Monday, May 11, 2020

Democraps for China (That's Democrats, opps!)

Democraps for China

What Gives?
What is with this political Democratic Party? We are all now aware of China’s role in the spread of the Covid19 virus from Wuhan, China. And ‘all’ includes Democrats, those that have ears anyway. The unknown, or the $250 billon trade question, is whether it came from a laboratory, or a wet market. But the overt actions to cover up this virulent invader and actually prepare China for the spread has been made clear. China was buying and hoarding N95 face masks well before any of us were told we needed them. Now they sell them at inflated prices and to countries that agree to back China’s claim, that is that this pandemic is not their fault, and did not emanate from a Wuhan bio-lab.

To Be the World’s Greatest
China is poised to colonize opportune weak Sovereign pockets throughout our universe where resources abound and strategic land or sea present themselves. XI is looking more like North Korea’s little man, fat boy, each day, large and in charge.  America can take credit for aiding a Communist Nation entering the trade arena of capitalism to employ and enrich its people. However private investment beginning in the agricultural segments of China, beginning in the late 1970’s, gets the bulk of the credit.  China became more liberal allowing citizens to prosper from their industrious ways, all the while political liberalization never occurred. They have prospered. But any hope for a peace loving, or just embracing, China has dimmed.  They see their future and it sits atop the food and trade chain.  As a world leader they are and will be, and remain quite different from an American, even Christian, ideal. It is power and control versus freedom and independence. Their form of Communism is being spread. 

A warning comes from Michael Pillsbury’s book, The Hundred-Year Marathon, China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower. One person wrote a review on Amazon, “This book is a real eye opener. It reveals a completely different China. USA needs to wake up and quit assuming China is sold on capitalism. They are no where close to practicing capitalism. Also, they do not accept our ethical standards.” A few more, “Good explanation of China's strategy by a recognized expert. Makes you wonder why the U.S. continues to trade with China which only helps the Chinese Communist Party continue their quest for world domination.” And, “Pillsbury emphasizes how American policy makers and advisors fell for a deceptive (and self-deceptive) narrative that China was becoming a democratic state and would soon be a friend of the US and the West, in spite of growing evidence to the contrary.” One more, “Even though the old communist China has gone through great promising changes since the late 70‘s, which led many experts to develop an optimistic view upon its alignment to the Westerner way of life, it seems that the country is being directed by some hidden forces (the ultranationalists hawks) towards another direction, one that shall defy the hegemonic power position of U.S. in the near future. Through well-grounded positioning upon deep analysis of information that could only have been provided by a former high ranked world class spy, the author himself, the reader will have access to an uncommon and intriguing perspective about what is going on in China nowadays.”

In summary China is not a friend of America. It will be friendly as necessary. But when it comes to advances in technology, health care, energy, communications and surveillance, et al, they will do whatever it takes, spying and thievery as required, to get ahead of the curve and stay ahead of the curve. They love having a presence in the United States, in colleges and universities, medical laboratories, technology companies, and government. They will be direct participants and indirect, as drivers, aides, and secretaries. There are many Chinese loyalists sharing what they see, photograph, and hear, even on front lines as hands on developers, with their mother nation. There is suspicion also they are implanting listening and video devices in equipment made in China, purchased and used by American entities, corporate, private and government. 

Democrats Hands Are Soiled
With all this said, why, why, why are Democrats joining forces, holding hands, sharing talking points favoring China over the current administrations recent expressed valid concerns over China’s anti-Americanism. 

In May, Devin Nunes, on the Ingraham Angle (TV show) commented, “"We (Republicans) were actually the first to announce that we had a 5G problem. We talked about the Huawei and ZTE problems. We continued that all through 2015 and '16. And then, lo and behold, Donald Trump was elected and we were continuing it into 2017.  That's when the Democrats decided that they wanted to play with like the Russian Nesting Dolls all the time. And, we convened a series of hearings, but the hearings got hijacked and they began to subpoena this Russian agent, that Russian agent, and they blew the whole thing apart.” Nunes said that while the Republican members did submit a classified report to the Trump administration on threats posed by China last Congress (2017), the Democrats didn't take it seriously. Further, he noted, “We continued to run our own investigation because the Democrats, you know, they're too busy playing, I would say Russian Roulette, with the Chinese. They don't take it seriously," 

The Trump haters just cannot help themselves. As a result they seem to embrace, even defend, subversive activities from foreign entities, and not only China, but Iran (Feinstein proposing $5 billion for this terrorist haven as a measure to help their Covid dilemma), and Islam (Islamists) as a religion to the detriment of American ideals and our Constitution. They continue to cater to the Obama idea that America is not that great. Consider the Democrats position welcoming more immigration, opposition to the Wall, and advocacy for sanctuary cities and apply that to China and Islam.  This is not simply identity politics; this is borderline subversive.  It is politics for selfish goals, and not for American ideals. 

Cavet Emptor
But before we go all out against China we must consider consequences, be realistic and practical. The WSJ (Sunday May 10, 2020), article, “A Cold War with China Would be a Mistake,” wrote, “Af­ter all, even if the U.S. suc­cess­fully countered China, our se­cu­rity and pros­per­ity could still plum­met due to fu­ture pan­demics, cli­mate change, cy­ber­at­tacks, ter­ror­ism and the spread or even the use of nuclear weapons. The con­clu­sion to draw from to­day’s cri­sis is clear: Amer­ica needs to fo­cus not just on di­rectly ad­dress­ing such global chal­lenges but on en­hancing our com­pet­i­tive­ness and re­silience in fac­ing them.”

But the Democrats need to jump on board, or be left behind. Americans for America are turning against the Democratic Party that has habitually favored their agenda, mostly an anti-Trump war with a distorted battlefield ignoring reality, truth, our borders, our Constitution, our leadership role in the world and the security of our citizens. In the voting booth this fall I suspect this quiet revolution against Democrats, Senate and Congressional seats, will find Trump’s coattail is more like a train. 

The BBC recently noted, “A Pew opinion survey last month (April 2020) found that two-thirds of Americans, a historic high, view China unfavourably. But roughly the same margin of poll respondents said they believed Mr Trump acted too slowly to contain the pandemic.”  Democrat’s condemned Trump’s travel restriction on 1/31/2020 on China as xenophobic and unnecessary, but now spread their lies that his actions were not fast enough. Hypocrisy in action.

You Have the Voice by Voting
Be aware, elected officials, you as the one pushing the level or filling in the boxes, should be (I feel they must be) patriotic America loving supporters above all else. They need to favor free enterprise. Incentives are to be designed to encourage Made-in-America, efficiency of production, and sourcing as much as possible within our borders, from resources, to manufacturing to labor. Attitudes within our boundaries and from foreign entities that are anti-American, socialistic, and hate-fueled must be curbed. We need the Make America Great forever proponents in government, from local to State to National offices. We do not need any that favor China, Russia, Iran, Islam, Communism, Socialism, Taliban, ISIS or foreign centers of hatred towards America and the ideals of freedom and peace we embrace.  Maybe we should fear voter fraud more than the Wuhan virus. 

Be smart. Be informed. Be independent. Help clean the swamp. Stay free. Peace my brethren. 

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