Thursday, May 7, 2020

Freedoms - From Covid or with Covid

Freedoms - From Covid or with Covid

We have all experienced the lockdown.  After a while many sought more social interaction.  The virus did not seem to be the killer the health professionals suggested.  The politicians jumped on the opportunity to close a vibrant economy.  For the Democrats it was an opportunity to continue the blame Trump game and strip him of his wildly successful prosperity of jobs, using the health emergency to shut it all down.  Trump was aware early and took small steps, but then took bigger steps as the pressure and the advisors whispered fear, fear, death, death, in his ear.  The opportunity for the socialists and the big government advocates ramped up.  Tests for everyone, Masks for everyone.  More ventilators.  Not enough PPE’s!  Restaurants closed.  Arenas closed.  Sports on hold.  Movies, serials, and reruns became a streaming past time. It was Covid-news all day.  Itchy people began to stir.  We are free after all.  Right?

A bar opened in Texas, patrons aware of the virus and the chance they were taking gathering.  The State had not as yet blessed the opening of taverns.  But to a Texan, a bar is their watering hole.  Horses need to drink.  Some of the patrons were armed, which is not uncommon in the Lone Star State.  Saddle up to the bar, and boom, outside arrived S.W.A.T.  What?  Guns drawn.  You are violating the edict to not go to your favorite bar.  You are not free to do so by order of your leader!  Maybe the patrons were not properly observant of the legal hold on their activities, to include their choice to socialize, properly distancing mind you, with others that may or may not be pure.  But to have an armed confrontation over a virus scare.  Now that is going to far.

And there have been others stories, a mom, a hair-dresser, arrested when she needed to feed her children opened her closed establishment, closed by edict, and opened it to gain access for family needs.  She was jailed.  Why can’t willing clients have their hair done.  Mayors are asking citizens to snitch on others for violations. Surveillance, drones, are being used to measure proper distancing and calling in the police when a Dad gets close enough to push his young daughter on a swing. Are we all being asked to be like Adam Schiff?  For heavens sake!  The Park Ranger has power he/she never had before.  Yet the Parks are empty.  Temperature sensors, barriers between work stations, nose guards between shoppers and cashiers, enclosures around diners, outside tables removed, no park benches, no sitting allowed, and golfers cannot even touch any one else’s golf ball.  Instructors must be hands off, or virtual.  What would Biden have been able to do if his hands were tied?  

Opening guidelines are being reviewed.  Slow walk is the mandate.  The number 10 seems to be the occupancy limit.  Now if you have 10 employees you are maxed out, so, for customers you need to layoff staff for each customer you want to shop.  Also do not forget your Business Safety Plan Checklist.  Submit it to your local Public Health Department so you can be on file, for review by lawyers with any whiff of a violation. Big boy stores are another matter.  Just remember, ‘Social Distancing.’ 

As a minimum your local leaders, the first rung of the ladder to a vibrant economic return, will be the first obstacle, then as you climb there will be other rungs, political traffic cones, to maneuver. In many cases the traffic cone can only move when dictates are understood and compliance is assured.  Standing tall, hands folded across their chests, face-masks, an over priced GSA issued glove will reach out to remove the obstacle, while glaring that stare of superiority. Your CSA, Covid Security Agent, will provide the permit. Wait, you need to check temperature. Then you can work, as all the while the GS, whatever number, employee, or CSA, is paid.

Our utopia has become dystopia

If you want to lead a wretched life then move to the Middle East, Iran or North Korea.  Just the little of what we are experiencing when the power rests in the hands of bureaucrats, and I hate to say it but most of the worst examples come from Democrats in New York, Illinois and Chicago, Michigan (the Whitmer curse), Washington State and California. Before the pandemic it was the feces on the streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco, but now it is the crap in the governor’s office and CA Democratic House Congress sitters.  The mess in the streets is but a mere matter compared to people on the beaches, runners in the parks, dog-walkers, and certainly church goers.  In Kansas City they are taking names of church attendees.  What about mosque attendees, or better still shoppers at K-Mart, or Costco, even Starbucks.  There is a religion in all those places.  What is it about God that the special interests groups that seek community control, liberation societies, and to be every-others-mothers dislike.  It all has to do with everything already written - choice and freedom. Your choice and your freedom are as to be determined by those selected for you, those which make the special interest groups more special, at least as they perceive their reality. Social Justice Warriors and also now Social Distance Warriors.  Give them a leash, like a dog begging to go, yet they will take you outside when it is convenient for them.

We need to know the 'who' that is watching us.  We also need to vote keeping in mind we are free people.  Do not succumb to the fear and dictates of leftist, socialist, ideologues who see any crisis as their chance to pounce.  They are scaring, pouncing, and lying while people are dying, and not just from a virulent minimally deadly chinese crafted virus.

Be safe, be well, be free, be independent, be objective, and be American.

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