccine” or “cure,” then be prepared for NannyGate.  Without “vaccine” or “cure” the government rules, rule. This is power to the governing, not the governed.

Why should States or Counties without a single case of the coronavirus require businesses to close, be shuttered, and require residents stay at home? Discerning individuals need to properly analyze the risk/reward of opening businesses especially in areas that are Covid free. The risk in this pandemic is political overreaction.  People will suffer more greatly from not having a job or the ability to properly feed one’s family or plan for the future, than from the virus. 

Politicians, in too many cases, have lost their sense of reality. Is it insensitive to consider the cost to the economy of one Covid death?  Today that figure is $25 to $30 million.  Add to that the further cost to recover from the economic shut-down on a per death basis.  Jobs permanently lost.  Businesses permanently closed.  Hospitals closed.   Are those dying from Covid, the vulnerable elderly primarily, from an insurance perspective, that of an actuary, worth that much to an entire economy?  How much is a death worth, knowing now the nature of those most exposed?  

From the data, the numbers, and considering the political fear tactics, this virus crisis does not justify the extent to which our Country or any Country has been closed.  Area by area, yes, but but not on such a global scale.  

Maybe the politicians are reacting just as China wanted them too.  

So the question posed, Why have we had to shelter-in-place as we did?

Be smart, be independent, consider all facts, care for your family, be objective, and be safe.  Let’s get American back to work.  Start consuming. 


Monday, May 11, 2020

Democraps for China (That's Democrats, opps!)

Democraps for China

What Gives?
What is with this political Democratic Party? We are all now aware of China’s role in the spread of the Covid19 virus from Wuhan, China. And ‘all’ includes Democrats, those that have ears anyway. The unknown, or the $250 billon trade question, is whether it came from a laboratory, or a wet market. But the overt actions to cover up this virulent invader and actually prepare China for the spread has been made clear. China was buying and hoarding N95 face masks well before any of us were told we needed them. Now they sell them at inflated prices and to countries that agree to back China’s claim, that is that this pandemic is not their fault, and did not emanate from a Wuhan bio-lab.

To Be the World’s Greatest
China is poised to colonize opportune weak Sovereign pockets throughout our universe where resources abound and strategic land or sea present themselves. XI is looking more like North Korea’s little man, fat boy, each day, large and in charge.  America can take credit for aiding a Communist Nation entering the trade arena of capitalism to employ and enrich its people. However private investment beginning in the agricultural segments of China, beginning in the late 1970’s, gets the bulk of the credit.  China became more liberal allowing citizens to prosper from their industrious ways, all the while political liberalization never occurred. They have prospered. But any hope for a peace loving, or just embracing, China has dimmed.  They see their future and it sits atop the food and trade chain.  As a world leader they are and will be, and remain quite different from an American, even Christian, ideal. It is power and control versus freedom and independence. Their form of Communism is being spread. 

A warning comes from Michael Pillsbury’s book, The Hundred-Year Marathon, China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower. One person wrote a review on Amazon, “This book is a real eye opener. It reveals a completely different China. USA needs to wake up and quit assuming China is sold on capitalism. They are no where close to practicing capitalism. Also, they do not accept our ethical standards.” A few more, “Good explanation of China's strategy by a recognized expert. Makes you wonder why the U.S. continues to trade with China which only helps the Chinese Communist Party continue their quest for world domination.” And, “Pillsbury emphasizes how American policy makers and advisors fell for a deceptive (and self-deceptive) narrative that China was becoming a democratic state and would soon be a friend of the US and the West, in spite of growing evidence to the contrary.” One more, “Even though the old communist China has gone through great promising changes since the late 70‘s, which led many experts to develop an optimistic view upon its alignment to the Westerner way of life, it seems that the country is being directed by some hidden forces (the ultranationalists hawks) towards another direction, one that shall defy the hegemonic power position of U.S. in the near future. Through well-grounded positioning upon deep analysis of information that could only have been provided by a former high ranked world class spy, the author himself, the reader will have access to an uncommon and intriguing perspective about what is going on in China nowadays.”

In summary China is not a friend of America. It will be friendly as necessary. But when it comes to advances in technology, health care, energy, communications and surveillance, et al, they will do whatever it takes, spying and thievery as required, to get ahead of the curve and stay ahead of the curve. They love having a presence in the United States, in colleges and universities, medical laboratories, technology companies, and government. They will be direct participants and indirect, as drivers, aides, and secretaries. There are many Chinese loyalists sharing what they see, photograph, and hear, even on front lines as hands on developers, with their mother nation. There is suspicion also they are implanting listening and video devices in equipment made in China, purchased and used by American entities, corporate, private and government. 

Democrats Hands Are Soiled
With all this said, why, why, why are Democrats joining forces, holding hands, sharing talking points favoring China over the current administrations recent expressed valid concerns over China’s anti-Americanism. 

In May, Devin Nunes, on the Ingraham Angle (TV show) commented, “"We (Republicans) were actually the first to announce that we had a 5G problem. We talked about the Huawei and ZTE problems. We continued that all through 2015 and '16. And then, lo and behold, Donald Trump was elected and we were continuing it into 2017.  That's when the Democrats decided that they wanted to play with like the Russian Nesting Dolls all the time. And, we convened a series of hearings, but the hearings got hijacked and they began to subpoena this Russian agent, that Russian agent, and they blew the whole thing apart.” Nunes said that while the Republican members did submit a classified report to the Trump administration on threats posed by China last Congress (2017), the Democrats didn't take it seriously. Further, he noted, “We continued to run our own investigation because the Democrats, you know, they're too busy playing, I would say Russian Roulette, with the Chinese. They don't take it seriously," 

The Trump haters just cannot help themselves. As a result they seem to embrace, even defend, subversive activities from foreign entities, and not only China, but Iran (Feinstein proposing $5 billion for this terrorist haven as a measure to help their Covid dilemma), and Islam (Islamists) as a religion to the detriment of American ideals and our Constitution. They continue to cater to the Obama idea that America is not that great. Consider the Democrats position welcoming more immigration, opposition to the Wall, and advocacy for sanctuary cities and apply that to China and Islam.  This is not simply identity politics; this is borderline subversive.  It is politics for selfish goals, and not for American ideals. 

Cavet Emptor
But before we go all out against China we must consider consequences, be realistic and practical. The WSJ (Sunday May 10, 2020), article, “A Cold War with China Would be a Mistake,” wrote, “Af­ter all, even if the U.S. suc­cess­fully countered China, our se­cu­rity and pros­per­ity could still plum­met due to fu­ture pan­demics, cli­mate change, cy­ber­at­tacks, ter­ror­ism and the spread or even the use of nuclear weapons. The con­clu­sion to draw from to­day’s cri­sis is clear: Amer­ica needs to fo­cus not just on di­rectly ad­dress­ing such global chal­lenges but on en­hancing our com­pet­i­tive­ness and re­silience in fac­ing them.”

But the Democrats need to jump on board, or be left behind. Americans for America are turning against the Democratic Party that has habitually favored their agenda, mostly an anti-Trump war with a distorted battlefield ignoring reality, truth, our borders, our Constitution, our leadership role in the world and the security of our citizens. In the voting booth this fall I suspect this quiet revolution against Democrats, Senate and Congressional seats, will find Trump’s coattail is more like a train. 

The BBC recently noted, “A Pew opinion survey last month (April 2020) found that two-thirds of Americans, a historic high, view China unfavourably. But roughly the same margin of poll respondents said they believed Mr Trump acted too slowly to contain the pandemic.”  Democrat’s condemned Trump’s travel restriction on 1/31/2020 on China as xenophobic and unnecessary, but now spread their lies that his actions were not fast enough. Hypocrisy in action.

You Have the Voice by Voting
Be aware, elected officials, you as the one pushing the level or filling in the boxes, should be (I feel they must be) patriotic America loving supporters above all else. They need to favor free enterprise. Incentives are to be designed to encourage Made-in-America, efficiency of production, and sourcing as much as possible within our borders, from resources, to manufacturing to labor. Attitudes within our boundaries and from foreign entities that are anti-American, socialistic, and hate-fueled must be curbed. We need the Make America Great forever proponents in government, from local to State to National offices. We do not need any that favor China, Russia, Iran, Islam, Communism, Socialism, Taliban, ISIS or foreign centers of hatred towards America and the ideals of freedom and peace we embrace.  Maybe we should fear voter fraud more than the Wuhan virus. 

Be smart. Be informed. Be independent. Help clean the swamp. Stay free. Peace my brethren. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Fear Economics - Wuhan Crisis

 Fear Economics - Wuhan Crisis

What value would the insurance industry put on the life of a person 80 to 100 years old, retired, in-firmed and/or living in a nursing home. Ask any insurer what value he would put on the life of a person during this Covid crisis that is classified as “vulnerable,“ not working, and susceptible to outside health scares.   It might surprise you as to how low the figure would be.  Today the loss of personal annual income amounts to between $30 million and $50 million per Covid death, the vast majority of which are elderly or vulnerable, most not working anyway.  Something to consider. 

What is going on during this coronavirus pandemic? Who is directing this painful lockdown? There are factions seeing a ‘falling sky’ and power mongers that want to slow everything down so the do-it-there-way agenda can progress. These people I would call ‘economy subversives.’ Their thinking is that the use of less energy, less consumerism, less travel, less population, less industrial production, less construction and less growth, is good for the world. These are the climate control, or global warming, personalities. They do not want growth in an economy. They live with fear, and readily proclaim their fears to whomever will listen, and publicize. . A typical example would be as the population continues to grow there will be food and water shortages. This has not happened. Innovation is such that as the numbers grow so increases the productivity of crops to enable us to feed the people. It may be a God thing.  Properly incentivized people will find a way.  In fact history has shown that populations have grown and with innovation we’ve actually achieved levels of food to the extent that there were significant surpluses.  

Which side is the ‘no-growth side,’ is it the liberal left, or the conservative right? I think you know the answer. But here is an important issue. In societies where there is economic growth, prosperity, there is a desire to have clean water, clean air, minimal pollution, and surroundings which are conducive to good health. Thus productive economies are healthier. 

I am all for prosperity. I am also aware when precautions need to be taken.  But we must live not on fear, but on an understanding of facts, getting the facts, and finding solutions as necessary to be able to continue to progress. We need to be alert to locations when the fear mongers appear and improperly address issues in their effort to scare us. In this Coronavirus climate the scare was so great that the world economy was shut down. 

The Main Stream Media  (MSM) is consumed by the ‘sky-is-falling’ Koolade and is doing more harm than good. They seem to subject their constituents to panic, their words having an effect, more opinion than fact, failing the country with their distorted journalism, and fake news. Are many in the MSM doing research or simply relying on talking points provided freely by bias driven supporters.  It is more their views that actual news. Will they achieve their ends? Will it be clean or less water?  Will there be less pollution? Will there be less poverty?  I doubt it. 

We do not need lazy populations; we need energetic populations that want to go out and prosper for themselves. We need leaders, optimistic, realistic, to encourage citizens to want to work, and to feel it is safe to work. Coaches do not call their players losers. Winning must become part of a person’s DNA to make the world better for all. We want the opportunity for the poor to lift themselves up from their status to achieve. That is what opportunity provides.  That is what has made and will continue to make America great

Stephen Moore in an article written for the Washington Examiner, April 21, 2020, entitled “Beware the left ‘degrowth’ movement,” wrote, “environmental protection is the ultimate ‘superior good.’ The richer a society becomes, the more it spends on clean air, clean water, and nature preservation.“

Let us get back to work, resist the ‘fear,’ and continue to grow our economies. It will make everyone healthier in the long run. The need is to have people purchasing again, clothes, cars, furniture, and other stuff. Why? Economic growth is about consumption, consumerism, not production. Demand is the driver of supply. We are experiencing during this crisis how the lack of demand for energy has caused the supply of oil to far exceed the capacity to store that which is not being purchased.

Fear economics generated by the political left, the no-growth socialists, is wrong headed. We have recently discovered how easily the left can deceive and lie. They do so boldly; the objective often contrary to the success of our Nation.  The world needs ‘confidence’ driven economics. Be aware of surroundings, anticipate, and prepare, but always keep moving forward. As the capital markets have shown the dips are followed but higher highs in the future.  Most Americans are optimists. The others, the pessimists, use too much protection and may never see the sunlight.  There is a balance.  It is the responsibility of the MSM to provide equal weight to perspective.  They have not played this role well.

Be independent, be confident, be objective, fight for peace, there is always tomorrow. Hope will win out.  Trump is making every effort to rekindle the fire of America’s greatness.  He is exhibiting confidence and hope.  He has proven he can achieve good things for us all.  Let us not forget that.  Let not the fabric of our great nation be shredded by malcontents. 

Keep the good guys in office.  When you vote, vote for America, not against America. 


Thursday, May 7, 2020

China - The Wizard Behind the Nose Guard Revealed

China - The Wizard Behind the Nose Guard Revealed

That which most people refer to as breakables in your kitchen cabinets, china, is and has been our enemy.  They never said they were anything else.  Struggles have been ongoing in this Asian nation.  Wars and civil wars are a common occurrence.  After WWII there was the idea that finally there may come peace, as Japan yielded and Russia was a war ally.  

From the Forbidden City, however, the Nationalists met the bear baring its teeth, the Chinese Communist Party, and fair play was not the idea.  Mao Zedong said he was the victor, and Taiwan was born on a small island nearby.   Across the Pacific the land of the Great Wall has become more powerful, more prosperous, and now more of a pain in the arse.  They have provided a harsh unhealthy kick to the whole world from either a wet market or a leaky bio-lab in ole Wuhan.  If overt, to their devious credit, a coverup supreme, with home-first preventative measures anticipated and implemented, China has crippled the World Economy.  Yet they are ahead of the curve in reviving their GDP.  Should we have been aware of a ‘natural disaster’ clause requested by China in the recent Trump Trade Agreement?  Bio leaks do not apply, but wet-markets do!  

'Oh Gee' or 'Oh XI'?

Time to toss, clean out, our kitchen cabinets of those badly worn and ugly breakables. To these thieves of American intellectual property from medical facilities, to universities, to technology companies, as limousine drivers for Senators or IT specialists for politicians, and equipment providers with intelligence tracking devices, phones to drones, America’s greatest entrails have been splayed into full view.  The ‘Ah So’ reverse engineers and spies see what our ingenuity has created, invented, developed and marketed on full display on Spode made-in Chinese factories.    Will we now do something to curb their enthusiasm as pirates?  We must sink their ships.  Let them dream their own dreams. 

Colonializing from the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, Wuhan to Beijing, the Wuhan pandemic opportunity for China is unique.  This Communist Nation has invested trillions of dollars, or Yuan, in many areas of the globe.  Africa, Sri Lanka, South America, and elsewhere.  Referred to as the ‘Belt and Road’ program where China is seeking resources and positions in global strategic locations. There is a but, calling it aide is an opaque cover to the objective, however.  Behind the curtain, China's OZ, named XI, is at the dashboard of a unique global control panel. When the investments as loans cannot be repaid, Communist China seeks and seizes on the opportunity. There are many levers that can be pulled.  In exchange for non-payment, assets are taken.  A Port and over 150,000 acres in Sri Lanka, for example. Impoverished by the Covid crisis many are petitioning for debt relief, but China’s answer involves dependency, and a share in the sovereignty of a nation, taking away independence and self-sustaining growth opportunities.  The tentacles of this communist oligarch, as an alternative to democratic methods, has become a formidable rival to America.  We are not in the places where they are. 

Will this Covid pandemic crisis awaken America, our political rivals and entrenched Trump-haters to see what is actually taking place?  Other world leaders need to also take heed. When will ‘Red’ be seen for what it is, what it is doing, and what it can do?  One writer (Tyler Grant of the "Washington Examiner") referred to China as “the true threat to global security and economic autonomy posed by Chinese predatory investment.”  Is the call from Wuhan our alarm ringing?  Has this spread of coronavirus pulled the curtain back on this devious crimson monster?  It only took one sneeze. 

Be smart, be wise, know history, remain independent, be objective, and fight for freedom.

Education Monopoly Exposed in This Covid Time of Crisis

Education Exposed Monopoly in This Covid Time of Crisis

We have experienced first hand what a virus, politicians, health experts, economists and educators can do to each other and the people they serve.  When ‘fear’ can be used, the unknown always suggesting the worst possible outcome, then even more objective thinkers can be swayed.  But there comes a time when the facts become known, the understanding as to contrivances to alter information for purposes other than the general population grows, and a little thinking, discernment and intuition goes a long way in making practical decisions.  Matters become more individual, as they should, and less collective.  The government must never own the individual.  They make every attempt it seems to own the student, suggesting as educators they can do a better job than the parent. When clarity arises the individual regains his strength and want for freedom, while at the same time, the opposing forces, the government, takes exception only to become overly aggressive in exercising power.  It is the nanny state against the personal code. 

Educating Our Children
Having recently read an article about America’s education system during the Wuhan, or if you prefer Covid, pandemic, I am more cognizant of many issues, which all seem to do with money and control.  Prior to the pandemic about 3% of children were homeschooled.  But at its peak it seemed 100% had to be homeschooled.  Most families choose education in government facilities (public schools), paid by our tax dollars.  There are alternatives, such as private and parochial schools, school choice programs, and homeschooling, to include virtual schooling resources.  

Already the government education monopoly is concerned about and increasing percentage of homeschooling when all returns to normal.  If as a many as 2% more families choose to homeschool the monopoly would lose $15 Billion, “because schools are partially funded based on enrollment counts.”  Education is less important than the money.  Even prior to this pandemic crisis the education monopoly has fought school choice programs.  Ask why would any educator not want children taught in environments the parents feel are more beneficial.  It is about the money and the control. Here we go again.

Anti-homeschooling advocates have begun writing opinion pieces expressing concerns such as child abuse, and a child’s right to a meaningful education.  They plan a ‘conference,’ however pro-homeschoolers are not invited.  Then they will publish the results of their conference as proof of their positions, just like climate-change advocates, without adversaries to counter their claims. The article noted that 2/3’s of US students in government systems are not proficient in reading, 1 in 10 will experience sexual misconduct by school employees in HS and in general they are neither academically nor socially better off than those homeschooled.  

Competition for the almighty tax appropriated dollar for schools exists with private and school choice opportunities.  Parents want what is best for their children, so why can’t they choose.  If private they pay extra.  If school choice, they can, if permitted, move their children to a better public school.  Well, for the teachers unions, tenured teachers, and the government monopoly it is not about choosing; it is about the money and opportunities for government power and employment.  If the parent chooses what is best for their kids, the others lose.  Special interest groups, not parents, want children to be their property, but there is the matter of legal parenthood. Whose right is it to educate children, the parents or the government.  The Justice system has ruled.  It is the ‘parent.’  As if this had to be adjudicated!  

Note, again, that Charter Schools (a choice in some areas) receive government funding, while private schools do not.  

During the lockdown there were special interest groups lobbying against virtual Charter School programs, or other virtual schools, resources readily available, that parents considered superior to what the government systems, in some cases mandated, made available.  The virtual Charter Schools were receiving more requests (and added funding), thus their enrollment became greater than before Wuhan.  'What,' cried the liberals.  They should have no more than before.  

Students of private schools were receiving more attention from their faculties during this period of virtuality.  Why you might ask?  Simply because they were at risk of losing those students when schools were ordered open, and thus worked harder to educate. 

This Wuhan may be making all of America’s parents more aware of those opponents to educational freedom; especially as they appear, more obvious, at a time when parents must be the teachers, or teachers assistants.  Consider 'who' is in charge and the reasons why.  Are the employees in government schools thinking 'what is best for the student?'  Some yes, but many, at the union level, and at the upper echelons, not really.  How can we have the 'who' become less self-righteous?  

Choice and freedom is the answer, but also the anathema.

Be free, be independent, be objective, be selective, and be an American.  

Freedoms - From Covid or with Covid

Freedoms - From Covid or with Covid

We have all experienced the lockdown.  After a while many sought more social interaction.  The virus did not seem to be the killer the health professionals suggested.  The politicians jumped on the opportunity to close a vibrant economy.  For the Democrats it was an opportunity to continue the blame Trump game and strip him of his wildly successful prosperity of jobs, using the health emergency to shut it all down.  Trump was aware early and took small steps, but then took bigger steps as the pressure and the advisors whispered fear, fear, death, death, in his ear.  The opportunity for the socialists and the big government advocates ramped up.  Tests for everyone, Masks for everyone.  More ventilators.  Not enough PPE’s!  Restaurants closed.  Arenas closed.  Sports on hold.  Movies, serials, and reruns became a streaming past time. It was Covid-news all day.  Itchy people began to stir.  We are free after all.  Right?

A bar opened in Texas, patrons aware of the virus and the chance they were taking gathering.  The State had not as yet blessed the opening of taverns.  But to a Texan, a bar is their watering hole.  Horses need to drink.  Some of the patrons were armed, which is not uncommon in the Lone Star State.  Saddle up to the bar, and boom, outside arrived S.W.A.T.  What?  Guns drawn.  You are violating the edict to not go to your favorite bar.  You are not free to do so by order of your leader!  Maybe the patrons were not properly observant of the legal hold on their activities, to include their choice to socialize, properly distancing mind you, with others that may or may not be pure.  But to have an armed confrontation over a virus scare.  Now that is going to far.

And there have been others stories, a mom, a hair-dresser, arrested when she needed to feed her children opened her closed establishment, closed by edict, and opened it to gain access for family needs.  She was jailed.  Why can’t willing clients have their hair done.  Mayors are asking citizens to snitch on others for violations. Surveillance, drones, are being used to measure proper distancing and calling in the police when a Dad gets close enough to push his young daughter on a swing. Are we all being asked to be like Adam Schiff?  For heavens sake!  The Park Ranger has power he/she never had before.  Yet the Parks are empty.  Temperature sensors, barriers between work stations, nose guards between shoppers and cashiers, enclosures around diners, outside tables removed, no park benches, no sitting allowed, and golfers cannot even touch any one else’s golf ball.  Instructors must be hands off, or virtual.  What would Biden have been able to do if his hands were tied?  

Opening guidelines are being reviewed.  Slow walk is the mandate.  The number 10 seems to be the occupancy limit.  Now if you have 10 employees you are maxed out, so, for customers you need to layoff staff for each customer you want to shop.  Also do not forget your Business Safety Plan Checklist.  Submit it to your local Public Health Department so you can be on file, for review by lawyers with any whiff of a violation. Big boy stores are another matter.  Just remember, ‘Social Distancing.’ 

As a minimum your local leaders, the first rung of the ladder to a vibrant economic return, will be the first obstacle, then as you climb there will be other rungs, political traffic cones, to maneuver. In many cases the traffic cone can only move when dictates are understood and compliance is assured.  Standing tall, hands folded across their chests, face-masks, an over priced GSA issued glove will reach out to remove the obstacle, while glaring that stare of superiority. Your CSA, Covid Security Agent, will provide the permit. Wait, you need to check temperature. Then you can work, as all the while the GS, whatever number, employee, or CSA, is paid.

Our utopia has become dystopia

If you want to lead a wretched life then move to the Middle East, Iran or North Korea.  Just the little of what we are experiencing when the power rests in the hands of bureaucrats, and I hate to say it but most of the worst examples come from Democrats in New York, Illinois and Chicago, Michigan (the Whitmer curse), Washington State and California. Before the pandemic it was the feces on the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco, but now it is the crap in the governor’s office and CA Democratic House Congress sitters.  The mess in the streets is but a mere matter compared to people on the beaches, runners in the parks, dog-walkers, and certainly church goers.  In Kansas City they are taking names of church attendees.  What about mosque attendees, or better still shoppers at K-Mart, or Costco, even Starbucks.  There is a religion in all those places.  What is it about God that the special interests groups that seek community control, liberation societies, and to be every-others-mothers dislike.  It all has to do with everything already written - choice and freedom. Your choice and your freedom are as to be determined by those selected for you, those which make the special interest groups more special, at least as they perceive their reality. Social Justice Warriors and also now Social Distance Warriors.  Give them a leash, like a dog begging to go, yet they will take you outside when it is convenient for them.

We need to know the 'who' that is watching us.  We also need to vote keeping in mind we are free people.  Do not succumb to the fear and dictates of leftist, socialist, ideologues who see any crisis as their chance to pounce.  They are scaring, pouncing, and lying while people are dying, and not just from a virulent minimally deadly chinese crafted virus.

Be safe, be well, be free, be independent, be objective, and be American.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Where is the Balance - Covid

 Consider a fulcrum or a see-saw.  The center post is the balance point.  On either end we have Lives (or Covid deaths), and the other we have livelihoods (or Jobs lost).  How is this equation solved?  Is the focus to be on a proper balance?  If so, who determines, how is it determined, and what are the determinants? In the past I have estimated, based on jobs lost in our economy (America), as much as $30,000,000 in lost personal wages (on a per annum basis) per Covid death (as reported).  It is quite fair to suggest the Covid death statistics are over-counted.  In addition many of the deaths were due to co-morbidity issues.  Now that is not to say those with other heath problems could not have been properly treated and continued to live, except for the invasive virus that compromised an already compromised physical system.  But given some general acceptance to those factors noted, the total Covid death number would be lower, and consequently the lost payroll (which relates to tax revenues, purchasing power, consumer confidence, travel, family unity and individual health, such as depression) would be higher.  That makes one side of the balance bar, make it the left side, ‘One Covid Death’ and the opposing side, the right side, $30,000,000 to $50,000,000. 

We have had discussions about what happens in the future.  Recently Warren Buffett liquidated his massive portfolio of all airline stocks.  He explained.  The problem for the airlines is not due to their CEO’s.  They are all good managers.  Circumstances beyond their control, as an economy was closed.  Travel, foreign and domestic came to a halt.  Foreign is about ‘0’ today (May 5, 2020), and domestic is at 5-10%. TSA reported processing about 128,000 passengers recently, an uptick from the lows, but compared to the same date the prior year, you would be looking at 2,400,000 flyers.   The residual impact, however, relates to airline traffic recovery.  Business represents 45% of domestic travel, and 55% of income.  That may never fully recover as businesses have discovered Zoom, and other tele-conferencing services, that will reduce business travel in the future.  That leaves confidence to travel.  Domestically it will increase, but for foreign travel that increase will be quite gradual, much more slowly than domestic. For travelers auto traffic in the USA may increase at a greater rate than airline travel. Then consider not only the impact on airlines, the corresponding reduction in aircraft, maintenance, services to travelers, and baggage needs. Buffett does not believe airlines will ever see a return to what was normal in December of 2019.

Add to the right side of the balance bar future business revenue, and not just from airlines.  How will governments handle the decrease in their revenues, at the State and Federal levels.  New York State and Florida have about equal populations (19.5 million versus 21.5 million), yet the budget for NY is double that of Florida. State spending for New York is about double that of Florida ($165 Billion versus $84 Billion).  Can that be explained?  How will NY cope, and why can’t they reduce staff, departments, and more? Many States, it seems mostly Democratic run States, are asking the Federal Government to make up their losses from the Covid crisis.  There are those who go further seeking money to cover their past sins and over-extended pension liabilities. NY expects a $6 Billion shortfall in this year’s budget, and wants US to pay for it.  Add the exposed mis-management of States to the right side of the balance bar.  

Much of what is being suggested is the Economy, the world Economy, was shut down too fast, too soon.  Yes, and I agree with those who would now tell me, but, yes, but, there would be more Covid deaths without sheltering-in-place (I refer to it as aging-in place). There are more as a percentage of the whole in Sweden, see, as they did not close their economy as a whole.  That experiment remains to be fully played out. If we increase the deaths 10-fold (650,000), that means the left side remains at One Covid Death, but the Right side changes to $3,000,000 to $5,000,000.  Is that a better balance?  Now to the Right we have not added anything for lost Future costs, to include increased size of government, taxes, rules and regulations, and less freedoms. 

Help me see this all more clearly.  Add justifications for actions taken, a more Orweillian (1984) and Huxley (Brave New World) view of the New World, and consider financial and physical (human) impacts from steps taken.

Your thoughts?